Planned Love



0Two bodyguards were on my left and right. I crossed my arms and squinted as his car rolled into view.    


When the car door opened, Xu Changsheng, who was wearing a long black trench coat and sunglasses, walked out. The four men in black suits behind him immediately followed him. They were all tall and strong, approaching menacingly.    


From the looks of it, I knew it wasn't good.    


When the two bodyguards behind me saw this, they immediately moved to protect me. I patted them on the shoulder and told them to be patient.    


"Shubei, I heard you stayed here today. Are you used to it?" When I didn't say anything, he asked first.    


"Of course I'm used to it. This is my home after all, so what's there to not be used to?" On the other hand, you, you have been in the limelight for so many years, will your conscience calm down? " I asked coldly.    


"I didn't come here today to quarrel with you. I just wanted to care for you. After all, no matter what, I'm your closest relative in this world. What do you think?" His expression changed slightly, but he still patiently told me.    


"When you beat me and scolded me back then, why didn't you show me any mercy? When you sent me to the orphanage, why didn't you think that I was your only brother and the only orphan in this world? When you took all our possessions, did you ever think of leaving a way out for my only niece? " I looked at him and continued to sneer.    


"Back then, it was your fault as well. You were too stubborn and did not fit in with the group, causing your aunt to be sick for the rest of her life. These old debts were already part of the past. Did he have to bring them up again? You should be more sensible since you've grown up. If you're smart enough, you should know that I've given you a lot of face by coming here today! " Xu Changsheng was actually able to say such shameless words.    


I wanted to tear his old face apart and see how many heavy masks were hidden beneath it! To think that he could say such words! What kind of morals and morals was someone like him worthy of talking about?    


I was shaking with anger, but I kept my temper under control. I raised my eyebrows and asked, "Oh? Is that so? What great face? What face do you have for Uncle to suddenly feel sorry for this lonely girl of mine for so many years? It can't be that Uncle has been reciting a few more words of Amitabha's love and is beginning to show mercy, right? "    


"I know you're good at talking, but I can't win against you." He was obviously upset by my ridicule, so he coughed twice, then changed his tone, "Now you're going to get married to Sheng Yun, if you want to enter Sheng Family, how can you not have an extremely strong family to support you? You should know that there are a lot of rules in the Wealthy Class. If your family didn't support you, even if you went in, you wouldn't be able to live a good life. Today, I have come here because I hope that we can let bygones be bygones and get along with each other.    


"Oh …" I pretended to be enlightened, and smiled as I said, "So uncle was thinking this way. Did you see that I have climbed up the Sheng Family, and felt that I was making use of them, or was I regretting that I had made a mistake? Uncle, do you need to be so snobbish? When I was worthless, I used my life to trample on me. Now that I finally got some use out of it, I began to value me, didn't I? Should I be grateful to you for finally thinking of me? "    


Xu Changsheng's face alternated between green and white. If it was before, he would have already attacked if I dared to do this to him. But now, not only did he not do so, he even squeezed out a flattering smile from his wrinkled face. Such shamelessness and shamelessness was truly admirable to me.    


"Shubei, I know that you were in the wrong back then, but you are still young and ignorant. After so many years, uncle has indeed let you down. I gave you this house because I thought I should make it up to you. As long as you are willing to reconcile, in the future, if there's anything in Sheng Family that you need my help with, I will definitely do my best. " Xu Changsheng said.    


"Damn your compensation! Xu Changsheng, do you still have any face? " Hearing this, I couldn't help but curse.    


His expression suddenly turned dark. The four men in black behind him, seeing the situation, simultaneously brandished their fists at me to demonstrate their strength. The two bodyguards behind me also showed their muscles, shouting at them, "You guys dare to come up and compete!? Who the fuck is afraid of you! "    


"Xu Shubei, must you make it look so ugly? Don't think I'm afraid of you just because I bow to you today. Whether or not your status in the Sheng Family can be preserved is still another story! "Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you've climbed onto a high branch!" Xu Changsheng said to me with a dark face.    


"Even if I have nothing to do with Sheng Family, if you dare to come today, I will still dare to beat you until all your teeth are found on the ground. Do you believe me?" I sneered and looked at him, "If you are a client, then don't pretend to be a man of your word. If you want to talk to me, then show me your true face!" Don't come with me in such a perverse, hypocritical way, do not like to hear! I know who you are! I know your motives very well! "I'll tell you the truth, if you dare to step in today, I'll beat you until all your teeth fall out!"    


