Planned Love



0At that instant, Sheng Yun struggled to get up from the ground. He then tightly protected me and shouted at his father, "Dad, have you fought enough yet?"    


Tai Ziqian walked up to me and extended his hand, gesturing for me to stand up. I was pregnant, and I could not let my guard down on the subtlety of the situation.    


So, with Tai Ziqian's help, I stood up from the ground, covered my wound and followed Tai Ziqian to the side. Tai Ziqian and Tai Feng subconsciously shielded me behind them and whispered in my ear, "Be careful. Come with us in a while."    


"That's you, you bastard! All these years, I've never been a father to anyone! Ignoring your mother's words! I really regret giving birth to you in the outside world! If only I knew your grandpa would be so biased! I shouldn't have brought you back! Today I will let you understand what filial piety is! " Sheng Cheng seemed to get more and more excited, the whip in his hand still mercilessly whipped Sheng Yun's body.    


One, two, three... The clothes on Sheng Yun's back had been broken by the whip and were full of wounds. The flesh on his back was badly mangled and it was a shocking sight to behold.    


A group of security guards surrounded everyone who was present. Chen Mozhu proudly shouted, "Today, we will punish this unfilial son of ours! If anyone on the scene dared to stop him, they would all end up like him! Don't blame me for not greeting you beforehand! "    


I understand that this is for me and for the Tai Feng family. Other than us, the rest of the people present should have long been eyeing Sheng Yun like he was a thorn in their side.    


I turned my head to look at the old man, who was completely frozen and out of his world. I don't think he would have thought that his family would be in an uproar over his family's fortune after he had just passed away.    


"Sheng Yun, you're resisting, why aren't you resisting? Why did he allow them to invert right and wrong like this? You clearly have prepared for this for a long time, you clearly know that as long as your grandfather leaves this world, his family would definitely stir up a storm, you should have already prepared for the rain, why do you look so powerless today, could it be that you really don't have the strength to turn things around? Are you willing to give up on Golden Age? " I screamed in my heart, and when I saw the gash on his back, I could barely stand up straight, my eyes blurring with tears.    


At that moment, I realized that seeing him hurt caused my heart to ache as well. So it turns out that I care more about him than I thought.    


Tai Ziqian quietly supported me and whispered to me: "Are you alright? Does it hurt? "    


"I'm fine, Ziqian." I whispered.    


He nodded, glanced at the old man who had passed away, sighed, and said nothing.    


It was so quiet that the only sound that could be heard was the sound of a whip lashing. Sheng Yun clenched his teeth and stood on the spot. His face was ashen, but he did not make a sound. Even though his body was riddled with wounds, he still showed his might without getting angry. His strong aura made the scene strangely quiet.    


Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and took hold of his father's whip. He looked at his father and coldly said, "It's already been one hundred times. Even if I'm ashamed of myself for all these years and have stolen your position and placed it on your head, I will have paid back the one hundred strokes! I hope that all family grudges come to an end here! "Next up, I just want to see Grandfather buried in the ground to rest. As for the future of Golden Age, it's up to all of you to decide, is that enough?"    


Sheng Yun's words surprised me. I didn't think that he would give up on Golden Age. These days, though I do not know exactly what he is up to, I know that he has done too much for the good times, and that he is not the kind of man who would give up everything he has to someone else, even if it were his father, who, given his character, would not give it up so easily.    


What happened to him? Was it because his grandfather's death caused him too much grief? What was he thinking? Why did he say that?... I don't understand. I don't understand at all.    


"That's what you said. Even if you don't say that, you won't have anything to do with Golden Age in the future. We have contacted all the major shareholders, and we all agree to strip you of your control over Golden Age and dismiss you from your position as CEO of Golden Age. Your father will take the next position, and I will be in charge of the position of vice president. "You and Golden Age have no relationship at all after this. If you are obedient enough and know when to back off, we will consider giving you a bit of money to work hard." Chen Mozhu said proudly.    


"I don't want anything. I only have one request, and that is for you to hold a grand funeral for my grandfather. Don't let him die in such a miserable way. If you don't want to attend the funeral, I'll do it myself. After all of this is done, I will leave the Sheng Family. I hope that the Golden Age can continue to exist in your hands. " Sheng Yun said resolutely without a shred of hesitation.    


