Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C140 Zhang Xuan Was Extremely Arrogant

C140 Zhang Xuan Was Extremely Arrogant

0Chung Rann wasn't afraid of Fenng Moye. She just didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble. After all, she was the one who was heartless. She cut off Fenng Moye's project halfway and now she still had to sign the project ahead of others.    


This was undoubtedly challenging Fenng Moye's dignity.    


However, since things had already come to this point, there was no turning back. Chung Rann couldn't care less.    


He would take the project first. Even if Fenng Moye knew, he would not be able to find out who did it.    


The next day, Chung Rann went out early in the morning and met up with Ho Chuan and the others.    


Ho Chuan saw that Chung Rann still had her original appearance. "Boss, are you sure you want to go so directly? When others ask about you and describe your appearance, even if Fenng Moye is a fool, he would be able to guess that it was you."    


"You are the fool. Don't talk about him like that."    


Chung Rann subconsciously opened her mouth and could not help but pat Ho Chuan's head.    


Ho Chuan stared at Chung Rann as if he had seen a ghost. "Boss, what is wrong with you? Why are you protecting him now?"    


Only now did Chung Rann realize that she had inexplicably said what she had just said. Given her character, it was impossible for her to protect anyone. Why was she so unhappy when Ho Chuan was talking about Fenng Moye just now?    


She came back to her senses. "Don't say anything useless here. Hurry up and give me the plan. Then you drive later. I'll clean up in the car."    


"What do you want to do?"    


"Do you want me to go like this?" She had to clean up. It was not to the extent that when Fenng Moye asked her about him, she would tell him clearly about his appearance.    


"Alright. Boss, you should dress up."    


Ho Chuan drove to the agreed place. Chung Rann sat in the back seat and put on makeup. She then took out the clothes that she had prepared.    


"Chuan Er, put down the curtain."    


Ho Chuan pressed a switch in the car. The back seat was completely separated from the front seat.    


Chung Rann had found someone to design this for the purpose of solving the problem of dressing up and changing in the car when she was too busy.    


When they arrived at the destination, Ho Chuan reminded Chung Rann who was behind him.    


"Boss, we are already here. We have to hurry. I heard that your husband also made an appointment with a business partner at nine o'clock."    


In the end, they were stealing other people's plans. They had to be fast, ruthless, and accurate.    


"Got it. Don't rush us."    


Two minutes later, Chung Rann opened the car door. Ho Chuan had been waiting by the door for a long time.    


Chung Rann lowered her head and tidied up. She walked to Ho Chuan and patted his shoulder.    


"Let's go."    


"You women are too... F * ck, boss, are you trying to scare me to death? "    


Before Ho Chuan could finish his sentence, he was shocked by Chung Rann's attire.    


"You're not here to negotiate the contract. You're here to carry a knife and chop people, right?"    


Although he admitted that their boss's makeup and disguise skills were quite good, and he could have whatever style he wanted, but this...    


She was dressed in a black suit and her hair was combed to the back, making her skin appear fairer and fairer. Just by looking at her, she did not even need to wear special clothing to feel a chill spreading through her body.    


Chung Rann put on the sunglasses and the atmosphere of society could be seen at a glance.    


Ho Chuan looked around Chung Rann and said, "Boss, if I did not know that you got into my car, I would have thought that someone else would come out."    


It was completely different from her usual cold style.    


Chung Rann raised her chin and said, "You can't recognize me, right?"    


Ho Chuan clapped his hands. "I don't think you need to worry about running into your husband. Even if he stood in front of you, he wouldn't be able to recognize him. He's beyond A."    


Chung Rann also took out a piece of wood sugar from her bag and threw it into her mouth. The corners of her lips curled up and she looked very evil.    


"Let's go."    


Ho Chuan looked at Chung Rann's proud and straight back and could not help but sigh, "This is the style of the boss."    


The moment the two of them entered the coffee shop, they attracted a large number of curious eyes. Chung Rann had her own aura, and with the way she dressed today, it was totally a one-sided slaughter.    


Wait. When he pushed open the door to the private room, the partners inside were still shocked when they saw Chung Rann.    


Because he never thought that the person who came to talk about cooperation would be such a person.    


Chung Rann went forward and shook hands with the partner. "Hello Director Huang. I am the person in charge of Xingjun Group. My surname is He."    


