Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C397 My Wife Needs to Tell the Truth

C397 My Wife Needs to Tell the Truth

0Dai Shiyi was so scared that she almost lost her three souls. Chung Rann was afraid that Dai Shiyi would get hurt again and pulled her over.    


She asked Dai Shiyi worriedly, "Are you alright?"    


"No... I'm fine." Dai Shiyi's lips were trembling and her eyes were wide open.    


Chung Rann still had a few unsolved problems and she said to Dai Shiyi.    


"You go there and wait for me. Take this. If anyone dares to come over, stab at his body. Don't be soft-hearted."    


As she spoke, Dai Shiyi saw Chung Rann pass a knife over. When Dai Shiyi saw the knife, she was so scared that she almost threw it away.    


"I... I don't dare."    


"If you don't dare, then just wait for the end. Quickly take it."    


Chung Rann forcefully stuffed the knife into Dai Shiyi's hand.    


The man in the cap was already lying on the ground moaning in pain. He really did not expect that this woman's martial arts would be so good. No wonder she was not afraid at all just now.    


Normal people would be so scared that their legs would soften. How could they be so calm? This woman was indeed different.    


There was a man who wanted to sneak attack Chung Rann. Chung Rann had long noticed it. She turned her body sideways and grabbed the man's arm with one hand. She flew up and kicked him.    


That man directly fell to the ground and did not move at all.    


Dai Shiyi who was watching by the side was stunned. Was this a woman? No, this could be a superman.    


The ground was a mess. These people were beaten to the ground by Chung Rann and could not get up. Chung Rann's eyes had a murderous look. She walked in front of the man in the cap and slowly squatted down. Suddenly, she grabbed his neck and her voice was as cold as ice.    


"Who sent you?"    


The man in the cap noticed Chung Rann's eyes and his pupils were trembling.    


"It's... It's a woman with the surname Nie. She asked us to lure you out and let us toy with you. We can take some photos of you and send them to her."    


Chung Rann narrowed her eyes and very quickly knew who this woman with the surname Nie was. Who else could it be but Nie Qianyu?    


She asked again, "How much did she give you?"    


"One hundred thousand."    


The corner of Chung Rann's mouth rose, but her face was full of gloominess. She snorted coldly.    


"She is generous but she only gave one hundred thousand to me if she wants my photo. How about this, I will give you one hundred and fifty thousand. You guys return what she said to you guys to her in the same way. Do you understand?"    


The man in the cap was stunned. There was such a method.    


Chung Rann knew that these people did not have any credibility, so she even threw out a sentence.    


"If you don't do as I say, then I can only hand today's video to the police."    


The man in the cap suddenly laughed out loud, as if he had regained his confidence.    


"Are you joking with me? How can you have the video? Didn't you already..."    


"I don't have one here, but I have a camera on me."    


As she spoke, Chung Rann pulled down the button on her collar. If one didn't look carefully, one really wouldn't know that there was a camera on it.    


The cap almost wanted to slap itself twice. If they had known that this woman was so easy to deal with, they wouldn't have accepted this task.    


She was about to throw herself into it.    


What else could they do? They couldn't really be sent in. They had kidnapped her.    


He could only bite the bullet and say, "Okay, we promise you, but you have to give me a portion of the money. Who knows if you will run away when the time comes."    


This woman was clearly not a good person. He had to learn to be smart.    


Chung Rann was not afraid that these people would run away. It was too easy to find them.    


She threw a card on the ground. "There are fifty thousand here. I will give the rest to you after it is done. Also, you better ask who is behind her to do this."    


With Nie Qianyu's financial ability, she would not be able to take out so much money. There must be an accomplice behind it.    


The man in the cap agreed. "Okay."    


Chung Rann walked over and pulled the trembling Nie Qianyu, "Are you alright?"    


"No... I'm fine."    


Although she said so, she was already extremely frightened in her heart. Her legs were still weak. She had never seen such a scene before. She had always thought that these scenes would only happen in television dramas. She had never thought that it would actually happen in real life.    


The last time Chung Rann fought with that noble wife's subordinate, although it was very hard to believe, there were only three people on the other side. It was also Chung Rann who was powerful, but this time...    


Dai Shiyi swept a circle of the crowd on the ground. There were at least 20 people and all of them were knocked down by Chung Rann.    


She had just personally seen Chung Rann's skills. One blow was fatal, and her throat was bleeding. She did not give anyone any leeway to retaliate.    


Chung Rann supported Dai Shiyi out of the car and only then did she notice that there was a piece of skin on her head that looked a little deep. It must have been caused by the friction with those people just now.    


"Let's go to the pharmacy to deal with it first?"    


Dai Shiyi was still a little confused and she subconsciously reached out to touch her forehead but Chung Rann pulled her hand.    


"Don't touch it, be careful of infection."    


"Chung Rann, thank you for today. If it wasn't for you, I might have..."    


"This has nothing to do with you. I just said that these people are coming for me. It's just that you are close to me in the company."    


Chung Rann was also glad that Dai Shiyi was not hurt. Otherwise, she would definitely feel guilty.    


She did not like to bring trouble to others and of course, she did not want others to bring her trouble.    


Dai Shiyi sat in the car and slowly recovered. Only then did she think of the person who kidnapped them and turned her head to ask Chung Rann.    


"Is it Nie Qianyu who found the person?"    


"Yes, it was only her. If it was someone else, they would not know that you were close to me in the company."    


Nie Qianyu also knew that it would not be easy to lure her there. She could only find a middleman. After all, no one would leave a person's life there.    


