Peerless Martial God

C506 Flame Confrontation

C506 Flame Confrontation

0A phantom image flashed past within the dense fog of the Cloud Sea Sect and Lin Feng's figure shot straight into the clouds.    




Lin Feng's voice came out, the Qiongqi's figure was like the wind, its wings flickered, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng was seated down, while the two of them instantly flew into the air, so fast that the crowd did not even have time to react.    


Staring at it, the eyes of the crowd were fixated on the Misty Illusory Array as they wiggled for what seemed like an extremely long time. Only then did the layer of mist disappear, revealing the figure lying on the ground.    


"Phew …"    


Many people heaved a sigh of relief, what remained on the ground was a corpse, an ice-cold headless corpse. Mu Qing's head, had disappeared, leaving behind a pool of blood there.    


"Lin Feng, so powerful."    


The spectators were secretly shocked, Mu Qing's strength was already very strong, they had personally witnessed Mu Qing killing several people, and the moment Lin Feng attacked, he had instantly killed Mu Qing without mercy.    


As for Lin Feng's strength, needless to say, it had already been proven with his actions. As strong as Mu Qing, he was completely unable to retaliate at all.    


"I wonder where Lin Feng went."    


Just as the crowd was guessing, the Qiongqi's wings continued to flash in the air. After a while, the Xiang River on the ground began to emit crackling sounds.    


The full moon's night, on top of Xiang River, Lin Feng had once made a name for himself as Snow Moon. But today, Mu Qing actually said that someone had invited him over to visit their Xiang River, so Lin Feng should come.    


As expected, when Lin Feng arrived at the Xiang River, he saw a group of people slowly rising from the side of the Xiang River River. These people were all dressed in fiery red clothes, and their gazes that were staring at Lin Feng made Lin Feng feel a kind of blazing sensation.    


Lin Feng stepped onto the Qiongqi, scanned the crowd, and said with a cold gaze: "All of you are waiting for me?"    


There were more than a dozen of them, and their fiery gazes were all extremely sharp. They were all extremely strong, without a single weak person.    


"Yes, I've been waiting for you for a long time."    


One of them, a middle-aged man dressed in a long scarlet fire robe, nodded slightly.    


"Someone from the Heavenly Wind Country?"    


Lin Feng asked again. In the Snow Moon Kingdom, he had never heard of such a force, and they shouldn't be people of the Snow Moon Kingdom.    


"Heavenly Wind Country, Evil Fire Sect!"    


The middle-aged man spoke coldly, and said to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, looks like even Mu Qing was unable to kill you, and still needs the Evil Fire Sect to do it themselves, even if you die, you are worthy of being proud."    


"As expected, those with Heavenly Wind Country are all a bunch of trash."    


Lin Feng's eyes revealed a hint of ridicule. From the start of the banquet at the Boundless Mountain of the Imperial Palace, Lin Feng had never had a good impression of Heavenly Wind Country, and the so called "Seven Heavenly Wind Envoys" did not know how to keep a low profile when they came to Snow Moon. Each and every one of them were arrogant and conceited;    


But now, they had started to send their dark methods to kill him. First, it was Mu Qing, and then it was the people from the Evil Fire Sect.    


With only one goal in mind, he wanted Lin Feng's life.    


But his life was actually so easy to take.    


"How did you know I would come?"    


Lin Feng asked again. Whether or not he would come to the bank of the Xiang River River seemed to be up to him to decide.    


"His Highness said that you would come, so you will." The middle-aged man smiled confidently. Although Feng Chen had only met Lin Feng once, with the personality that Lin Feng had displayed, he was able to deduce that Lin Feng would definitely come.    


"Then does he also know that Mu Qing will die by my hands?"    


Lin Feng's voice revealed a hint of chilliness. Since Feng Chen had predicted that he would come to Xiang River, then, did he also know that Mu Qing would be killed by him if she went to look for him?    


After all, Feng Chen had seen his strength before, and he probably also understood Mu Qing's strength and personality.    


Indeed, the middle-aged man opposite of him revealed a smile, Lin Feng immediately understood that Feng Chen wanted Mu Qing to die, and it was laughable how Feng Chen thought he was so strong, that one person was able to kill his Cloud Sea Sect.    


