Planned Love



0At that moment, I saw Sheng Yun's face darken. Without any hesitation, he pushed Ren Yingying out of his embrace!    


At that moment, Ren Yingying was stimulated again. She suddenly jumped towards the railing, intending to climb over it again.    


I panicked and immediately reached out to pull her, but Sheng Yun grabbed her hand first and pulled her down.    


Because he had used too much strength, when he pulled her down, Sheng Yun also fell to the ground due to the unstable gravity. When Ren Yingying pressed down on him, their lips touched!    


Sheng Yun was obviously shocked. He wanted to push her away but was afraid that she would seek death again, so he fell into a dilemma. Ren Yingying, on the other hand, continued to lie on top of him, not wanting to move at all.    


I was stunned for a few seconds. After a few seconds, I unhesitatingly pulled Ren Yingying off Sheng Yun's body.    


Sheng Yun immediately stood up and quickly patted off the dust on his body. He frowned as he glanced at Ren Yingying. He looked extremely awkward.    


"If you want to try jumping again! I will never pull you again! " Sheng Yun said angrily.    


"I... "I …" Ren Yingying didn't say anything for a long time. She just laid on my shoulder and started to cry pitifully.    


"Alright, stop crying. Can you be stronger?" I said patiently.    


"Ms Shubei, I'm really sad. I really can't believe this fact. I can't believe that Shi Jian is really dead. In this world, he was the only one who treated me the best. "Now that he's dead, I really don't want to live anymore …" Ren Yingying wailed.    


"Enough!" Just as he was about to get angry, Sheng Yun shouted at Ren Yingying coldly. Perhaps Sheng Yun's tone scared her, so she immediately stopped crying and didn't dare to let out any more sobs.    


"Things have happened, crying and dying are the ways of the weak. Living well was the greatest respect for the dead. How can you let him go to heaven in peace when he's crying like this? " Sheng Yun walked over and pulled Ren Yingying away from me, then said to her calmly.    


"Mn, I …" I just can't control my emotions right now, right... "Sorry, Director Sheng." Ren Yingying said breathlessly, her eyes red from crying.    


"Let's go, the wind here is strong, I'll take you guys to a place." Sheng Yun's tone immediately eased up. He was probably afraid that she would break free again, so he pulled her sleeve and pulled her towards his car.    


I followed, and we went back to the car. As soon as we got in, Sheng Yun locked all the doors, turned on the heater, and drove us directly to the Starlight International Hotel, a kilometer away from the Jiangkou Bridge.    


He had an air of calm and composure about him that somehow made me feel at peace with myself, and I followed him without even asking why he had brought us to the hotel.    


He parked in the VIP parking lot below Starlight International and took us in an elevator to the lobby of the hotel.    


This place is said to be one of the businesses in Shengshi Group. It has only been opened for a short while, so I have never been here before.    


The interior decoration of the main hall was luxurious to the extreme. Two golden coiling dragons coiled around the beams, causing the main hall to exude a threatening aura of nobility.    


When we came out of the elevator, there were two neat rows of waiters standing at the entrance to welcome us.    


As soon as we got off the elevator, they shouted loudly: "Director Sheng! "Welcome!"    


Ren Yingying took my arm, and when the waiter shouted, I clearly felt Ren Yingying's entire body tremble in fright.    


Sheng Yun nodded slightly and brought us to the elevator. Very soon, a hotel executive came and greeted Sheng Yun with a few words of greetings before respectfully sending us to the top floor of the hotel's luxurious presidential suite.    


"Miss Ren, life is too short. I hope that after tonight, you will be able to change your understanding of life. I have a full set of VIP services arranged for you, have a good time! I'm tired. See you tomorrow. " Sheng Yun said to us lightly.    


Ren Yingying slowly raised her head and looked at Sheng Yun's eyes. Perhaps she was shocked by Sheng Yun's heroic manner, but not only did she stop crying, but her tone became clearer, "Okay, I will think of it. Thank you, Director Sheng, for treating me so well tonight."    


Her words didn't cause any ripples in Sheng Yun. Sheng Yun didn't care about what she said and immediately shifted his gaze to me. "Xu Shubei, come to my room. I have something to tell you."    