Had he really decided to do so? Then why did he insist that I give birth to this child? If all this was his plan, then the child in my womb would be of no value to him at all. Why did he do this?    


I grew more and more confused, but his eyes were so determined and certain that they seemed to have given up altogether.    


"You don't have to worry about Golden Age. We've already been burning incense since we haven't lost to you in the past few years. It would be best if you could agree to this decision. Even if you do not agree, I can tell you that any struggle you have will be futile. When the old man dies, no one will stand on your side. You always thought that you were Sheng Family's only grandson, but I can tell you today, that you have always been nothing but a dog raised in Sheng Family! Do you think your grandfather really loves you? You are just a puppet he raised! You are just a chess piece! If he really loves you, with his shrewdness, how could he not leave a will and give you everything? " Sheng Yun's elder sister said confidently with a smug look on her face.    


"Enough?" Sheng Yun was still standing there as firm as steel. He was as majestic as a mountain and did not move at all. His cold words made his elder sister resentfully shut her mouth.    


"Father, can you agree to my request?" Sheng Yun looked at Sheng Xingran and asked coldly.    


"You don't have to worry about this. I'm his son. I'm not dead yet, so it's not up to you to care." Sheng Cheng probably didn't expect Sheng Yun to give up so easily. He started to feel guilty.    


No matter what, Sheng Yun is his own son. Although I don't know why the usually weak Sheng Yun would suddenly exert such strength, but I think that when he saw Sheng Yun's current state, his heart must be feeling terrible, right?    


"Father, do you still remember what you told me when you brought me back to the Sheng Family back then?" Sheng Yun's gaze turned slightly pained. He looked at his father and asked slowly.    


"Wh …" I've forgotten what it is. " Sheng Cheng became increasingly guilty. He lowered his head, not daring to look at Sheng Yun again.    


"Say it, I will definitely become the greatest pride of you and grandfather. I hope that I can make you proud in the future. All these years, I have always strived hard to become the pride of you and grandfather, and have made you all proud. But who would have thought that in the end, in your eyes, I was completely wrong … " Sheng Yun used his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He looked up proudly at the ceiling. His eyes glimmered with tears, making my heart ache.    


He loved her deeply, but he said very little. But with just a few words, I understood. In this family, not only did he treat grandfather as a relative, he also treated the father that brought him back from the outside world … Even though he was cowardly, incompetent, and easily provoked, in the end, he was still his father. He was the person who brought him back to the Sheng Family.    


"I …" Sheng Cheng's head drooped even lower. The whip in his hand fell to the ground. There were still bloodstains on the whip as it fell drop by drop onto the floor. He could not utter another word.    


"Have you ever had a father in your eyes? When did you ever put Dad in your eyes? When did you think of us as your family? Little bastard, don't talk so much. I'm telling you, father will not show you any mercy. You are his enemy, and without you, he wouldn't have to go through so many years in such a useless manner! " Sheng Yun's second sister saw that her father was moved, so she anxiously shouted at him, and then shouted at her father, "Dad, have you forgotten your cowardice these past few years? Have you forgotten how people poke you in the back and say you're not as good as your son? Have you forgotten how grandpa scolded you and ignored your feelings? Without this little bastard, how could your relationship with grandpa become so strange? Dad, it's all because of him, it's all because of this evil bastard! "    


"Enough!" Sheng Cheng looked like he was shouting, the complicated feelings caused the muscles on his face to tremble, his entire body was trembling, he pointed at Sheng Yun's face and slowly said, "Go, leave now, leave the Sheng Family right now! from now on, the Sheng Family has nothing to do with you! I will ask you to transfer 500 thousand as the payment for your hard work! As for your grandfather's funeral, I will have it all done! You don't have to worry! Get lost! "From now on, don't ever appear in front of me again!"    


At that moment, I felt Sheng Yun's piercing pain. I couldn't help but step forward and hold his hand. His hand was cold and sticky. Drops of blood dripped down his arm. Thick blood stuck my hand to his. When I looked up, I saw sorrow and desolation in his eyes.    




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