Planned Love



0I hung up the phone and dialed Zhou Yihai's number. The first time, he hung me up; the second time, he answered.    


"Hello, who is this?" Zhou Yihai's indifferent voice sounded from the other end. It was clearly my phone call, but he acted as if he didn't know who it was.    


"Zhou, after so many years of revolutionary friendship, to kick him out just like that, that's unlikely, right?"    


"Oh …" So it was Shubei. I thought it was a disturbing call. I'm sorry, this decision isn't my personal decision, it's a unanimous decision of the company. There's so much work waiting to be done, and you've been fishing for three days to catch up with your work. And I also heard that you just had a baby, so … "I'm sorry."    


"Are you trying to kill me, or are you trying to add insult to injury?" I had expected him to ask me that, and I could not help but ask angrily.    


Sheng Yun was sitting right next to me. He could hear the anger in my tone, so he pressed his hand on my arm and shook his head, signaling me not to be angry.    


"I can only say that I'm sorry, the company has its own system, I am also helpless. Your salary, I will clear it and transfer it to your card. As for your previous shares …" Since we haven't had the time to officially sign the contract, we can't make the decision. You should take care of your health and congratulate your beloved son. I'm too busy, I'll visit you again when I have time. " Zhou Yihai politely said to me on the phone. It was a huge difference from his flattering face from before.    


When I could use it, I would bring you up to heaven. When I didn't need it, I would step you down to the ground. I have long understood Zhou Yihai's despicable face. He just didn't expect him to not hold back a single bit. It seems that I still overestimate human nature at times.    


Zhou Yihai's decision meant that all my efforts in Dongsen had been for naught, including those plans I had him make against Xu Changsheng, and all of them had gone down the drain.    


After hanging up, I fell into silence. Sheng Yun had understood about seventy percent of it, and he was silent.    


He stood up and walked over to the window, his back to me for a moment.    


"It's fine, I know Zhou Yihai's character. I had expected him to do this. You don't have to worry about it, and it's not what you want. " I shook my head and slowly sighed.    


"Don't worry, I have my limits." After a long while, he suddenly said, "I may not be able to take care of you in the hospital anymore, but I have already found a reliable Sister Yue to take care of you."    


"Where are you going?" I heard him say that, so I asked.    


"I still have some things to do, so I might need to travel for a few days." He turned and looked at me, a little sadly.    


He no longer had anything to do with Golden Age, what else could he do? I was a little confused, but I didn't ask.    


"Alright, I understand." I replied lightly.    


"You don't have to worry. Even if I'm not here, I will arrange everything." Sheng Yun looked at me with certainty and said, "When you and Zaizai are discharged from the hospital, I will rush back to pick you up."    


The next day, he brought a woman with him. This woman had a medium build and was a bit fat. Her clothes were simple but clean. Her face was not young but it was still charming. She looked like a neat woman. But I could feel her watching me when I looked at her.    


"She'll take care of your Yuanzi. She's the senior sister-in-law, so she has received professional training. Is that okay with you?" Sheng Yun asked me.    


I asked her a few questions, and she answered them all professionally. I nodded and said, "Yes, she can."    


So he left Sister Yue in the hospital, gave me a few words of advice and then left the hospital. Unexpectedly, after he left, he didn't reappear for a few days.    


Xia Yiwa and Tai Ziqian came to see me every day, and Shang Yang came to see me every now and then. When I asked Sheng Yun, he shook his head to show that he didn't know what he was doing.    


Fortunately, my body had always been in good condition. Furthermore, I was sent to the hospital in time, so it didn't cause too much damage to my body. After checking my body, the doctor told me that I could go through the discharge procedures, but I still needed to rest for at least four months before returning home.    


After a week, my Zaizai finally returned to my side safely. The doctor told me that although the little guy was premature, his body was as solid as mine. It was just that he was always crying and making trouble. Everything else was normal.    


The nurse put Zaizai in the cradle and slowly carried him in front of me. It was the first time I had seen my child so close.    


