Planned Love



0We talked for three hours that night about Xiaoyun and Duo Duo, and about our future.    


All of Sheng Yun's words and emotional reactions made me realize that this man wasn't as perfect as I had imagined. In fact, there couldn't be a perfect person in this world.    


Even if he was usually flawless, he was still a person, an ordinary person. When all the halos are off, when he begins to trust you, when he shows you the truest of aspects, he has his emotions and weaknesses, his helplessness and one-sided.    


We were all hysterical, we were all hysterical, we were never there, the so-called reason sometimes didn't solve the problem, we were quarrelling with all our might, we were in a complete storm, and the anger, the patience, the grievances in our hearts were washed away with the rain.    


It was the first time since we had fallen in love that we had quarrelled, and for the first time I realized that domination was a double-edged blade. Domineering did give him an unparalleled charm, but at the same time it meant that he could not compromise or easily change his original intentions or principles for anything.    


I flung out the photo in a rage, pointed at the person in the photo and asked him: "This photo, since the day you and Xiaoyun separated, did you keep it with you?"    


When I took out the photo, he fell silent for the first time. He looked at me and asked with a frown, "Xu Shubei, is there any point in pursuing the past? I thought you weren't such a woman, but I didn't expect you to be no different from other women. "    


That hurt me.    


Yes, I also thought that I was different from other women. I thought that I could easily handle emotions, that I could treat emotions as if I were working, but when it really happened, I realized that I couldn't.    


I have an emotional germaphobe, I can't accept even the slightest emotional flaw, I can't tolerate the man I love being nice to another woman, I can't accept the man I love having a common child with another woman, I can't bear that child appearing again and again in our world … I thought I could be strong enough to be omnipotent. I thought I could handle everything without emotion.    


However, I overestimated myself and Sheng Yun.    


We are all ordinary people, we are also influenced by the same emotions, we cannot treat our feelings the way we treat our work. The two looked the same, but they were too different.    


In that instant, I retracted all of my emotions. My face returned to an unprecedented calm. My gaze was like water as I looked at him. Suddenly, not a single ripple could be seen on my face.    


Xu Shubei, who once disdained to care about feelings and threw love out of her mind, came back.    


I don't want to be burdened by emotions. I have a lot of other things to do. If I can't handle the relationship between me and Sheng Yun, then I'd rather leave first. I'd rather back off and keep a calm mind to deal with my own matters.    


Sheng Yun was also stunned by my sudden calmness. He tried to get close to me, but he grabbed my shoulder and said: "My words just now were too harsh …" I just don't want to waste our time and energy on such trivia. I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it, okay? "    


I subconsciously took two steps back. I smiled and looked at him. "At this stage, do you wish to focus on your work without distractions, or are you hoping to be overwhelmed by both sides' emotions?"    


"Do you still need me to answer this question?" You should know how sensitive Golden Age is right now. " Sheng Yun looked at me with a helpless and pained expression.    


"Can you ignore Xiaoyun and Duo Duo completely?" I asked, looking at him.    


"I said, when I settle them down, I won't ask anymore," Sheng Yun saw me bringing this up again, and suddenly showed a trace of impatience on his face. "Don't waste our time and energy on these trivial things, okay?"    


"Alright, then just give up on Zaizai and me." I looked at him, my eyes calm as water.    


He was stunned.    


"What did you say?" His face was filled with disbelief. "That's impossible. Xu Shubei, don't even think about it."    


"Since Xiaoyun appeared, we haven't been able to return to the past," I said with a bitter smile. "First love is a barrier that a man can't pass through in his heart. But now that she has Duo Duo, you can't pass through even more."    


"No matter what you say, I won't give up on you and Zaizai." He took me by the shoulder and forced me to look him in the eye. He said, "Did you forget what we talked about in the warehouse? We said that our family of three would never part, no matter what happens. "    


"Fish and bear paws cannot be obtained together. "I'm tired, let's forget about it." I forced a smile, "I will take Zaizai and live a good life. I will still work hard at work, but …" I'm sorry, but I will slowly retract all my affection for you. "    


"Xu Shubei, do you really think you can do it?" His gaze instantly turned cold. For someone as domineering and cold as him, he would absolutely not say anything to ask him to stay.    


