Rich Daddy's Three Cuties

C503 A Pendant That Could be Electrocuted a Gift from the Cold Little Brother

C503 A Pendant That Could be Electrocuted a Gift from the Cold Little Brother

0Leng Leng picked Xiaoman up and carried her into the car. The speed was so fast that Xiaoman did not even know what had happened.    


She blinked and felt a little dizzy. She was already in the car and sat down steadily.    


Then Xiaoman heard Mr Leng say.    


"It's done. It's safe now."    


"Are you going to the banquet right now? I'm ready, I can go with you"    


Xiaoman shook her head.    


"No - - I still need to go back and change my clothes. I also need to find an uncle director to get the invitation letter."    


"I still need a while more."    


Leng Leng nodded to show that she understood. He quietly followed by Xiaoman's side, like a loyal bodyguard. Xiaoman looked at Mr Leng's side profile in a daze and asked.    


"Mr Leng, are you used to taking care of people like this?"    


He said coldly.    


"Ensuring the safety of the people's lives and properties while carrying out a mission is our top priority."    


His words were extremely gentle.    


Xiaoman heard Mr Leng's words and screamed. She hesitated for a while before stuttering.    


"That... Mr Leng..."    


She turned her cold face and looked at Xiaoman.    


Xiaoman said.    


"This, it might really be very dangerous!"    


She even felt a little regretful.    


He had Leng Leng come over to protect her!    


He was different from Uncle Lie Huo and the others. He was young. Perhaps, he had no experience dealing with criminals of that level. He heard Xiaoman's worried tone. Leng Leng paused for a moment and smiled.    


"Dangerous? I'm not afraid of danger. All the missions I've carried out are dangerous. Furthermore, I am only acting as a bodyguard for a little girl like you. Don't worry, I know what to do."    


" I won't let anything happen to you! Xiaoman, you can totally trust me. Don't be afraid."    


He turned around.    


In a gentle tone.    


He went to comfort Xiaoman.    


Xiaoman stared blankly at Mr Leng and coldly stretched out her hand and gently touched Xiaoman's ear. Xiaoman's face suddenly turned red as she stammered.    


"Brother Leng Leng, I..."    


He opened his hand and passed something to Xiaoman.    


"Take it."    


Xiaoman was a little shy at first, but Mr Leng suddenly stuffed something like a gift into her mouth. She was no longer shy.    


"What is this?"    


Curiosity took the upper hand. Xiaoman touched and pinched with her fingers. Her eyes were filled with strong curiosity.    


"What is this thing used for?"    


He smiled coldly and then said.    




"This is a pendant produced by our cooperative research institute that can be electrocuted. This pendant can release strong electric currents. If someone wants to get close to you, but if you don't want the other party to come into contact with it, you can turn on this switch. "    


"However, this pendant is designed for adult women. For you, this pendant is very likely - a bit too big for you."    


This was what Leng Leng was more worried about. Moreover, it seemed too late to change the size of the pendant. But what he did not expect was that Xiaoman waved her hand and told Leng Leng with incomparable excitement.    


"It's alright!"    


Leng Leng stared at Xiaoman and then saw that this little girl was doing her best and seriously stuffing the pendant into the doll!    


She excitedly grabbed the doll in her hand and the little girl weighed it back and forth. She nodded her head in satisfaction and said.    


"That's enough!"    


"If there are bad guys who want to get close to Xiaoman... Humph, humph, Xiaoman would not be polite to him! Xiaoman wants to electrocute him!"    


Mr Leng was really considerate!    


Not only did he take a leave to be Xiaoman's bodyguard, he even brought a gift for Xiaoman!    


Xiaoman narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.    


And looking at the incomparably happy little girl. A ripple also flashed across her cold heart.    


The car continued moving forward.    


Xiaoman saw the hotel's signboard and became excited.    


"It's that hotel. Xiaoman needs to go and change her clothes first before going to find Uncle Spearbock to get the invitation letter. Mr Leng, wait for Xiaoman downstairs!"    



The little girl was afraid that she would get impatient from waiting.    


She said seriously.    


"Don't worry!"    


"Xiaoman will quickly change her clothes and come down. She won't let little brother wait for too long!"    


She wanted to rush! Hehe, with Mr Leng's addition, she really felt more at ease than she had imagined!    


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