Planned Love



0After so many years, he had still kept the item from back then. This meant that he hadn't forgotten it in his heart, right? I thought about it for a moment, then I laughed to myself. Does anyone else forget what it has to do with you?    


Then, relieved, I put the harmonica in the bottom drawer and wrapped it in a piece of red silk, ready to return it to him the next time I saw him.    


What I didn't expect was that for the next month or so, he didn't appear in my line of sight.    


My world didn't change just because he didn't show up. I still had to go to work, go to the mall, talk about things, and I didn't want to be coy and pretentious because I was pregnant.    


As my belly got bigger day by day, I kept rubbing my belly and always felt guilty, so on Friday afternoon, after work, I went to the mall. Although I knew Sheng Yun had prepared everything for the child, I still wanted to go around the baby shop and do something for the child.    


After I graduated from college, I barely visited the mall, and only a few times I was pulled by Xia Yiwa when she returned home. Unexpectedly, after walking around for a bit, he entered the mall himself.    


Yiwa … Is she okay?    


I tried to leave her a message twice on Q, but she ignored me. I saw that her condition was constantly being updated and that I could see her life through the pictures she shared.    


Her clothes were more modern and more avant-garde. Her office was decorated magnificently. Her cosmetics business was doing very well … Everything about her seemed so far away from me.    


But as long as she was well, I was happy for her. In fact, I wanted to leave a message telling her that I really missed her, but I wasn't the kind of person who was good at expressing himself. Many times he picked up the phone to call her and say something, but the moment he picked up the phone, he couldn't help but put it down.    


While I was casually strolling around the mall, I was introduced by the salesperson as I bought a series of baby products. Aa Nan and Aa Bei followed me silently wherever I went. They were responsible for carrying everything I bought, so even though I was lonely, I was still free.    


When I finished buying my things and took the elevator from the third floor to the second floor, I accidentally looked up and saw Xia Yiwa coming up from the second floor. We both looked at each other at the same time.    


At that moment, my emotions were extremely complicated. The elevator moved quickly, and when I looked back quickly, I saw that she was watching me. Only, she now had two young and beautiful girls by her side.    


Neither of us called out the other's name, as if we were strangers passing each other. She went up, I went down, and even if they met, they wouldn't meet again.    


By the time I got off the elevator, she had disappeared into the hallway, and I had expected her to forgive everything over time. I hadn't thought that we would ever be strangers again.    


I couldn't help but sigh. I turned my head to head towards the exit, but all of a sudden, I bumped into a man.    


"Shubei?" Before I could react, the other party called out my name.    


I looked up and saw it was Shang Yang.    


"Shang Yang, it's you." I froze for a moment and then laughed.    


"Why did you come to the mall alone?" "Where's Yun?" Shang Yang looked around and then asked me.    


"He has his own business to attend to, why are you alone?" I asked.    


"I came with Yiwa, but she went out with her two subordinates. I just parked the car." After Shang Yang said that, he winked at me with a smile and said, "My stomach grew quite a bit, but I didn't gain much weight. I'm free right now, so why don't we sit at Starbucks for a while? "    


It had been a long time since we'd seen each other, so I nodded and said, "Alright."    


We walked over to the nearby Starbucks and sat down. I was pregnant and couldn't drink coffee, so he asked for a glass of milk.    


As soon as he sat down, he said with emotion, "I didn't expect Xu Tianyi to do such a thing. No matter how ignorant he is, he shouldn't have killed his mother with his own hands."    


"At that time, I was also present at the scene. It was not like what the outside world said. In order to protect Ren Yingying, he gave his mother a push, and she hit a pillar. He didn't mean to do that. " I said lightly.    


"You were there? Why are you here? " Shang Yang looked at me in surprise and then asked me, "What happened? Where is that woman Ren Yingying now? Why did it feel like it disappeared? How's the baby in her belly? "    


"He was pushed to the ground by Huang Xiaoxiang and accidentally lost his baby, so he probably went back to his hometown," I said indifferently. Afterwards, I smiled bitterly and said, "Shi Jian's child is gone. I always wanted to tell you, but I'm afraid you don't want to contact me."    


"Why wouldn't I want to contact you? There is no misunderstanding between you and me. I didn't contact you because I thought you and Yun had stabilized, so I didn't want to disturb you. After all, no matter how you put it, I had … "It's a little interesting." Shang Yang laughed a bit embarrassedly when he said that.    