"I'll try." I looked at him, my eyes firm.    


"Xu Shubei, we have to work together every day. Please think carefully." he said again, looking at me.    


"I've thought about it." I said resolutely.    


His whole body shook violently, and his cold eyes reflected traces of pain. However, he quickly recovered his domineering and uncompromising nature. "If you take back your feelings for me, then I will take back my feelings for you as well. I hope you think well of me."    


"Since I can say it, it naturally means that I have already thought it through. The last thing I, Xu Shubei, can do is to compromise and fulfill my wish, regardless of who it is. " I said firmly.    


"Alright!" The word 'good' was spoken in an extremely harsh tone.    


"Such a good thing, it's impossible to compromise for anyone. I originally thought that I would have some weight in your heart, I didn't expect … "It's nothing more than that." He turned his head away from me.    


"I won't force any woman to stay by my side. You can leave if you want, but it won't be that easy for you to return to my heart." Sheng Yun said with his back facing me.    


"Not just your heart, but mine as well. You can't compromise, and I can't do that. "    


His heart ached as if it was being pulled, but after saying those words, although his heart ached, he felt much better.    


"Okay, if you want to take it back, then take it back. But Zaizai …" I will take it with me. " As if he had made a decision, he turned his head and looked at me calmly.    


"No!" Zaizai cannot be separated from me! " I absolutely disagree.    


"It's not up to you! "I've already decided to raise Zaizai before he was born!" He continued, "I have made a thorough plan for Zaizai's follow-up education, including his upbringing, so you don't have to worry about it. Since you have decided to separate from me, I will not urge you to stay or stop you. But Zaizai is a child of Sheng Family, I must take him away. "    


I thought that after experiencing so much, we were finally able to see the light. Unexpectedly, after taking such a long detour, we were able to return to our original starting point. His heart truly hurt.    


"Let me go, let Zaizai go too." I looked at him and smiled bitterly. "He's still young, so you don't have much time to accompany him. Rather than having a nanny bring him around, it's better for me to take care of him. Although I work during the day, I can still take care of him at night."    


"When you gave birth to him, you already suffered greatly. Just let me raise him and I will take good care of him. When you want to see him, you can come at any time." Sheng Yun suddenly softened his tone and said to me.    


I didn't expect that behind his tough tone was such an intention. I was stunned for a moment.    


While I was still in a daze, he went into the next room and wrapped Zaizai, who was sleeping soundly, in a swaddle and carefully hugged him in his arms.    


I wanted to stop him, but when I saw him holding Zaizai so carefully and looking at Zaizai so tenderly, I suddenly couldn't say what I wanted to say.    


"Rest well, leave the mission of taking care of Zaizai to me. What I said just now were just words of anger. If you really need some time to pull it out and want to think more peacefully, then alright, I'll give you some time. " Then he said softly, "Maybe we're all too tired. "I just hope that you will always understand that neither Xiaoyun nor Duo Duo is my subjective desire for them to appear. I am also passively accepting them."    


Just as he finished speaking, he carried Zaizai downstairs with a "dong dong dong" sound. When I caught up with him downstairs, he carried Zaizai out the door and into the car.    


I followed him to the car in my thin pajamas. He locked the car door, leaving only a small gap, through which he said to me, "Go in and sleep. Don't worry about Zaizai. I will take good care of him."    


After saying that, he started the throttle and quickly left the courtyard. He quickly turned around and left my villa.    


The moonlight in the yard was so cool that it seemed as if it were putting on a fake coat. I stood in the middle of the yard with my arms folded, suddenly realizing that I would be the only one left in the house from now on.    



I didn't think that Sheng Yun would take Zaizai away, much less that we would suddenly become like this.    


What's the matter with us? Why was there such a violent argument between us? Was my decision really right? As for me and him, we are real as well … Love?    


Just as Sheng Yun left, I received an anonymous message. It said: "Xu Shubei, this is only the beginning."    




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