Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C392 Always Pestering Me

C392 Always Pestering Me

0Both of them were stunned. Fenng Yanfei tilted her head and said to Chung Rann, "Why don't we call a substitute driver."    


"En, okay."    


Because both of them knew that Fenng Moye had been very busy with work these two days and might not be able to care about them.    


Fenng Yanfei was about to make a phone call when Duan Youlin suddenly came out from behind.    


"Let's send you guys off."    


Fenng Yanfei was shocked by the sudden voice. She turned her head and saw that it was Duan Youlin and said snappily.    


"Who wants you to send them off? Besides, didn't you also drink wine?"    


Duan Youlin's hand was leaning on Fang Shuai's shoulder, and he seemed to be proud of himself.    


"I did, but he didn't drink it. He can give it to you."    


"No need, we will call for a ride."    


Chung Rann decisively refused.    


Fenng Yanfei understood Chung Rann's meaning and continued to make calls. Who knew that at this time of the day, substitute drivers seemed to be scarce and not easy to find. She had already made a round of phone calls but it seemed that there was no one to answer the orders.    


Duan Youlin saw that they did not manage to contact the drivers and instantly felt that even the heavens were helping him.    


"I told you guys that at this time of the day, there is no one to drive for you. You guys still don't listen. Rather than wasting time here, why not we send you? It might be almost there."    


Chung Rann's patience had run out and she directly gave Duan Youlin a cold look.    


"Shut up!"    


Duan Youlin obediently shut up.    


Fang Shuai was laughing secretly on the side. Duan Youlin raised his hand and patted him.    


"If you laugh again, I'll beat you up."    


"No, why do I feel that you are so afraid of your sister?"    


Duan Youlin cast a sidelong glance at Fang Shuai. "Nonsense, she really wants to beat me up. Don't tell me you are not afraid of her. If you are not afraid, why don't you let her kick you again?"    


Fang Shuai remembered that Chung Rann kicked him just now. Up until now, that place still hurt. He hurriedly shook his head.    


"Forget it. My body can't take two kicks from her."    


Duan Youlin lightly patted his shoulder. "It's good that you know."    


Fenng Yanfei searched on the phone for a long time but did not see anything. Although she did not want Duan Youlin to send her, it seemed that there was no car that could pass by now.    


She turned her head and said to Chung Rann, "Sister-in-law, why don't we just give it to them for a while and let them send it? Otherwise, we can only let brother come."    


However, Fenng Yanfei knew Fenng Moye's character well. Once he entered into working mode, it was as if he was isolated from the outside world.    


Chung Rann also did not want to call Ho Chuan over at this time. At that time, she was afraid that Fenng Yanfei would become suspicious.    


"Alright, let the two of them send him off."    


Duan Youlin's face was full of excitement. This was simply heaven helping them. He tilted his head and nudged Fang Shuai.    


"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and go up."    


Fang Shuai pouted with a face full of unwillingness.    


"You want to give your own sister and drag me along. I don't care, treat me to a drink next time."    


"That's enough. Do you need that bit of money to drink?"    


Duan Youlin kicked Fang Shuai into the car.    


After getting into the car, Chung Rann and Fenng Yanfei sat in the back seat. Duan Youlin switched on the chatterbox mode again.    


"Sister, what are you guys doing here today?"    


"Call me by my name." Chung Rann coldly refused. She did not like Duan Youlin calling her sister as soon as he came up. Furthermore, they had never met before, and they had never gotten along with each other. It was ridiculous to call them by blood.    


Not a single one of the Duan family had a good intention for her. They just wanted to make use of her.    


Duan Youlin shrunk his neck and said, "Alright. Ms Rann, you are older than me. I can't just call you by your name. How rude of you."    


Ever since Fenng Yanfei saw the article published by the media last time, she probably knew what was going on between her sister-in-law and the Duan family. Since she was her sister-in-law's loyal fan, she had to think for her sister-in-law.    


She reminded Duan Youlin," Even if you don't want my sister-in-law to return to the Duan family, and don't want to be her family, you can't use her like this. We, the Fenng family, are not to be trifled with. "    


Duan Youlin almost jumped up when he heard what Fenng Yanfei said.    


"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I use her?"    


