Planned Love



0"Xu Tianyi!" You're really pissing me off! " Xu Changsheng pointed at Xu Tianyi, his hands shaking uncontrollably.    


"I arranged this." I turned to Sheng Yun and said smilingly.    


Sheng Yun was a bit surprised, but he soon understood: "You went to WC for so long just to do this right?"    


I nodded.    


I wasn't stupid enough to send a room number to Xu Changsheng with my cell phone, but I called a familiar dog and told him to randomly send a message to Xu Changsheng and Huang Xiaoxiang with an unfamiliar cell phone number. I then set up the camera and waited for the first-hand message to be collected.    


Other than the things that happened in the entertainment circle in the past few years, what the paparazzi loved to report the most were these few well-known second generation rich people's side news. Every time the gossip was published, it would cause a huge sensation.    


In the video, Xu Changsheng was infuriated and scolded Xu Tianyi.    


Xu Tianyi was scolded, he jumped up and shouted at Xu Changsheng, "Didn't you always ask me to learn Sheng Yun? Why am I really learning now, and you're objecting again?! Didn't you always praise him as being better than me in everything?! Didn't he also expand that bitch's stomach! He still wanted to marry that bitch! Why don't I see any objections from his family?! "    


I subconsciously took a glance at Sheng Yun's reaction and saw that his face was originally relaxed, but I didn't expect that he would be shot while lying down. In an instant, his face crumbled and his entire face stank.    


Seeing the situation, I subconsciously moved a few steps to the side. I was afraid that if I were to be careless, I would become cannon fodder.    


"If you had the ability and ability like him, to be able to manage such a large corporation at such a young age, I wouldn't have interfered too much in your marriage! But look at you now, you're in your twenties, you only know how to play all day! "And causing trouble for me!" Xu Changsheng was so angry that his face and neck turned red and his voice turned hoarse.    


At this moment, the door burst open again, and Huang Xiaoxiang came in with her hands on her hips like a mother yaksha!    


She came in just to scold Ren Yingying by pointing at her nose. She jumped onto the bed in a few leaps and pulled out a feather duster from somewhere. She pulled Ren Yingying's naked body out of the bed and began to whip her with the feather duster! And he was even pulling on her stomach!    


When I saw the situation, I immediately said to Sheng Yun: "Quickly think of a way, if this goes on, she might have miscarried."    


Luckily, Xu Tianyi, this bastard, still had his conscience. He finally rushed over and protected Ren Yingying behind him. Perhaps Ren Yingying's "infatuation" with him had finally moved him. I will marry her in this life! I've made up my mind! If you continue, you will definitely lose this son of mine! I will do as I say! "    


'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard. It turned out that Xu Changsheng was so angry that he directly smashed the flower pot onto the television. Wu's stealth camera vibrated violently, and the quality of the picture was immediately cut off.    


"Let's go take a look." Sheng Yun took my hand and led me out of the room.    


Our room was directly across from theirs, so we could hear it loud enough for us to hear it even without surveillance.    


"What's going on?" Sheng Yun looked at the door that was filled with puppies and asked the waiter as if he didn't know anything.    


The Doggie Lance was placed in front of the door. I originally wanted to stop Sheng Yun from coming out, but it was too late. He pulled me out of the room.    


All of a sudden, we became the center of attention. All kinds of camera video cameras came crashing down on us, constantly taking pictures.    


Sheng Yun probably feared that something would happen, so he asked the waiter to use his room card to open Xu Tianyi's door.    


When the door was opened, Ren Yingying was kneeling on the floor, clutching her stomach and screaming for pain. When the door was opened, Ren Yingying was kneeling on the floor, clutching her stomach and screaming for pain.    


Sheng Yun told the security guards to 'invite' the puppies out. They already had enough food for today, so they didn't stay for long and left one by one.    


"Uncle Xu, what's going on?" Sheng Yun asked while feigning ignorance.    


"Yun, since you're here, fine, let me ask you, why did they appear in your hotel?" Xu Changsheng asked Sheng Yun angrily. It was obvious that he had gotten angry and was no longer enduring his anger like before.    


"Tianyi came with me because my girlfriend came over. I went to stay with her for a while, but who would have thought that something like this would happen when I came back? Uncle, what's going on? " Sheng Yun pretended to be innocent.    


"Yun, help me speak up for my parents and ask them to spare us. "This woman treats me sincerely. As long as they let me marry her, I will definitely obediently listen to their words and study hard. I promise!" Xu Tianyi said.    


"Is that true?" In the future, do you promise to work properly, not play games, and not go to a nightclub? " Huang Xiaoxiang stood up from the ground, her hair dishevelled as she asked in surprise.    


