Planned Love



0It was probably due to my murderous gaze that made Tai Ziqian realize something. He quickly turned around and looked in front of him.    


It was Xu Changsheng, who had not interacted with me for a long time, and that old fox Zhou Yihai.    


The two of them should be here to inspect the factory area, to visit Golden Age as well. From afar, I could see Zhou Yihai's smiling old face and his fawning attitude.    


Xu Changsheng's paunch became fatter than before. As expected, a man getting fat in the middle of his life was just for a moment. His hair was also bald and a Mediterranean area appeared in the middle of his head.    


It was said that people were born from the heart after middle age, and now this ugly appearance was the true portrayal of Xu Changsheng's ugly heart.    


I narrowed my eyes slightly and walked forward fearlessly, with no intention of stopping.    


Unexpectedly, Xu Changsheng stopped and called me meaningfully: "Niece."    


"Uncle —" I drawled, my tone full of disrespect, my voice lazy and slow. "What can I do for you?"    


"This person … Presumably he was Te's son, Tai Ziqian? I heard that I've been back home for a long time. It's my pleasure to meet you again today. " Xu Changsheng looked at Tai Ziqian beside me and extended his fat, hairy, old paw with a smile.    


"Who is this grandpa?" Tai Ziqian asked politely, then said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I just returned home, and I don't know many people."    


Hearing Tai Ziqian call him grandpa, Xu Changsheng's face immediately turned green, but he still forced a smile and said: "I am Xu Changsheng, Xu's Group President."    


"Oh …" Tai Ziqian pretended to be enlightened, then shook hands with Xu Changsheng and said, "I've heard a lot about you. I've long heard you mentioned by my father."    


"Is that so? "What did your father say about me?" Xu Changsheng asked in surprise when he heard Tai Ziqian's words.    


"My father said that your Xu's Group is impressive, and the Xu's Group's Director Xu is even more impressive. Tai Ziqian said with a smile.    


His tone sounded like he was praising me. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard his words.    


Xu Changsheng's face turned even more green, but he was afraid of Tai Feng's face so he looked at me: "I heard that my niece gave birth to a big fat kid and uncle didn't have the time to come to congratulate her. Or maybe I should find some other time and buy a present for my uncle to see my little nephew. "    


"I can have a present, but there's no need to visit. I'm already at work, so I'm very busy. When I'm not at home, my uncle must not come. Otherwise, it would be bad if he got hurt by my home's security facilities. Your niece still has a deep memory of the time when your uncle insisted on barging in. " I looked at Xu Changsheng and slowly said.    


"The last time, I was instigated by that bitch. That kind of thing can't happen again. In front of Director Zhou and Young Master Dun, I would like to ask Niece to save some face for me. " Xu Changsheng was quite relaxed this time. I don't know if it was because of Tai Ziqian, or because of my relationship with Sheng Yun and Sun Tie's position.    


"You earned your face by yourself. If Uncle knew that you could sit straight, how could he possibly be afraid of losing face? Uncle is still hoping to cultivate properly when he's old so that he won't lose all his face, and won't be able to pick it up when the time comes. " I looked at Xu Changsheng and said mercilessly.    


"Shubei …" Aiya, Shubei, "Zhou Yihai dragged his eunuch throat, almost scaring me. He pulled my hand to his mouth and gave me a very western kiss, then said," Let bygones be bygones. Your uncle is old now, and Tianyi has ruined his entire life. If your relationship with your uncle improves, then this Xu's Group will definitely be yours in the future. "I always thought that Shubei was smart, but now it's actually the opposite of being smart?"    


"So you're saying that after someone set your house on fire, you still want to run over to someone else's house and be their foster son? Director Zhou, you have such a big heart, but that doesn't mean I have it. I won't be able to do something so shameless. Also, let me remind you, your cooperation with Golden Age will come to an end this year, and your cooperation with the Xu will come to an end after this. You two should consider it carefully. Ziqian, let's go! " I took out a tissue and wiped my hands with it.    


Zhou Yihai used to have some humanity in him. Ever since he got to know Xu Changsheng, his base character seemed to have been stimulated. Now, his whole body was emitting a shameless stench. It really made him want to puke at one time.    