His skin was as white as Sheng Yun's; he had two eyelids, big and black eyes, a small mouth that sucked, two small hands that were close to his face, and ten fingers that were long. There was even some dirt on his face that came out from his mother's womb … It was probably because he hadn't had any milk for a long time. After sucking on it for a while and getting no comfort, he suddenly started to loudly cry.    


I looked at the little thing, and his every move seemed so lovely. Instinctively, I reached out and took him in my arms, and the little guy stopped crying as if he had sensed something, and then slightly opened his eyes, as if to see what his mother really looked like …    


"Zaizai …" I gently called out to him and held him in my arms.    


It was the first time in more than twenty years that I had felt my hard heart go completely soft. If it wasn't for the fact that the little fellow in front of me was really in my embrace, I would still be in a daze. Had I really become a mother?!    


"Miss Xu, Mr. Sheng has already sent a car to take you out of the hospital. My colleagues and I will send you out." At that moment, a nurse came in and said to me.    


I was holding Zaizai and heard her say that, so I raised my head and asked in surprise: "Now? Didn't he just leave the hospital in the afternoon? None of my friends are here yet. "    


"The discharge procedures have been completed. Mr. Sheng said that your friend had prepared a party for you, so he was the only one who came to pick you up. It's not convenient for him to stop the car now, so he asked me to take you down." The nurse came over and smiled at me.    


Suspicion welled up in me. I picked up the phone and dialed Sheng Yun's number, but his phone number was already off. When he was in the hospital, I forgot to ask him what his current number was.    


"Tell him to come up first, and then we'll go down." Out of caution, I said.    


At this moment, the nurse who had been in charge of my ward walked in and said with a smile, "Miss Xu, Mr. Sheng just called again and asked us to take you down. He had already parked his car at the exit, otherwise, the traffic would have been blocked."    


"The other procedures have been completed?" I confirmed.    


"The discharge procedures have been completed. I've brought the note for you. The child's birth certificate has been prepared. Mr. Sheng has already been accepted. You can leave now. Let Sister Yue help you pack your belongings." Nurse Wan said to me with a smile.    


The first nurse who came in was unfamiliar, but this Nurse Wan and I had known each other for several days, she and Sheng Yun were already familiar with each other, hearing her say this, I didn't suspect anything anymore, so with their help, I got off the bed, changed into my clothes, put on my hat, covered myself tightly and went downstairs with them.    


When we reached the exit of the hospital, as expected, we saw a car parked in front of the hospital. As soon as we arrived, the door of the MPV automatically opened.    


With the help of two nurses, I got into the car with the baby in my arms.    


After the car door was closed, it was immediately locked by the driver. Then, I realized something was wrong. I asked tentatively, "Sheng Yun?"    


No one in the front row answered me. In that instant, my heart thumped.    


Suddenly, a rope rapidly coiled behind my back and reached my neck. Before I could even react, my neck had already been strangled by a rope!    


The child was still firmly in my arms. He was sleeping soundly and had no idea what had happened in that short moment.    


My head hurt from the rope, so I asked, "Who are you?"    


"Miss Xu, you'd better not ask too many questions. I'm afraid you'll be hurt if you ask too many questions." The previously honest looking Sister Yue had now completely changed her appearance.    


"Why are you doing this? Where are you taking me? " I couldn't help but ask.    


This person was obviously found by Sheng Yun. Logically speaking, Sheng Yun only let me go because he had investigated her thoroughly, but this person clearly had evil intentions.    


Disgusted, she took off her old lady's coat, pinched my chin savagely, and said, "You'll know where you're going in a minute."    


My neck was strangled, and I found it difficult to breathe, let alone speak.    



As the car sped on, my mind was racing. If it was an elaborate conspiracy between the appearance of my sister-in-law this month and the two nurses joining hands to trick me into getting on the train, then who was it to me and why was it being done this way? Just who was this person? Could it be Xu Changsheng and Ren Yingying?    


The child started to cry in my arms, so I held him tighter. He was obviously hungry, and his crying got louder and louder, but Sis Yue, who was beside me, was no longer as patient as before. She snatched the child from my hands and shouted, "If you continue to cry, I'll throw you to the ground and kill you!"    




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