"Sheng Family? Hehe … Xu Changsheng, don't say that I don't have a backer called Sheng Family, even if I did, it wouldn't be rare. Just remember, as long as I am alive, I will be your natural enemy! Stop f * cking pretending in front of me! I know very well how my parents died, and how my grandmother died! Bastards like you who turn their backs on others and are heartless and heartless, sooner or later, you will be punished by the heavens! I'm pregnant and I can't be bothered to talk to you. Aa Nan and Aa Bei, beat him up for me! " I was a little tired from talking so I fell onto the comfortable reclining chair by the door.    


The moment I said that, Aa Nan and Aa Bei's two bodyguards gave three loud claps, and the villa's door was closed by the four bodyguards.    


I knew that Sheng Yun had installed quite a few personal bodyguards around the old house in addition to Aa Nan and Aa Bei's two bodyguards. He was very close to this child and would never let even the slightest mistake happen to the child.    


"Hit him!" I looked straight into Xu Changsheng's eyes and gave the order directly.    


Aa Nan Aa Bei rushed over with a group of bodyguards, and Xu Changsheng probably thought I wouldn't dare to fight him if he took four of them to bluff. I want him to know that he was completely wrong!    


To deal with this kind of shameless villain who killed people for their goods, he did not even need to waste words on violence! This time, I'm going to shut the door! Let him have a taste of me being whipped and humiliated by them all those years ago!    


As the security guards rushed forward, the four of them were quickly overpowered. Xu Changsheng saw the situation and was ready to escape, but he couldn't.    


Aa Nan Aa Bei blocked him from the left and right. Without thinking, he threw a punch directly at Aa Nan's head!    


Blood flowed from his nostrils, and as I watched, I felt nothing but grief.    


"Xu Shubei!" I am the dignified CEO of Xu's Group! How dare you do this to me! Just you wait! " Xu Changsheng shouted in exasperation. The more stubborn he got, the harder Aa Nan and Aa Bei's fists would pound harder and harder.    


"You can't blame me for this! Blame you for barging into my house without permission and causing me to become pregnant. " I slouched on the chaise longue, casually saying, trimming my nails.    


Xu Changsheng had lived like a prince for so long, how could he have ever felt such a heavy rain of bullets? Before even hitting twice, he was already screaming out loud and began desperately begging for mercy.    


People like Xu Changsheng, are heartless and have no backbone. If you're soft, he'll go all out to bully you. But if you're tough, he'll immediately go soft.    


"Shubei, quickly tell them to stop! Get them to stop! What conditions do you have? What do you need to do to let me go? " Xu Changsheng cried out in pain as he was being beaten.    


I waved my hand, signaling Aa Nan and the others to stop. Aa Nan and Aa Bei then threw Xu Changsheng in front of me like a dead dog, and then returned behind me, one on the left and one on the right, like pillars.    


I sat up straight, adjusted my mood, changed my face into a smile, and pretended to be gentle as I asked, "Uncle, is Aa Nan and Aa Bei giving you a good massage? It's been a long time since your body has had any proper exercise, so don't you feel much better after letting them do all the hassle? "    


Xu Changsheng replied weakly: "Xu Shubei, I came to ask for peace with good intentions. You dared to get people to hit me like that, just you wait!" I will not let this matter rest! "    


"Please don't, Uncle." Don't. You beat me up that year, but now I'm going to beat you up. I accept your kindness, and you accept my kindness. Isn't that the best? " I said lightly.    


"Xu Shubei!" You are truly ruthless! " He looked up at me, his eyes venomous and venomous.    


"Uncle, how can I be more ruthless than you?" For the sake of benefits, you won't even let your own brother and mother go. Today, I was only trying to deal with him in a different way. I wasn't ruthless in the slightest, and I still felt that it was too gentle. If I had been a little more ruthless, you would have been dead by now, but … You are my uncle after all. You are heartless. Since you have come as a guest, I can only prepare this gift for you. Uncle should be grateful for your niece's filial piety. " After I finished speaking, Ying Ying stood up. She squatted on the stairs and looked at him who was lying on the ground like a sick dog and slowly said, "Uncle, I have already considered what he said just now. You're right. We are a family after all. After all, we are related by blood …" Hehe … Since uncle wants to re-marry me, then as a junior, I should express my opinion as well. "    


Xu Changsheng snorted. He didn't reply, but his eyes started to spin.    


I know that even after a beating from me, as long as it involves specific benefits, he will still value those benefits. That's why I dared to be so confident and let him have a taste of being beaten up!    


I motioned to Aa Nan Aa Bei to help him up from the ground and brought him a chair to sit on. His face was bruised and bruised, and the injuries on his body were probably not light. Although Aa Nan and Aa Bei did not use their full strength, they almost took his life.    


"Speak, I want to see what you can say." he asked me, slouching back in his chair.    




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