Planned Love



0He gestured for the audience to quiet down. Soon after, he pondered for a few seconds. In the vast venue, countless famous figures had come to support him. They were actually intimidated by his aura to the point of silence, as if it was late at night. For a moment, he became the center of the universe.    


"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend our golden age's 60th anniversary celebration …" Sheng Yun's voice jumped into my ears one word at a time. I looked at him on the stage and felt that he was in a trance.    


This man that is able to dominate the entire arena at such a young age, is he really the man that was entangled with me in the dark night for dozens of years? Why, at this moment, did he feel as unreachable as the stars?    


"Ever since he became CEO, Yun has become more and more calm and collected. Looks like I have to put in more effort as well. " Shang Yang looked at Sheng Yun on the stage and sighed with emotion.    


"You can, too." I said, smiling.    


"He had high requirements for himself since he was young, from primary school to university, and his family had spent a lot of energy nurturing him. Actually, he is very lonely. " Shang Yang said softly with praise for Sheng Yun in his eyes. "However, this is the life he chose."    


I was slightly shocked in my heart. As I looked at him, who was radiating light from the stage, my heart felt a little more respectful.    


After he finished his speech, there was an unprecedented round of applause. He slowly walked down the stage, and when I thought he was going to walk to the central VIP table, I saw him walking straight towards my seat.    


At that moment, my heart began to pound again, and I looked at him uneasily and hesitantly until I saw him come to us. Then he came up to me.    


A beautiful singing and dancing performance had already started on the stage. The entire hall was filled with guests. I subconsciously stood up and revealed an enchanting smile to him.    


"Director Xu, welcome." He held out his hand to me in front of the crowd, polite and graceful.    


I reached out my hand to shake his as well. At the moment of the handshake, my palm felt as if it was about to be crushed. At the same time, a fiery light shot out from his eyes. However, he quickly let go.    


I knew the meaning of this gaze and this power. I smiled in embarrassment and looked at him fearlessly. He looked me in the eye for a second, and then, as we were drinking, he whispered in my ear, "Tonight, I've prepared a great surprise for you. I believe that you will definitely like it. "    


I looked at him in horror, my keen sense of smell making me ask uneasily, "What are you trying to do?"    


"Xu Shubei, if you provoke me, you're dead for sure." There was still a smile on his face, but the gritted teeth in his voice made me shudder.    


"Alright, I'll wait." I panicked for two seconds before I decided to go all out.    


He stopped looking at me and turned his attention to the rest of us.    


"There are many guests tonight, please forgive me for not taking care of you. Both of you are my brothers, so feel free to go. Sheng Yun quickly retracted the corner of his mouth and said to the people at my table.    


Everyone echoed his sentiments, and he quickly walked to the center of the hall. The music was loud and no one heard our conversation. I looked forward to Sheng Yun's punishment, but as I watched each and every program appear without any warning.    


I'm afraid I'm the one suffering the most tonight. The excitement of the meeting place was so blissful that it had nothing to do with me.    


After about an hour, the male host walked onto the stage and said to everyone with a smile, "As we all know, the Sheng Shi Family has been low-key and has been doing business for 60 years. Today, the reason the scene was so grand was because … Our Shengshi Group's CEO Sheng Yun has a big announcement! "    


At that moment, my heart leaped into my throat. Everyone at the scene immediately put down their chopsticks, and their gazes were fixed on Sheng Yun as he slowly walked onto the stage.    


Sheng Yun stood in the middle of the stage and was also silent for a few seconds. After the venue completely quieted down, he said to the microphone in a clear voice, "I believe everyone is well aware of what happened recently." "I, Sheng, have always been fair and square in my conduct, and I dare to take responsibility for my actions."    


When Sheng Yun frankly admitted the truth, the audience sighed and clapped. No one expected that Sheng Yun, who always regarded his reputation as heaven, would be willing to frankly admit in front of so many people that he was the male lead of this recording.    


He gestured for them to stop clapping, and then he said, "Well, I suppose everyone is curious about who my heroine is. I believe that the various media outlets who have made all sorts of false guesses and reports towards me must be even more curious. "    


When Sheng Yun said this, I was extremely surprised. Could it be that he actually intended to make it public? It can't be? Why would he do that? It wouldn't do him any good to do this. What exactly was he trying to hide in his gourd?    


"Xu Shubei, please come up to the stage." While I was still confused, Sheng Yun suddenly shouted my name into the phone.    


At that moment, the entire audience was in an uproar. I almost couldn't believe my ears. Was that really my name?    


Everyone was searching for me on the field, so Zhou Yihai made a "V" gesture towards me from across the table. I looked at the stage with my mouth agape, while Shang Yang also gave me a surprised look from the side. He saw that I was stunned, so he pushed my arm and said, "Shubei, Yun wants you on stage. I really didn't expect you to be his female lead. "    


At that moment, Shang Yang's eyes flashed a hint of disappointment, but he immediately looked at me with gratification. Thus, under everyone's gaze, I mustered up my courage and stood up from my seat.    


I looked up at the stage. Sheng Yun was still standing there holding the microphone and looking at me. I didn't know what kind of trick was behind his calm expression. I also didn't know what he wanted to do. However, I had to step onto the stage in such a high-profile environment.    


Cautiously holding the hem of my skirt, I made my way slowly up to the stage. All the women gave me envious looks, and I heard the whispers, the scorn, and the slander.    


Just like that, I stood on the stage, side by side with Sheng Yun. Those seated below the stage were all influential people in Hangcheng and even in the entire nation's business circles.    


Sheng Yun's "If you piss me off, you're dead" made me realize that tonight might be my hell. But at this moment, the audience was in an uproar of cheers.    


"Xu Shubei, after this, I'll make it even more embarrassing for you than death." Sheng Yun, facing the audience, moved the microphone away and said to me in a voice that only I could hear.    


"What are you trying to do?" I asked in horror and uneasiness.    


"Don't worry, you'll know soon enough." With that, he signaled for the audience to quiet down, and then he placed the microphone by his mouth, about to speak.    




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