Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C110 I'll Blind Their Eyes

C110 I'll Blind Their Eyes

0Chung Rann had just sat down and logged into WeChat when the messages in the university group started to pop up frequently.    


She actually did not pay much attention to the news of these people. After all, they had graduated many years ago and had not contacted each other much.    


In the end, just as she was about to close the chat, she suddenly saw her own name and her hands stopped. This person, sometimes, she could not be too curious.    


But Chung Rann had already clicked on it.    


Someone asked her in the group.    


[Chung Rann did not come to the reunion last year. No matter what, we should let her come this year. Su Yexuan, weren't you the best with Chung Rann in the past? She follows her every day as a follower. Why is she ignoring you now? ]    


I think Chung Rann knows that she's too ugly and doesn't dare to come. What if she scares her classmates until they can't eat? "    


[Yes, yes, yes. I remember Chung Rann was so ugly when she was in college. She was so ugly that it shocked the heavens. All the students in the class kept a distance from her when they saw her.]    


I don't know who said Chung Rann seemed to be married. ]    


The others were shocked and curious.    


[It can't be. She's so ugly and skinny like a bamboo pole. How could anyone marry her?] ]    


Su Yexuan saw these people slandering Chung Rann and felt uncomfortable in her heart. She wanted to say a few words for Chung Rann.    


Can you guys not say that about Chung Rann? Although Chung Rann does not look very good, she is a good person. ]    


She still remembered that she was always bullied by outsiders because she was too honest in college. If Chung Rann did not stand up for her, she would have had a hard time in college.    


Furthermore, she felt that Chung Rann was that kind of patient type.    


Chung Rann looked at the slandering of these people and only felt that it was funny. It really was not that she was bragging. In the past, those self-righteous people in the university class, a few of them were doing better now.    


Since they wanted to mock her so much, then if she wasn't satisfied with their curiosity, wouldn't she really think that she was as timid as a mouse, ugly to the point that she didn't dare to meet people?    


She quickly typed on the keyboard.    


[What time and address? Just send it to me when it's time.] [...]    


Wasn't it just a coaching session? Although it was called a cohort, it was still the most ceremonial part of showing off one's wealth. Those who were doing well would find their presence, and those who were not doing well would take this opportunity to gain some support from those who were doing well.    


When Chung Rann replied, the people in the group seemed to have exploded.    


[F * ck, Chung Rann replied. She's actually still here. I thought she disappeared into thin air.] ]    


Chung Rann sneered. You people care about me so much. How could I be willing to disappear into thin air?    


Chung Rann wants to go, Chung Rann wants to go, why don't we set it for tonight? ]    


[Okay, okay. Hurry up and choose the restaurant. Set the seats.] 】    


[I have never looked forward to this reunion so much.]    


Chung Rann was too lazy to listen to these people's nonsense. After she closed the door, she began to busy herself with her work. Although Wu Qing had arranged a lot of work for her, with her ability, those were child's play and could be settled in a few seconds.    


Most of the time, she was researching her own work. Recently, she wanted to set up another company as the research and development of the game, as well as high-tech things.    


But she did not know much about this, so she wanted to search online more.    


At six o'clock in the evening, Chung Rann received a text message from Su Yexuan.    


In the restaurant on the first floor of Shangri-La Hotel, Chung Rann almost laughed out loud. Wasn't this the hotel that she asked Ho Chuan to buy last month?    


Now, the owner of this hotel was herself. These people really knew how to walk into a trap and actually chose the hotel under her name.    


However, she also had good taste. Back then, she had taken a fancy to the decoration style of this restaurant, especially when she especially liked eating the specialty dishes cooked by the chefs here. It was deeply ingrained in her heart.    


She replied readily.    


[I will definitely be there on time.] ]    


She would definitely not disappoint those who wanted to see her make a fool of herself.    


Su Yexuan was still afraid that Chung Rann would suffer a blow and even called to comfort her.    


Because even though they did not have much contact right now, Su Yexuan had always remembered Chung Rann's good feelings towards her when she was in university.    


Chung Rann saw that Su Yexuan even specially called over. Even if she did not ask, she knew Su Yexuan's objective.    


She slid down the answer button and her tone was calm, lacking the usual coldness.    


"Ye Xuan, how have you been recently?"    


"Pretty good. Chung Rann, how are you now? You're doing well too, right? Let me tell you. Don't argue with those people. They just don't know what to say. When the other classes bullied our class, if it wasn't for you, our class would have lost all face, and they would still say that about you. "    


Chung Rann actually did not take these people's words to heart at all. No matter who it was, she wanted to give them a word of advice.    


Don't get angry over those people who were not worth it and waste your time on things that were not worth it.    


"I am not angry at all, nor will I be angry. Do you still not understand me?"    


These people couldn't even enter her eyes, so how could they affect her mood?    


Su Yexuan smiled, "It is good that you are not angry. Then come over on time tonight. Don't worry. If they dare to talk to you, I will definitely stand on your side."    




After hanging up the phone, Chung Rann stopped smiling and dialed Ho Chuan's phone.    


"Hello, boss, what orders do you have?"    


"Boss is holding a reunion today at the Shangri-La Hotel. You should get ready. Boss is going to blind those people's titanium dog eyes?"    



Ho Chuan immediately reacted.    


"Oh, I know. Is it those idiots who laughed at Boss' ugliness? Don't worry. ... Boss, I'll make you blind their eyes tonight. Do you need me, this handsome guy, to give you a bonus? "    


"No, I'm afraid I'll bring you along. They'll think I'm a joker like you."    


Chung Rann rejected him without hesitation. She had no intention of giving face to Ho Chuan.    


Ho Chuan also knew that his style did not match Chung Rann's. For a man like Boss, he had to be as strong as an aura and her to be worthy of him.    


"Alright, then do you want to bring Fenng Moye there? He is quite suitable for you."    


The two of them stood together. They were simply a perfect match. Their temperament and aura were both first-class. If they stood beside these two people, perhaps their boss's classmates would feel ashamed of themselves.    


Chung Rann also rejected, "I am only going to attend a reunion. I am not going to show off my affection. Why would I bring my husband? Besides, are those people qualified to see my husband?"    


Ho Chuan clicked his tongue and could not help but tease.    


"Boss, you changed too quickly. Not long after you got married, you started to protect your husband. In the future, you only have your husband in your eyes. You don't even care about us little brothers."    


"F * ck you. Boss, am I the kind of person who values his friends more than his friends? Besides, if a man is reliable, can Boss get to where he is today?"    


If that wasn't the case, he would have found a man to marry and have children, living the life of a housewife. It wasn't that men weren't reliable and could only rely on themselves.    


" Alright, I believe that our Boss won't be addicted to beauty so soon and die. "    


Chung Rann lightly scoffed and then began to prepare to go to the reunion tonight. She really couldn't wait to see those people's shocked faces.    


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