Mu Qing is the most talented disciple of my sect, Sect Master, but he has always believed himself to be powerful, and has always looked down on others, not even the Imperial Family. As an outstanding disciple of the Wanxiang Sect, Mu Qing, like the others in the Wanxiang Sect, thinks himself to be as arrogant as he is, and even disdains the title of the Seven Heroes of the Heavenly Wind Country. What use does he have in keeping such a person?    


The middle-aged man explained to Lin Feng, causing Lin Feng's brows to jump, and then he revealed a smile.    


"It seems that even though you've come to kill me, you don't have absolute confidence in yourself."    


Lin Feng's words made the other party narrow his eyes slightly. He looked at Lin Feng in astonishment, and then, an unusual smile appeared in his eyes as well.    


"Lin Feng, you're very smart."    


Firstly, you have eliminated Mu Qing, and secondly, you have allowed the expert of the Wanxiang Sect to come to Snow Moon to take revenge for Mu Qing. As long as I am not dead today, it is inevitable that the Wanxiang Sect will seek revenge on me. At that time, Snow Moon's side would also not allow the power of the Heavenly Wind Country to wreak havoc.    


A hint of coldness flashed through Lin Feng's eyes. All the people in the royal family were very powerful, and so was Feng Chen.    


If you do not kill me, it will instead be killed by me. Then, use my mouth, tell Wanxiang Sect the truth of his death. This way, Wanxiang Sect will inevitably hate Feng Chen to death, and your Evil Fire Sect won't die without a shred of value. It looks like you really dislike the person you refer to as your highness. "    




The middle-aged man praised him, but Lin Feng's guess was right, their Evil Fire Sect was actually the same as Mu Qing, they were just Feng Chen's pawns, but he was not Mu Qing, how could he let Feng Chen use him so easily? Even if he was unlucky to be killed by Lin Feng today, he would use Lin Feng's words to spread the truth.    


"Our Evil Fire Sect will do our best to kill you today. If we are unlucky enough to be killed by you, I hope that you can spread what you know. To you, this is only beneficial, no harm." Seeing that Lin Feng had guessed everything, the middle-aged man from the Evil Fire Sect decided that he would not hide, and directly opened his mouth to speak.    


"If necessary, I will naturally say that Feng Chen wants me dead. Naturally, I will not let him live an easy life."    


Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light, he said to the Evil Fire Sect's disciple: "You can attack now."    


"Alright." He had heard of Lin Feng's strength before. At the palace's banquet, he had killed seven of the Tian Feng envoys and challenged them one by one. He had even killed three of the Tian Feng envoys and challenged the second one.    


Although their Evil Fire Sect was strong, but facing a expert like Lin Feng, they had to be careful.    


"Evil Flames."    


Instantly, the figures of those people flickered one by one, surrounding Lin Feng in the air. On their bodies, a scorching and terrifying flame True Essence Strength was frantically burning.    


The people from the Evil Fire Sect were all Flame Martial Cultivator s who cultivated fire arts and formed fire True Essence.    



Balls of flames appeared in front of them. These blazing flames were not only scarlet in color, but also faintly pale in color. The scarlet and pale flames carried a tinge of evilness.    


"Pu, pu …"    


The members of the Evil Fire Cult pulled their hands together, and the balls of flame turned into a chain of flames, and then, a loud crackling sound could be heard.    




The fire robed middle aged man bellowed, and the group of people fanned out to kill Lin Feng, an extremely hot feeling unceasingly approaching Lin Feng, causing him to feel somewhat hot.    


"Everything in this world is wonderful and endless. This flame is completely different from my flame."    


Lin Feng looked at the people rushing towards him, his eyes darkened, and the Yang Fire True Essence on his body continued to move, a terrifying flame rose from his body.    


When the flames of the Yang Fire, Fire Of Sun, Great Sun Heaven Burning Scripture, Sun Arts, Lin Feng appeared, the people from the Evil Fire Sect even felt that their flames were being suppressed, and were even a bit sluggish. At the same time, their pupils contracted, as they did not expect Lin Feng to also be an expert in flames, and that Lin Feng's flames were even stronger than their flames.    


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