Planned Love



0No one noticed this sudden scene, and by the time they noticed it, it was already too late. I had already fallen to the ground.    


There was an explosive pain in my stomach, and when something came pouring out, I knew it wasn't good.    


The pain pulled at me so hard I couldn't stand it, I felt someone pick me up off the ground quickly, someone was shouting "Hit 120!" and the scene was a mess, and I almost fainted in the midst of the excruciating pain.    


I felt that the person holding me was not Sheng Yun, but another strong and powerful embrace. I heard Sheng Yun's voice, I heard Sheng Yun arguing, and I also heard an extremely loud voice from above, "Stop messing around, you're already injured!" You can't carry her! "    


Then I fell completely into a coma. Even though I wanted to hold on to myself, even though I was afraid that I would eventually lose this child even though I was so careful, I still couldn't hold on any longer and fell into complete chaos.    


I felt as if I was being lifted into a car. I could still hear voices coming from the top of my head, and I could still feel waves of pain coming from my abdomen that were different from before. Afterwards, I was pushed onto the operating table, and I didn't know what sort of injection the doctor had injected into my body.    


When I woke up again, I was in the hospital. The sun was shining outside the window and the room was filled with flowers. When I opened my eyes, Xia Yiwa was the first person I saw.    


She looked at me with a smile, and when I saw her expression, I felt more at ease.    


"It's a kid. Although he was born prematurely, he's still healthy. It weighs six kilograms, Shubei." She took my hand excitedly and added with a smile, "Mother and son are safe, lucky in the midst of misfortune."    


"Has he been born?" I murmured, trying to sit up, but I felt the pain in my stomach.    


"Don't move, the situation is critical, it was delivered by caesarean section, your stomach hasn't completely recovered yet, but the doctor said it was fortunate that you had a good body, although you fell, it wasn't too bad." Xia Yiwa hurriedly said.    


"He … "Okay?" I hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but ask.    


I found it hard to accept that I had become a mother in such a sudden situation. Actually, I was already prepared to go through with my labor because I felt that this might be the only time I would ever be a mother in my life. I wanted to experience the most primitive and natural delivery, but I didn't expect … The plan didn't keep up with the change, and the child was born so early, and, in such a surprise, I didn't know what to call him.    


"Zaizai, right?" He's fine. He's in the neonatal intensive care unit, and he's still in custody for a few days because he's a premature baby. " Xia Yiwa hurriedly said.    


"Zaizai?" I hesitated again, and then I couldn't help but smile, "We once said that if you have a son in the future, you should be called Zaizai, and if you have a daughter, you should be called Shancao. Do you remember? "    


Xia Yiwa and I had been obsessed with the movie that year, and we had made that decision. She didn't expect that even after so many years, she still remembered.    


"Are you better?" While I was talking with Xia Yiwa, Sheng Yun quietly walked to the other side of the bed and asked lightly.    




"Does it hurt?"    




"You guys chat, I'll go and see Zaizai."    


He walked out. I don't know if it was my imagination or what, but I could hear a slight tremor in his voice.    


The moment Sheng Yun walked out, Tai Ziqian walked in. Seeing that I had woken up, he revealed a big smile.    


"Ever since you were sent into the operating room, my brother has been in a bad mood. He has been silent all this time, silent all this time, with his back to us. When the baby was born and the nurse showed it to us, he took a deep breath and remained silent. " Xia Yiwa frowned. "Shouldn't you be happy to be your father?"    


"Maybe he's too excited and doesn't want to express it. Don't you feel that his hands are shaking?" Tai Ziqian walked over and said, then he shrugged and said helplessly, "I really don't understand. I'm obviously excited, but I have to act cold."    


"This isn't the first time he has done this. The first time he heard the words' baby's heart ', he immediately left as if he didn't care at all. It's the same as his current reaction." I shook my head helplessly, then said, "I'd like to see the baby, too."    


"The doctor said you can't get out of bed yet. Be careful of the wound." Xia Yiwa said.    


"No, I want to see him. I missed the first time I saw him in this world. I can't miss anything else. " I shook my head and said firmly.    


"I'll ask the nurse for a wheelchair. You guys wait here." Tai Ziqian said.    


