Planned Love



0Sheng Yun's face revealed a meaningful smile. He hugged me tighter and then whispered into my ear: "At least, you didn't let me down."    


However, a trace of disappointment flashed through my heart upon hearing his words. I had thought that all the things we had been saying these days were from the bottom of our hearts, but he had still kept a hand in it. As for me, I revealed everything.    


I smiled, a little bitterly.    


He felt it keenly, then he kissed me on the forehead and held my face and forced me to look him in the eye and said, "Don't be sad, all the pain you've gone through won't go to waste."    


When he said this, his expression was so affectionate and confident, but I unconsciously averted my gaze and changed the topic. "The old mister from No. 33 of Huai Yang Road that you told me about earlier, is it related to you escaping danger?"    


He nodded. "Well, the old gentleman was my grandfather's personal lawyer in his early days, and then he went into hiding because of the inconvenience of his legs. His grandfather had made a will with him two years ago. If there is any disagreement among the Sheng Family people in the future, all of the treasures will be given to me, and no one will be eligible to own them; if after my grandfather passed away, the Sheng Family people will not be able to let go of the conflict with courtesy, and we will follow the laws and regulations, and inherit however we inherited it. "    


"So, you specially lured your elder sister there so that you could see the old mister, right?" I asked.    


Sheng Yun nodded and then lightly said, "If elder sister wasn't greedy for money, then I would really be in danger."    


"But, what did you say to your elder sister? Why would she be willing to take such a big risk to help you? Not even telling anyone else? " I couldn't help but ask.    


"There has always been a rumor circulating in Sheng Family that Grandpa started out as a prodigy by smuggling antiques. Then, at the peak of the trend, he suddenly transformed and started a business. However, at that time, there were still a few astronomical antiques that had yet to be sold; they were all priceless, and one of them was even more impressive. Have you ever heard of the Zodiac? " Sheng Yun suddenly asked me.    


"Yes, I've heard that there are only eight items that have been found. There are four items that are missing, could it be …?" I asked, surprised.    


Sheng Yun nodded again, confirming my guess. He said in a small voice: "Legend has it that the head of the Twelve Birds of the Yuan Ming Yuan Yuan Yuan was in my grandfather's hands all those years ago. After his grandfather started doing business, those few antiques also disappeared from the Sheng Family. Until today, no one knew where his grandfather had hidden those treasures. Grandfather didn't tell anyone, not even me. "    


"So you used this as a bait to lure your elder sister to bring you to the old man? But can the old gentleman still protect you? " I asked, surprised.    


"Of course, although old mister's legs are inconvenient and the place he lives in isn't too remarkable, but I know that he is quite low-key and is actually quite impressive. Otherwise, my grandpa wouldn't think so highly of him." Sheng Yun said, "I know that as long as I can get there alive, he will be able to protect me. That's why I dared to take such a risk. "    


"So that's how it is." I suddenly felt a pain in my chest, so I put my hand on my chest and coughed a couple of times.    


His hand immediately reached over, went straight through my clothes, and pressed on my chest. He frowned at me and asked, "Does it hurt? Where is the discomfort? Let me see your injury. "    


"I'm fine, but you," I hastily held his hand, "how are your injuries? I don't believe that you can completely recover in such a short period of time.    


He went to the door and locked it again. He took off his suit jacket in front of me, frowning as he did so, as if he were trying to endure the pain.    


As soon as the suit was off, I saw that his navy blue shirt was spotted with blood, and it was obvious that the shirt was stuck to his flesh. I could imagine how painful that must have been.    


"If I take it off now, I'm probably going to rip it off with the skin as well." Sheng Yun frowned and said to me.    


"If your injuries are this severe, why didn't you immediately treat them?" What if he got infected? Ask the doctor to come and see it for you. " I yelled, sitting up.    


When he saw how nervous I was, he gave me a comforting look and said, "A man is nothing. After the old mister subdued Big Sis, I brought the old mister with me and took the will to the Sheng Family. After that, I kept busy with work, and after a bit of effort, I immediately came to see you.    


During the time Sheng Yun was speaking, he suddenly took a deep breath and pulled off the shirt he was wearing. His chest and back were full of festering wounds, shocking me and making me shudder.    


The moment his shirt was ripped off, he groaned and fell to his knees in pain for a moment. Then he came over and sat in front of me with his upper body naked, looked at me and said, "Is it disgusting?"    