When Nie Qianyu was mentioned, Dai Shiyi was filled with anger.    


"Why is her heart so bad? After all, she was a colleague in the past. Even if she leaves the company, there is no need to do this. She still wants to insult your innocence. She is not afraid of going to jail."    


Chung Rann mocked, "For a person like her, what is there to be afraid of going to jail? She has already broken the jar. Some people are like this. They do not have the courage to do such a thing. What they don't know is that once the matter is exposed, they will not be able to bear the consequences. "    


Fenng Moye saw that Chung Rann hadn't returned yet, so he called her.    


Chung Rann glanced at the phone and saw that it was Fenng Moye. She slid down the answer button with one hand and put it beside her ear.    




"Why aren't you back yet? Did something happen to your wife?"    


"It's nothing. It's just a small problem. I've already dealt with it. I'll tell you when I come back. I'll hang up first."    


Dai Shiyi was in the car and Chung Rann was not in a position to talk about this matter in detail.    


After hanging up the phone, Dai Shiyi carefully asked, "Chung Rann, it is so late. Is there anything Director Fenng wants to talk to you about?"    


From Chung Rann's tone, it did not seem like Director Fenng was talking to her about something.    


Instead, it was more like the two of them were intimately discussing when to go home.    


But she did not dare to make wild guesses. It could not be that the two of them really had some kind of relationship. Just Dai Shiyi's speculation made her scalp tingle. There should not be any.    


But she still could not help but ask, "Chung Rann, you and Director Fenng... The two of you are not dating, right?"    




Dai Shiyi heaved a sigh of relief. "I knew it. How could the two of you be..."    


"We are husband and wife."    


"What?" ___ asked.    


Dai Shiyi heard it as if she had seen a ghost. She almost suspected that her ears were hearing things.    


Chung Rann did not repeat it. She knew that Dai Shiyi heard it but she was not willing to believe it.    


A few minutes later, Dai Shiyi finally recovered.    


"Are you really husband and wife? But I never mentioned it before."    


Chung Rann smiled calmly. "If I had told you earlier, would those female colleagues in the company want to eat me?"    


Dai Shiyi suddenly realized, "I think they would."    


It was not that she did not know about the group of women in the company. Their jealousy was strong and they could not see who was better than who.    


"I hope you don't tell anyone about this matter."    


She didn't want to get into trouble for no reason.    


Dai Shiyi hurriedly waved her hand. "Don't worry, don't worry. I will definitely not tell anyone about this."    


The reason Chung Rann told Dai Shiyi about it was because she was so afraid that she still wanted to help her today. This proved that this girl had a good heart and was a loyal person.    


No matter how long they were with each other, they could not only look at the surface. They had to look at what she would do when she was in trouble. Some people would even stab her in the back. She had met many such people.    


"En, I believe you. After buying the medicine, I will send you back first. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will handle it well."    


"Then... Then will Nie Qianyu take revenge on you again? Why don't we just forget about it. Chung Rann, they didn't get what they wanted anyway. "    


Dai Shiyi was still a little afraid. She was afraid that Nie Qianyu would take revenge on them when the time came. After all, the enemy was in the dark and they were in the open.    


But she did not understand Chung Rann's character. She was not the kind of person who would tolerate being bullied by others. Furthermore, she was not the kind of person who was afraid of others taking revenge. If Nie Qianyu dared to take revenge, she would let that woman receive a tragic lesson and would never dare to provoke her again in the future.    


Chung Rann said to her, "Don't worry. If she dares to take revenge, I will make sure that she will never be able to continue living in this industry."    


If Nie Qianyu still did not know how to restrain herself this time, then he really would not be able to do anything about it. He would be courting death and no one would be able to stop him.    


Dai Shiyi really envied Chung Rann's brave and straightforward temperament. She did not have the courage. She was afraid that Nie Qianyu would find someone to harm her again.    


But there was always a trace of hostility on Chung Rann's body. It was just like if you dare to provoke me, even if I have to fight to the death with you, I will not let you take advantage of me.    


With this kind of temper and personality, she would not be able to learn and also would not be able to learn.    


Chung Rann sent Dai Shiyi home and knew that she was timid and even comforted her a little.    


"Every injustice has its debtor. The person they are looking for is me. They will not find trouble with you again. Don't worry."    


"Thank you, Chung Rann."    


He said, "Go back and have a good rest."    


Chung Rann sent Dai Shiyi back with her eyes before following her back to the Fenng family.    



Just as they stepped into the doorway, they saw Fenng Moye sitting on a chair in the living room. There were documents on the table. It seemed that he had not finished his work yet, but why did he suddenly come downstairs?    


Chung Rann swung the car keys and walked up with a calm expression on her face.    


"Why did you change the place?"    


"Of course it was to wait for you to go home first and see what time it is."    


Fenng Moye frowned and pointed at the watch on his wrist. It could be seen that he was a little unhappy.    


Chung Rann knew it was very late now and also knew that Fenng Moye was worried about her safety.    


She walked to Fenng Moye and stretched out her hand, wrapped it around his neck, and whispered in his ear.    


"Didn't you just send Dai Shiyi back?"    


"What are you busy with?"    


Furthermore, he smelled blood on Chung Rann's body.    


Chung Rann did not want Fenng Moye to worry and also felt that this was a small matter, so she did not tell him in detail.    


"It was just that you chatted with me for a while. It was nothing."    


Fenng Moye didn't get angry. He just pulled Chung Rann's arm. His warm fingers touched Chung Rann's abdomen. His voice was low and deep with a bit of probing.    


"Wife, you have to tell the truth."    


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