After Tai Ziqian left, Xia Yiwa asked me in surprise, "Shubei, who is this handsome guy? I've never seen you have such an iron friend before, how did you get to know him? "    


"He is the son of my parents and friends. We met when we were kids, so it can be said that it's been a long time since we last met." I smiled.    


Tai Ziqian quickly pushed his wheelchair in, followed by the nurse. After a few serious commands from the nurse, she helped me to carefully move down and put me on the wheelchair. Then she said to me, "You are still weak right now. You can't go into the nursery, but you can see the baby from the window outside. The number seven, the one closest to the window, is your baby. Be sure to wear your hat on your head, and don't get caught in the wind. "    


I nodded, and Xia Yiwa pushed me out of the room. My room was the senior ward of the hospital, and the nursery wasn't far from mine. Xia Yiwa pushed me a few dozen meters to get there.    


I motioned for Xia Yiwa to stop and not go over, because Sheng Yun was standing outside the window of the nursery. He half squatted there, motionlessly looking at Zaizai in the window that was emitting blue light. His hand slowly pressed on the glass, as if he couldn't help but want to touch it, but couldn't bear to. And then, from my direction, I could see a tear drop falling from his eyes as soundlessly as a drop of water falling into the earth.    


He used his other hand to wipe the corner of his eyes, but that other hand was still pressed at the place closest to Zaizai, as if he couldn't bear to leave no matter what.    


"My brother …" They're actually crying. " Xia Yiwa whispered behind me.    


I could still bear it, but her words made my nose go sour, and then tears started pouring out of my eyes.    


Perhaps it was our voice that made him look in our direction, but when he saw me, he drew back his hand and straightened himself.    


Xia Yiwa pushed me over, and I thought he was going to say something, or share the joy with me.    


Without thinking, he said, "You see, I'll go back first."    


He didn't even look at me before he walked quickly around us, heading in the direction we'd come from. The thump of his footsteps made my heart tremble, and in the end, he was gone.    


"He clearly cares so much, yet he has to act so coldly. Ai …" Xia Yiwa couldn't help but sigh, "It's so good to have two people accompanying the little guy at such a time. Look, Zaizai is awake and crying. Does he know that his mother is here? "    


Mom... It was a new and magical word for me.    


Xia Yiwa pushed me closer to the window. Through the window, I could clearly see my Zaizai in a glass case similar to a thermal shield, the glass cover was full of blue light, and his skin was blue, he was wearing small blue clothes, like a little blue spirit struggling inside, shaking his little hands and feet, perhaps feeling my approach, he started to cry out loud, the voice came through the window, and for a moment I forgot all the pain, and put my eyes on the window to listen to his struggling cries, watching his small, wrinkled face, tears streaming down his cheeks.    


I really wanted to hug him. When I saw that this little person was currently lying there peacefully, I suddenly felt very lucky.    


"Zaizai …" I couldn't help but mutter under my breath.    


At this time, the nurse behind us said, "Well, go back and lie down. Take good care of your body so that you can be a qualified and competent mother in the future."    


"Yes." I didn't stay stubborn and nodded. I gave Zaizai another deep look and got Xia Yiwa to push me back into the ward.    


Tai Ziqian was still in the room, but Sheng Yun didn't come back. Xia Yiwa asked curiously, "Huh?" "Is my brother not back yet?"    


"No, I haven't." Tai Ziqian said.    


"Give him some time. He might not be able to accept it so quickly." "No," I said.    



I lay back down. My mind was suddenly filled with that small figure. I suddenly felt a mixture of emotions.    


"Don't think too much. Zaizai will be healthy from the inside. Do as the doctor says and take good care of your body." Tai Ziqian seemed to see through my thoughts, so he said to me softly.    


"My brother, seriously, when he's the one who needs him the most, he's actually reacting like this. What the hell is he thinking?" Xia Yiwa couldn't help but complain.    


Unexpectedly, Sheng Yun pushed open the door and walked in with a bunch of fresh roses in his hands.    


When Xia Yiwa and Tai Ziqian saw this scene, they both tactfully left the ward. I stared at him blankly while he stood opposite me with the flower in his hand. After a long silence, we both asked at the same time, "Are you happy?"    




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