"Is that so? Why haven't I heard you mention it before? " I couldn't help but mock him.    


"I'm not going to do something like Falling Flower Intent being merciless. Plus, if I go up, I'll have to see who my opponent is. I think it's better not to think about it." I've never been stronger than him since I was a kid, apart from racing cars. " Shang Yang let out a clear laugh. He still had that warm and refreshing look on his face. Compared to Sheng Yun, he looked a lot more energetic.    


"Oh yeah, I have a question for you, why would a person like Sheng Yun crawl through a water pipe?" When he mentioned Sheng Yun, he could not help but ask.    


"Remember that I told you about his first love?" Shang Yang laughed at my question. "Wasn't he hospitalized in the past? At that time, the dean wouldn't let him go out, so he slipped off the water pipe in the middle of the night and took the girl to see a movie, a concert, fireworks, and so on. He had learnt this unique skill in a short while. In the years that followed, he never forgot the girl. Sometimes when I was at home, he would suddenly climb up to my window in the middle of the night and start playing the harmonica without a word. Once he finished playing, he would drink with me … However, that was a few years ago, and now that he's the president, I reckon he has long forgotten about those matters! "    


He had never forgotten the woman. When he missed her, he would suddenly climb up to the windowsill and play the harmonica … It turned out that his feelings and sorrow were not for me, but for someone else in his heart. He had probably never forgotten her all these years! After all, it was her first love, such an unforgettable first love!    


A bitter smile formed on my lips, and Shang Yang sensed that something was wrong. He waved his hand in front of my eyes and asked, "Shubei, what's wrong?" You don't mind these things, do you? It was a long time ago, and there was nothing to mind. Who didn't have a bit of youth? Yun is quite sincere about you, and apart from that woman, you're the only one who's been able to interest him all these years. "    


"I don't mind. It's just that I'm a bit tired. Pregnancy is too hard." I came back to my senses and smiled at Shang Yang.    


"Yun is good in everything, but he's too busy and doesn't have much time to accompany you. If you get bored in the future, you can look for me. Although I'm managing a few chain stores, I'm not very busy. " Shang Yang said.    


"Have you been in contact with Yiwa?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"Yeah, we've been in contact all along, but I don't know what she's thinking. I feel like she's never been very happy, so other than going to work, she just pulled me over to help her drink. Once I'm done, I'll send her home …" Anyway, we're not lovers, and I don't know what she's thinking. " Shang Yang said in annoyance.    


"You all … Or does it have to be that way? " I couldn't help but ask again.    


"Mhm," Shang Yang nodded in embarrassment, "But I didn't force her, she often forced me. Young people, you know that, don't you? "    


I couldn't help but burst out laughing as I gossiped, "To be honest, have you fallen in love with Yiwa?"    


He chuckled, "I can't say. I just want to see her every day, so I'm willing to do whatever she wants me to do. But the words of others aren't that good." Maybe I'm too free now. "    


"Is she all right now? Is the work going well? " I asked again.    


"It's not that bad. It's just that Alice isn't that easy to get along with. Luckily, her working ability is quite good as well. Although she's always getting scolded, the overall progress is pretty good. I have been helping her unravel all these relationships." Everything else is fine, except that I always felt that there was a knot in her heart, and I didn't know when it would be released. " After Shang Yang said that, he looked at me and said, "Shubei, to be honest, she really cares about you and Yun."    


"I know. I just don't know when the knot in her heart will be untied." Listening to Shang Yang say this, my heart was full of twists and turns, and all the happy years I spent with her in my head started pouring out.    


She was the first friend of my life and the only friend I have ever had.    


"It's my reason, it's because I don't know how to handle emotions, it's because I'm used to not saying many things myself, I care in my heart but I don't show it on the surface, I still haven't learned to love others. I know I hurt her. " I couldn't help but say.    


"It wasn't wrong for you to hurt me, but in my heart, I've never blamed you. It's just that I still don't want to forgive you right now." I didn't expect Xia Yiwa to suddenly appear behind me.    


When her voice came, I was stunned for two seconds. I immediately stood up and turned around to look at her. When our eyes met, I couldn't help but call out, "Yiwa …"    





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