Rich Daddy's Three Cuties

C426 He Wants You to Cheat on Daddy Qin Die You!

C426 He Wants You to Cheat on Daddy Qin Die You!

0Xiaoman happily hugged Qin Zhihao and acted like a spoiled child.    


After she knew that Daddy Qin had saved her mommy's life, Xiaoman was especially happy.    


Her eyes, which were like obsidian balls, blinked like the little stars in the sky.    


Zhao Jingjing, who was beside her, had a ferocious look on her face.    


She watched Qin Zhihao use the gentleness she had never seen before to hug Xiaoman.    


Zhao Jingjing tightly clenched her fists, making her so angry that she felt nauseous!    


Jiang Xiaoman had deliberately come to slap her face.    


She, Jiang Xiaoman, would not let this bad woman go so easily!    


Jiang Xiaoman used the sound of milk gurgling and angrily exposed it to Daddy Qin.    


"Daddy Qin, is this woman Haoran's mommy? Xiaoman saw with her own eyes how she abused her little brother!"    


"She's so bad. Is she really his biological mommy?"    


Qin Zhihao narrowed his eyes. In an instant, there was only a bottomless darkness in his eyes.    


Zhao Jingjing, who was beside him, was so angry that she trembled!    


Fine, this wretched girl wanted to go against him, right?    


Zhao Jingjing looked at Jiang Xiaoman's face and then glared at her with all her might.    


"You wretched girl, what nonsense are you talking about!? I am his mommy. Why is it called abusing him just by saying a few words?! "    


"Look at you, you're just a wild girl with a mother and no mother to care about!"    


Zhao Jingjing's words immediately poked Jiang Xiaoman's heart.    


F * ck!    


Xiaoman's face immediately turned red when she heard that. She angrily glared at this bad woman and roared.    


"You are the worst!"    


"My mommy is Jiang Tiantian. She is the best mommy in the world!"    


"My mommy is very gentle and will tell us stories!"    


As Jiang Xiaoman's voice faded, Qin Zhihao's handsome face, which was as gentle as jade, was suddenly filled with a touch of gloominess.    


The corners of the man's lips, which had been smiling the whole time, suddenly froze.    


"If you speak rudely again, don't even think about taking a single cent from me!"    


Zhao Jingjing was so angry that she stomped her foot. In the end, she even twisted her foot!    


"Ah - -"    


Zhao Jingjing's face was full of pain, but she still did not forget to clench her teeth and say vicious words!    


"Hmph! Just you wait, you will regret it!"    


Seeing this bad woman limping and leaving speechless, Jiang Xiaoman happily applauded Daddy Qin.    


"Hahaha..." Xiaoman's small mouth was sweet and sweet as she flattered.    


"Daddy Qin is still the best!"    


Looking at Xiaoman's cute and loving face, Qin Zhihao's originally angry face suddenly became much gentler.    


In the dark.    


Qin Haoran saw everything in front of his eyes.    


A complicated emotion flashed across his pitch-black eyes.    


Xiaoman -    


Was she protecting him and his daddy?    




Zhao Jingjing returned to her residence with a belly full of anger.    


She threw the branded bag onto the coffee table with hatred.    


She angrily kicked off her ultra-thin high heels.    


Her whole body collapsed on the sofa, and her expression became terrifying.    


"Stupid girl, I want you to ruin my plan!"    


"Just wait and see. If I can't kill you, I will write Zhao Jingjing's name upside down!"    


Zhao Jingjing angrily took out her phone and started typing on the phone.    


After doing all this, Zhao Jingjing's malicious eyes revealed a mocking smile.    


"Qin Zhihao, you don't want to give me a single cent? Dream on!"    


In an instant, the Internet was filled with Internet trolls!    


Zhao Jingjing curled her big red lips, raised her sharp fingers, and gloated as she painted her red nail polish!    


She proudly looked at the work of the water army.    


"Shocking! The Three Gold Silver Screen King, Patriarch Qin abandoned his ex-wife, turned hostile, and refused to acknowledge anyone! Open it and look at the details!"    