I burst into tears.    


"Why are you crying?" Seeing me like this, he actually reached out his hand to wipe away my tears. Then he frowned and said, "I don't seem to know Xu Shubei who is so emotional. "You can't even take this little bit of trouble?"    


I could not describe the heartache I felt at that moment. Who could imagine a man with a bright appearance, covered in blood after he had taken off his clothes? If it was an ordinary person, they would have been unable to withstand it for a long time. However, not only could he withstand it, he was also able to convince them with his strength.    


I knew he didn't like men who shed tears. A man like that needed a female warrior who could stand beside him, not a little woman who cried for protection.    


I quickly stabilized my emotions, wiped my eyes, and calmly said, "Good boy, while we're at the hospital, let the doctor treat you. "If this goes on, the wounds on my body will really not heal."    


"Help me apply the medicine, I want you." He looked me straight in the eye, took my face in his hands again, and kissed me on the lips.    


"Now is not the time to play with your temper!" I pushed him away rationally. "If the wounds on your body aren't any better, how are you going to manage Golden Age? You still have so many things to deal with, how are you going to deal with them? Sheng Yun, go get a doctor! "    


"When you are born, I want you to come and help me." Sheng Yun heard me say this, so he held my hand and looked at me closely. "Xu Shubei, I trust you so much, you must not let me down."    


"Do you think you're the only one who's afraid of being betrayed?" I looked at him and smiled faintly. "Actually, I'm also afraid. I'm more afraid than you are. People like us are born with no sense of security. I have nothing less than what you worry about in your heart. "    


"I know." He looked at me and shook my hand. "Not this time."    


"Yes." I answered, then rang the bell.    


The nurse answered, and when she opened the door and saw that there was not a single piece of flesh on Sheng Yun's body, she immediately shrieked in surprise. I told her calmly, "Please call the best doctor here. Please give him the best medicine."    


At that moment, Sheng Yun gave me a gratified look. We involuntarily held hands with each other … For the first time in a long time, I saw the firmness in his eyes, and though he never offered to say I love you, I knew that love had taken root in our hearts.    


Finally, they took root …    


One month later.    


Under the premise of the nutritionist's complete recovery plan, my body was able to recover to the maximum, but after the experience of the first few days after the birth, my body fell ill. I, who was not afraid of the cold before, was now particularly afraid of the cold and also had a low resistance.    


My waist is no longer stressed, and if I sit a little longer I get sore and have migraines from time to time. The Chinese medicine said that the root of Yuanzi's illness was not something that could be cured, not to mention I wasn't as good as Yuanzi. Furthermore, I had been splashed with cold water by Ren Yingying and had been starving for several days.    


However, I was already very pleased to be able to recover to this state. I could walk and jump, so I didn't have any problems with my body. The most important thing is that my Zaizai miraculously didn't leave behind any root of his illness. In a month's time, he became a big fat kid, making Sheng Yun wish that he could hug him everyday.    


I was finally born. On the first day of my birth, Xia Yiwa gave me a big full moon.    


It's still in the same warehouse and the same place, except this time it's not me but Ren Yingying.    


Xia Yiwa told Xu Changsheng about the fact that Ren Yingying wasn't pregnant with Xu Tianyi's child and secretly recorded the video of Ren Yingying going to the entertainment club to look for the duck. Upon seeing these things, Ren Yingying flew into a rage and chased her out of the house.    


Xia Yiwa tied Ren Yingying up and left her hungry for three whole days in the middle of the warehouse. When I got there, Ren Yingying was dying.    


Xia Yiwa handed me a few buckets of water she had prepared and said, "Shubei, how did she pour it over you before? How are you supposed to pour it back now? Rest assured, I will not let her die, but I will make his life worse than death! "    


I picked up the bucket of water and poured it all over Ren Yingying's body without hesitation!    


Ren Yingying shrieked as she shook the water off her body like a drowning dog. When she saw me standing in front of her, she first screamed, then struggled to shout, "Ms Shubei, Ms Shubei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was forced to do this, I didn't mean to harm you …"    


Xia Yiwa let go of the rope with a "sou" sound and Ren Yingying fell to the ground with a "pa" sound. I looked coldly at Ren Yingying and said, "Ren Yingying, do you really think that your method of begging for forgiveness will work now?"    


After saying that, I heavily kicked her body! All the inhuman things that this bitch has given me to taste, I will give them back to her one by one!    





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