But soon after, she realized the price she had to pay and said with a cold expression, "No, I definitely won't let such a shabby woman in!"    


"Dad!" "Mom!" Ren Yingying suddenly shouted loudly and knelt on the ground with a thump. Then, she actually kowtowed three times to Xu Tianyi's parents in front of us!    


I've had three views refreshed! This was the first time he realized that someone could be this shameless!    


"Who's your parents?! Don't shout! " Huang Xiaoxiang was obviously also confused by Ren Yingying's actions. It wasn't until she finished kowtowing three times that she reacted.    


"I really love Tianyi, and I want to serve him and you for the rest of my life. As long as you agree to let me marry him, I promise to cook and wash your clothes every day, I don't want anything, I don't want a wedding, I don't want a ring, I don't want a car, I want to be with Xu Tianyi all my heart! "Dad, mom, please promise us that you will let us stay together!" Ren Yingying's words were like crying to the world. Anyone who didn't know the truth would think that she had no regrets for Xu Tianyi and would not marry him!    


I am completely convinced by this acting skill! If my bones were half as cheap as Ren Yingying's, I guess I would have taken the position of Madam Sheng by now, right?    


"Dad, Mom, just agree! Stop making things difficult for us! Ying Ying was still pregnant! If you kneel for too long, your grandson will be gone! " Xu Tianyi hurriedly helped Ren Yingying up from the ground and said to Huang Xiaoxiang.    


I saw Huang Xiaoxiang's eyelids twitch. At this moment, Xu Changsheng said resolutely, "There is no room for negotiation!"    


Unexpectedly, Huang Xiaoxiang yelled out, "Wait!"    


After that, she ran to Xu Changsheng and whispered a few words into his ear. He didn't know what she said, and although Xu Changsheng's face was dark, he didn't say anything else.    


She walked up to Ren Yingying and asked, "Is what you said true?"    


"It is absolutely true, I will definitely do what I say!" Ren Yingying vowed solemnly.    


If you want to enter my house, firstly, we don't have a betrothal gift, secondly, we don't receive any of your poor relatives, thirdly, we don't have any connections with you, fourthly, you can take care of all the household chores. Fifth, you have to serve me tea and water every day. Huang Xiaoxiang bragged and said a lot of unreasonable things.    


Surprisingly, Ren Yingying nodded in agreement. In that moment, I saw a smile of satisfaction on Huang Xiaoxiang's face. It was just that she did not know that dogs that did not bark would bite.    


"Mom, is that enough? I'll agree to it, right? You just need to let her follow me! " Xu Tianyi became impatient.    


I could see that even though he was arrogant and haughty, after staying in the Wind and Moon Arena for so long, he understood the value of true feelings. He probably thought that Ren Yingying wholeheartedly loved him and was wholeheartedly following him. Who would have thought that even though Ren Yingying seemed humble, she could endure it more than any other woman and knew how to plot things!    


"Alright, then come to my house tomorrow. We will not announce anything related to you to the outside world. Your final decision on whether or not to stay will depend on your performance. " Huang Xiaoxiang had an evil mother-in-law look as she spoke to Ren Yingying.    


"Alright, thank you, mom. I, Tianyi, will be packing since a long time ago." Ren Yingying lowered her head and replied smoothly.    


Only then did Huang Xiaoxiang and Xu Changsheng arrogantly leave. The moment they turned around, I saw Ren Yingying raise her head and look at the back of Huang Xiaoxiang's head with a vulture before quickly lowering her head.    


The good show finally began … I know that once Ren Yingying enters the door, she will definitely torture Xu Changsheng and Huang Xiaoxiang to death.    


That night, Ren Yingying called me. "My brother needs a hundred thousand yuan to get married. You can lend it to me."    


"Ren Yingying, don't push your luck!" I said into the phone.    



"I'll follow your instructions! Not to mention anything else, just for the sake of the child in my stomach, you should satisfy me! " Ren Yingying said from the other end of the phone.    


"Where are you now?" I asked, hearing the noise beside her.    


"I'm in a public phone booth on the street. If you do what I ask, I'll do what you ask! Xu Shubei, I'm risking my life today, and finally got the chance to enter the Xu Family with great difficulty. " Ren Yingying said proudly on the other end of the phone.    


"It's up to you now, Ren Yingying." I said to her.    


"Don't worry!" I will make Huang Xiaoxiang kneel before me one day to serve me! " Ren Yingying finished her sentence, and a shrill laugh came from her hair on the phone. Hearing such a sound in the middle of the night made me shudder.    


At this moment, she suddenly said into the phone, "You'd better go to ON to see Xia Yiwa. I heard she's drunk and is surrounded by several men …"    




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