"The Three Gold Awards King abandoned his ex-wife, what is going on? Let the editor take you to investigate, we all know that... The Three Gold Awards King, Patriarch Qin, such a powerful man... How could he abandon his ex-wife? The editor is also very curious! "    


All sorts of nonsense was spammed by the military!    


Instantly, this piece of news was on the trending page.    


"I want you to be proud of yourself!"    


She, Zhao Jingjing, had been mixing around until now, and it was not for nothing!    




In an instant, the public opinion about Qin Zhihao became more and more widespread.    


"It can't be? How could Qin Zhihao be a scumbag!?"    


"No, no, I don't believe that my idol is a sadistic sadistic man who abuses his wife!"    


"So her ex-wife divorced him because she couldn't stand Qin Zhihao's oppression and abuse!"    


"Another house collapsed, but why is it Qin Zhihao who collapsed this time?! This is too unacceptable!"    


"I thought that Qin Zhihao was the last man in the entertainment industry! We were blind!"    


When Jiang Xiaoman returned home while humming a tune with a delighted expression on her face.    


This piece of news had already reached the top of the trending list!    


It almost caused the website's server to collapse.    


The technical staff of the website had no choice but to work overtime to maintain the server!    


"Qin Zhihao is a scumbag!" This trending page.    


This caused a huge uproar.    


Jiang Xiaoman's cute little face sank.    


She immediately guessed who did this.    


Humph! It must be Zhao Jingjing, that bad woman, who bore a grudge and deliberately took revenge on Daddy Qin!    


Xiaoman's small hands moved on the keyboard.    


Her hand speed was extremely fast.    


She logged into the "Queen" account.    


Under her control, Zhao Jingjing's despicable means had nowhere to hide and was immediately turned upside down by her.    


As expected, it was her who was stirring shit behind her back!    


Xiaoman became angry and the anger in her heart increased by a large amount.    


Jiang Xiaoman's dark and bright eyes narrowed and a coquettish starry light suddenly flashed past.    


At this moment, Xiaoman's face was pure and cute from before.    


In an instant, it became as bewitching as a fox and proud as a phoenix!    


The corners of her mouth curled into a mocking cold smile.    


She entered the dark net.    


"Awesome, the videos are all there!"    


"Humph, this bad woman is going to die this time!"    


Jiang Xiaoman's victory was within her grasp.    


She copied the video of Zhao Jingjing asking Qin Zhihao for money from the banquet on the dark net!    


Zhao Jingjing would never have thought that her killing move would be captured clearly by the surveillance cameras in the corner!    


Jiang Xiaoman even made the information that her brother Jiang Xiaozhan had found out to the public!    


Jiang Xiaoman easily created a virtual account.    


In an instant, this reply, "There's a picture, there's a truth," was added to the hot topic by the onlookers!    


In an instant, the public opinion from before was replaced by the number one position!    


"Wuwuwu, this is great! I knew that Big Brother was wrongly accused!"    


"F * ck! This bad woman actually wants to destroy Big Brother for her own desires!"    


"Big brother is so good, but she still doesn't cherish it. Is she blind?!"    


"Protect the film emperor, punish Zhao Jingjing, and divorce well! Big Brother is everyone's!"    


... ""    


Zhao Jingjing hummed a tune at home and even took a shower.    


She walked out of the bathroom while wearing a mask to gloat over others' misfortune.    



She proudly turned on her phone and was just about to appreciate how Qin Zhihao was drowned by the spittle of the crowd, but in the end, she spat out all the water in her mouth!    


This godly reply not only posted the video of the banquet.    


It also proved that Qin Zhihao's ex-wife had been looking for Qin Zhihao to ask for money.    


All of this was Zhao Jingjing accusing him!    


At the same time, there was also a picture of Zhao Jingjing having intimate contact with another man!    


This was completely openly denouncing Qin Zhihao!    


In the following replies, the fans were filled with righteous indignation. They wished they could form a group and send a knife to Zhao Jingjing!    


Zhao Jingjing saw that more and more people joined in to scold her and angrily tore off the facial mask on her face.    


A loud bang rang in her head. She shivered in panic and goosebumps appeared all over her body!    


"How could it be..."    


Oh my god! She didn't understand why these videos and photos would suddenly appear!    


Wouldn't everyone know that she was a perverted woman?    


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