When Ho Chuan heard this surname, he was slightly stunned. Why did boss steal his name? Last time he used Cheng's name again.    


It was estimated that these partners did not know that the result of working with them was the same person.    


Huang Ming nodded. "Miss He is indeed young and promising. It is not bad to have such a big reputation at such a young age."    


"It's because of life." Chung Rann half-jokingly sat down, then took out the plan and went straight to the point.    


"This is the revised proposal for this cooperation. Take a look."    


Huang Ming took it and looked at it. Chung Rann was drinking coffee calmly at the side. She did not look nervous at all, as if she was determined to get this cooperation.    


During this time, Huang Ming also sized up Chung Rann. She had a cold and arrogant temperament, but it could be seen that she was only about 20 years old. However, her eyes seemed to hide a lot of things. There was not the slightest bit of immaturity. Instead, it made people feel that she was very reliable.    


This time Chung Rann chose a newly developed subsidiary company under her name to work with because the main company was already in a saturated state. Furthermore, their Xingjun had recently developed a tourism industry.    


She had long taken a liking to this piece of land, but this Huang Ming's requirements for this cooperation was too high. Furthermore, he did not give a fixed standard. She did not have a standard and could only blindly run around.    



According to the information she found, Fenng Moye had completely grasped the standard given by Huang Ming and had already formulated a plan. She took a look at it at the same time.    


This plan was another one, but she could see the shadow of Fenng Moye's previous plan. However, this could only be seen by Fenng Moye himself.    


Huang Ming was very satisfied after reading it, but there was one more thing that he was hesitant about.    


"I also asked Director Fenng from Fenng's Corporation to meet here today. I also want to compare their proposal, but I can promise you that the partners will be chosen from your two companies. Why don't we wait for Director Fenng?"    


How could Chung Rann wait for Fenng Moye to come? When Fenng Moye came and saw the plan, she would definitely skin him alive.    


She smiled faintly. "My proposal will definitely give this project the greatest advantage, and our price will definitely be lower than Fenng Moye's. Choosing us is the most cost-effective and the best."    


The Fenng's Corporation had become the leader of the industry over the past few years. Naturally, their standards were also extremely high. Even if they wanted to cooperate with any company, the price they proposed was far higher than the overall price of this industry by 20%.    


However, the Fenng's Corporation was amazing. As long as the cooperation was achieved, they would definitely let you make profits, and sometimes even double.    


This was also the reason why many partners would rather pay a high price to cooperate with the Fenng's Corporation.    


The price of Chung Rann's main company was also not bad, but the branch company was still in the beginning stage. It was not easy to raise the starting price too high, but her ability was still there. As long as Huang Ming agreed to sign this partnership, she could also let Huang Ming count until he was soft-hearted.    


"And I have other ideas about this piece of land. Why don't Director Huang give me a few minutes first? I will explain it to you. If you agree, we will sign the contract immediately. If you think it's not possible, then there's no need to make comparisons. You can choose the Fenng's Corporation. "    


Huang Ming could hear the tough tone in Chung Rann's words, but there was a trace of surprise. He was also a big boss, so there was no need for him to be afraid of a small company's boss.    


"Then I'll be frank. Miss He, it's already a miracle that your newly started small company is able to see me. Although I don't know what kind of channel you used to meet me, you are still so young and yet you dare to speak so arrogantly. Aren't you thinking too highly of yourself? "    


He had been in the business world for so many years, but no one had ever dared to speak to him in such a manner. To put it nicely, it was to discuss it, and to say it wasn't pleasant to hear it was to call it a threat.    


Ho Chuan, who was standing at the side, broke out in a cold sweat for Chung Rann. Boss had indeed made a lot of progress this time. He probably did not want to meet Fenng Moye either, but this method was undoubtedly to walk on a steel rope. If Huang Ming did not agree, their efforts for so long would be in vain.    


What was the boss thinking?    


Chung Rann did not panic at all. Instead, she smiled, which stunned Huang Ming. Why was she still smiling?    


"Director Huang, the fact that I can say this means that I have confidence in this project. After listening to my explanation, if you don't want to sign the contract, it's not too late to criticize me for my mistakes."    


Huang Ming shook his collar, crossed his arms around his chest, and leaned against the sofa.    


"Then I want to hear what ideas Miss He has."    


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