Rich Daddy's Three Cuties

C37 Then Please Take Care of My Son!

C37 Then Please Take Care of My Son!

0Ye Huanting looked at his nephew who had a bitter expression on his face.    


"Don't worry about the reason. Do as I say."    


"Get lost."    


Ye Minggu shouted.    


His uncle had a very high prestige in the family, so Ye Minggu did not dare to say anything. He turned around and drove away in a sports car.    


Ye Huanting returned to his room.    


Jiang Tiantian looked at this man curiously.    


"What did you do?"    


"Are you hungry? I left you a bowl of noodles. I don't know if it's cold or not, but the noodles won't taste good after being kept for a long time."    


Ye Huanting looked at the top of the table. There was indeed a bowl of noodles, and there was also a golden fried egg on top of it.    


Ye Huanting used his chopsticks to pick up the egg. He took two bites.    


Jiang Tiantian looked at him nervously.    


"How does it taste? Will it be a little cold? Why don't I give you another bowl..."    


She cared the most about her culinary skills!    


A qualified chef had to make the person who tasted the food feel attentive.    


"There's no need to trouble yourself. It's delicious."    


On this point, there was no need for him to lie.    


The woman in front of him was very talented in cooking. She could taste the heart of the food.    


The soup was clear and the noodles were cool. It tasted very good.    


It was clearly an ordinary food, but Jiang Tiantian's cooking was very appetizing, making one's index finger move.    


Jiang Tiantian nodded her head and let out a sigh of relief.    


"That's good!"    


She looked at the man opposite her.    


"Well, Ye Minggu, let me discuss with you."    


Jiang Tiantian was actually a little nervous.    


"It's like this. You also know that Xiaoman is filming variety. Behind us, I might need to bring Xiaoman out. I want you to take care of Xiaozhan for a few days."    


"Xiaozhan has a stubborn temper. If he says something wrong, you should take care of him on account of his young age."    


Jiang Tiantian also could not find anyone else to entrust her to.    


Furthermore, Jiang Tiantian could see that the little guy liked him very much these few days and was very close to him.    


This made Jiang Tiantian feel that it was inconceivable, but at the same time, she could not help but sigh in her heart.    


Perhaps father and son's familial love was really greater than heaven.    


That was why Jiang Tiantian had never had the heart to chase away this hedonistic son of Ye Minggu. Now, she asked him to take care of her son.    


She also hoped that Jiang Xiaozhan would be able to get along with his biological father for a few more days.    


Jiang Tiantian originally wanted to bring Jiang Xiaozhan along to record variety shows.    


But Jiang Tiantian knew.    


Her son had a problem. He hated cameras!    


That was why his daughter Xiaoman was chosen to be a child star, while his son chose computer programming courses and became an international hacker.    


It was because Xiaozhan did not like cameras and did not like to show his face.    


She was not at home. Although Jiang Xiaozhan was very powerful, he was only a five-year-old child after all, so Jiang Tiantian could only ask the man in front of her to take care of him.    


"Can I?"    


Jiang Tiantian looked at the man in front of her with anticipation!    


Ye Huanting raised his eyebrows.    


Of course he could agree to take care of his son.    


Ye Huanting did not realize that Jiang Xiaozhan and Ye Haoyu had changed again, but... He raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Tiantian's tender and sweet face.    


"How many days do you want to go?"    


Jiang Tiantian calculated the time.    


"Maybe two or three days. I will be back with the other guests soon."    


"Then it's a deal. I'll leave these three days to you!"    


"As long as you help me take care of Xiaozhan, I'll sign a contract with your hotel when I get back."    


Jiang Tiantian said jokingly.    


"I will help you wash away your reputation as a playboy. That little uncle of yours, if he knew that you could sign this big client of mine, he would definitely be very surprised, right?"    



"After all, this is something that even Ye Huanting himself can't do."    


Hearing Jiang Tiantian say so, Ye Huanting's eyelashes trembled slightly.    




He agreed with ___'s words.    


Only Jiang Xiaozhan curled his lips when he heard that he wanted to stay alone with this man for a few days. He was not happy about it.    


Yours Truly hadn't agreed yet!    


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