I nodded and followed him into his room.    


After the door closed, before I could say anything, he grabbed me by the neck and pinned me to the wall. "Xu Shubei, how dare you treat me as a driver? I think you must be tired of living. "    


"I was anxious and didn't care about Director Sheng's identity. I hope that Director Sheng can forgive me." I felt a pinch of pain as I hurriedly said.    


He gave a cold snort and let me go. He turned around coldly and said, "I thought you would be the one crying. I didn't expect you to care about the life and death of others."    


"I'm not that weak. Thank you, Director Sheng, for your concern." I said lightly.    


He sat down on the luxurious sofa in the presidential suite and looked at me with narrowed eyes. I was scared by his gaze and was at a loss. What are you looking at me for? "    


"I wonder if you are pretending to be cold-blooded or if you are really cold-blooded." He crossed his legs and spoke softly.    


"I don't understand what Director Sheng means by that," I said as if I didn't understand. Then, I said to him, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back first. I still have something to ask her."    


"Halt!" Before I could turn around, Sheng Yun stood up from the sofa with a "whoosh" and shouted coldly.    


"Any other orders from Director Sheng?" I asked, turning my head.    


"Xu Shubei, what right do you have to use such a tone towards me?" His face was sullen.    


However, I didn't know where his anger came from. I couldn't help but ask in astonishment, "What tone of voice does Director Sheng think I should use towards you?"    


"Xu Shubei, you …" He seemed to be stumped by my question. After a while, he dejectedly said, "Forget it, it's fine now. Scram."    


I could hear his words, but I didn't know what he was thinking or what he was trying to say, and I didn't want to think about it.    


I opened the door and went out. When I got back to my room, Ren Yingying was lying on the bed, enjoying the SPA of the technician. She was probably too comfortable.    


When she saw me enter, she turned pale with fright. Her face became pained once again, and she asked me with the same trembling expression as before, "Ms Shubei, you …" You're back. "    


"Well, you do the SPA first. "After I finish my shower, I have something to ask you." I said to her, and went into the bathroom.    


When I finished bathing, the technician had already left. She was lying on the bed in her bathrobe and asked me nervously, "Ms Shubei, what's the matter?"    


"Ying Ying, there's something I want to ask you. I hope you can tell me the truth." I went over and sat beside her.    


"What's wrong? Shubei, you … Are you angry with me? " Her voice faltered.    


"Ying Ying, is Shi Jian's death related to Xu Tianyi?" I asked bluntly, not wasting any time with her.    


"Ms Shubei, I don't understand what you mean. What are you talking about?" Her eyes were filled with shock, and she subconsciously lowered her head. Her voice was flickering, and she seemed to have no confidence at all.    


"Answer me, is it related to Xu Tianyi? Are you an accomplice or an accomplice? " I didn't want to beat around the bush, so I asked more directly.    


"What accomplice? What accomplice? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand it at all? " Ren Yingying panicked and waved her hands repeatedly.    



But the more she panicked, the more I felt that she knew something, that everything had been vaguely verified, that she did know!    


The flames in my heart also surged up, and I angrily grabbed onto her collar, asking loudly, "Shi Jian's death, was it all done deliberately by Xu Tianyi? Ren Yingying, you better not play dumb with me! I know you did everything on that phone! Why are you doing this? "    


"What phone?" What clean up? Ms Shubei, what are you talking about? " Ren Yingying still looked confused. She puckered her mouth and looked extremely wronged, "I know you have a good relationship with Shi Jian and you've known each other for longer than me. I know it makes you sad and so do I. Ms Shubei, I don't know why you are so suspicious of me. Shi Jian is so good to me, I can't hurt him. Even the police said that this was an accident. Could it be that you suspect me of something? "    


As she spoke, her eyes began to tear up again. I don't know where she got so many tears.    


"Then let me ask you, why did you stop me from contacting Shi Jian on the night of his accident?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"I really didn't think that something would happen to him. If I knew that something would happen to him, I definitely wouldn't have acted rashly. Ms Shubei, I'm already blaming myself for this matter. Don't ask me anymore, okay? " She started to sob as if she had been greatly wronged.    


"That Apple phone, did you restore it to its factory settings?" I asked patiently, frowning.    




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