"Did I say anything about you? I'm talking about your Duan family."    


When Fenng Yanfei saw Duan Youlin, their magnetic field seemed to be very different. It was easy for them to quarrel. No matter what she said, it was wrong.    


Duan Youlin was too lazy to argue with her. The main thing he wanted to do was to find out which way to start the fight. He wanted to see if Fenng Moye could change his decision.    


He started to find another topic again. "Ms Rann, how about we do this? In the future, we will not interfere with each other's business. We will not interfere with each other's business."    


Chung Rann frowned. "Duan Youlin, this kind of thing is not something you can decide. You cannot decide. Don't you know what the Duan family is planning? I don't think I need to tell you what your father wants me to do by sending me back to the Duan family. You know it yourself."    


She didn't have to worry about anyone else in the car. After all, this was Duan Youlin's idea, so she had nothing to hide.    


Indeed, Duan Youlin couldn't stop his father, but he wanted to acknowledge this sister from the bottom of his heart.    



He suddenly thought of a way. "Ms Rann, why don't we do this? The two of us will acknowledge us. We don't care about them, but if the Duan family wants to hurt you, I will definitely stand on your side."    


When Fenng Yanfei heard this, she felt like laughing.    


"Little Master of the Duan family, are you still living in a fairy tale? You are directly related to the Duan family, and all of them are your family members. My sister-in-law and the Duan family, apart from a tiny bit of funny blood relation... The rest of it is just empty words. You said that you would help her... How can you help? Are you helping to say a few good words in front of your parents? Sorry, my sister-in-law doesn't need it. She doesn't lack family. She doesn't lack people who love her either."    


Fenng Yanfei's words really touched Chung Rann's heart, especially the last sentence. She only felt a warm current gradually melting her cold heart.    


In the past, she never hoped that there would be someone who could love her. Because to her, this was... It was too far away, and she was unwilling to spend time and energy looking forward to such a person. Putting aside whether she would be disappointed or not, she might not be able to wait for him. It would hurt.    


Duan Youlin was suddenly rendered speechless by Fenng Yanfei.    


The car quickly arrived at the entrance of Fenng family. Chung Rann and Fenng Yanfei got out of the car.    


Duan Youlin waved at Chung Rann, "Sister, I will go back first. See you another day."    


Chung Rann was too lazy to reply and went in with Fenng Yanfei without even looking back.    


Fenng Yanfei felt that there were some things she wanted to say, although her attitude towards Duan Youlin was not much better.    


"Sister-in-law, I feel that this brat seems to really like you."    


Chung Rann asked curiously, "Why do you think so?"    


"Because I seem to see myself in him back then. When I admired you. It was also like this. In my heart, there was only you. When I saw you, his eyes were glowing. Perhaps he didn't help the Duan family. However, I don't think I can help him in such an environment. "    


Chung Rann's gaze fell on Fenng Yanfei and her cold eyes had a trace of complicated light.    


Fenng Yanfei saw that Chung Rann did not speak and only then did she raise her head and their gazes met.    


"What is it, sister-in-law, why are you looking at me with this kind of gaze?"    


Did she say something wrong just now?    


Chung Rann shook her head and raised her hand to rub Fenng Yanfei's head for the first time.    


"It's nothing. I just feel that you have suddenly grown up and become sensible."    


It turned out that Fenng Yanfei was not as unreasonable as she looked on the surface. It was just that in front of Duan Youlin, she would definitely stand on her own side.    


She had seen Duan Youlin's attitude towards her during this period of time. In the beginning, she was really against this strange little brother of hers, but after a few interactions, she found that his temperament was quite similar to Fenng Yanfei's.    


When Fenng Yanfei heard Chung Rann praise her, it was as if she had eaten honey. That was called excitement.    


"Sister-in-law, I'm almost embarrassed from the praise."    


"Go back to your room to rest first. I still have some work to do."    


Other than working in the company, Chung Rann did not miss out on any projects.    


Fenng Yanfei also wanted to go back to her room and start two live broadcasts. "Okay, then I will go back to my room first."    


Chung Rann had just opened the door when her phone rang. It was Ho Chuan calling. Usually, Ho Chuan would look for her at this time for something.    


She slid down the answer button. "What's wrong?"    


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