I quickly walked forward and Tai Ziqian also followed me. After we got into the car, Tai Ziqian looked at me and said: "Shubei, are you depressed?"    


"Whenever I think about how Xu Changsheng is still at large, I can't feel at ease. It's been so long, and I still haven't accumulated enough capital to bring down him. I didn't expect to meet him again today. It really makes me feel hot all over." I said, a little flustered.    


"Don't worry, Rome isn't a day's work. You don't have to worry too much. I'll help you." he said, seeing me say it.    


"En, I'm not in a hurry either. It's fine, I'll slowly work with them. Ziqian, thank you for standing up for me today. However, from now on, it was best not to offend these people. I don't want you to have a hard time in the business world in the future. " I said again.    


"You don't have to worry about me. I naturally know my limits. The most important thing for you is how you managed to stabilize your morale in Golden Age. Just look at how early you've come here, there are a few people who truly admire you, and they all think that you've only come here because of your connections. " Tai Ziqian said.    


"From the moment I entered the workplace, the criticism on my body had never ceased, but I've never been afraid." I looked at Tai Ziqian and said with a smile, "In the future, whenever the Xu and Dongsheng make orders with Golden Age, you can deduct them as much as you want. Do you hear me?"    


"Is what you just told them true?" Tai Ziqian asked, "These two contracts are big ones. For the current Golden Age, it's hard to find a replacement for them even if you give up. Besides, the three parties have spent a lot of manpower and resources, so it's not that easy to give up."    


"I know. After all, Sheng Yun is a businessman. I'm afraid that he will compromise on the benefits, so we can only keep pressuring him to increase the conflict between us." "No," I said.    


"I understand. Let's go back." Tai Ziqian immediately understood and drove back to the company.    


In the following month, I completely returned to my previous working condition. I used this month to carry out a large amount of recruitment, and according to Sheng Yun's request, every important job was interviewed by me personally. We passed through layers of screening recruitment mechanisms, and although the workload was huge, the small group of people who won after passing layers of tests were all very outstanding.    


Without Zaizai's burden, I basically just work day and night, often working late into the night by myself. Sometimes it's too late to go home, so I just sleep in the office.    


During this month, I pretended to have a hard heart. I didn't ask Sheng Yun how Zaizai was, nor did I ask him about Xiaoyun and Duo Duo. I only exchanged glances with Sheng Yun, and whenever he wanted to talk to me, I filtered him directly with "too busy at work."    


I could feel the remarkable change in his mood. At first he was tougher than I was, and for a moment it was as if we had really become a simple relationship between the top and the bottom. Then he began to soften.    


I was very satisfied with my condition this past month. The work was so beautiful and funny, I completed all the goals I had set, and I lived a very fulfilling life. Xiaoyunduo had long since forgotten about it, and my understanding of the whole Golden Age had also made a huge breakthrough … It turned out that I could put my feelings aside for the time being, and I could do things that were really important to me, which made me feel particularly gratified.    


At the end of the month, when I finished reading the final report, I fell asleep on the table, unable to suppress my sleepiness any longer.    


I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly I had a dream. I dreamed that Sheng Yun suddenly appeared in front of my desk and hugged me tightly around my waist. Then he carried me to the sofa and put me down.    


"Hmm …" It's been a long time since I've had such a feeling, but deep down, I was still yearning for such a romance.    


Wait a minute, if it's a dream, why is the warmth of the lips so real, and why do I feel so clearly that some part of my body is being invaded by a hand?    


I turned away from him, because I was too tired, and I fell asleep on my side again.    


After a while, I felt a hand go around my waist and reach under the hem of my clothes. My hand felt a little cold, and I subconsciously shivered. I immediately retracted my hands. Then, in a trance, a voice said, "You should sleep well. Good night …"    


I couldn't help but open my eyes. Only then did I realize that everything was real. Not only was I lying on the sofa, but Sheng Yun was kissing me as he did so …    


I pushed it away and sat up in my chair. I asked in a sharp voice, "Sheng Yun, what are you doing? Are you crazy? Haven't we already broken up? "    


"I've settled the matter. Let's make peace." Sheng Yun looked straight into my eyes and said word by word.    




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