Planned Love



0I subconsciously stopped walking and everyone looked towards Sheng Yun's direction.    


Sheng Yun greeted the guests that had arrived calmly. Then, he brought those two people with him and walked towards me.    


I didn't know what he was going to do, but my heart was pounding. I stared at him, and I could see through his tall, thin body that one corner of his white dress was floating behind him.    


"What is this?" I asked, strong and calm.    


His eyes flickered with a different figure. The suit he wore was clearly not the business suit from before. This set looked casual and new, even more so with his energetic and handsome appearance.    


"I have prepared a dress for you. Come, I will take you to change," He winked at me, then said to the guests that had arrived, "Please excuse me for a moment, please do as you please. I'll have to trouble the few upper echelons of Golden Age to help me entertain the good guests. "    


I looked at the hundreds of pairs of eyes in the room. Some of them I knew, some of them I didn't know, although all of this was unclear to me, but I still put on my signature smile and was then dragged by Sheng Yun to another guest room at the back of the kitchen.    


"This is the gown I've ordered specially for you. Try it on and see if it suits you." Sheng Yun said to me after we entered the room.    


"Bro, you are too considerate!" I'm going to be jealous! " Xia Yiwa said with a smile. She then helped the staff to take out the pure white cloud-like dress from the transparent bag and laid it flat on the floor, "Shubei, let me help you put it on. Brother, you should retreat first. It will be awkward if you stay at Shubei's place! "    


This sudden happiness made me dizzy. I stared at Sheng Yun in a daze and muttered: "We've been so busy these past few days. Where did you get the time to prepare these?"    


"I promised you that I would give Zaizai a one-hundred-day feast. Naturally, I will do it." Sheng Yun looked at me and said affectionately.    


I could no longer control my emotions. I couldn't help but leap into his arms right in front of the three girls!    


I lifted my head, tiptoed, and offered him a kiss on the lips as a response. I could not say anything touching or provocative, and had to express my feelings in the most clumsy way possible.    


This kiss required a lot of courage. I had intended to kiss him enough, but the moment my lips touched his, he gave a jolt. Then, just as I was about to leave him, he grabbed my head and madly and affectionately kissed my lips again!    


We actually embraced and kissed in front of them for a long time. I was both shy and apprehensive!    


This feeling of rippling heart, let me feel as if I was in heaven, happiness all over the body lightness!    


When we finally stopped kissing, we found ourselves alone in the room. The three girls who had been in the way slipped away in tacit understanding as we kissed and closed the door behind us.    


"This is …" A wedding gown? " I asked timidly, looking at the dress.    


"Wedding dress?" Sheng Yun looked at me in surprise and then laughed. He pinched my face and said, "What? You want to marry me so urgently? "    


I heard the meaning behind his words and felt a sudden sense of loss.    


Originally … It's not a proposal. He specially prepared this gown for me for Zaizai's Hundred Day Feast.    


I immediately understood and smiled, "This color and style looks like a wedding dress, so I'll ask."    


"It's not a wedding dress. It's an evening dress. Try it on." After Sheng Yun said this, he reached out his hand to start unbuttoning my little suit jacket.    


I looked down at him as he undid my buttons one by one, then took off my jacket and the undergarment I was wearing. I felt myself being ripped off layer by layer like an onion by his hands, and as the secret inside grew more and more obvious, his breathing grew more and more rapid ….    


"If it wasn't for the lack of time, I really wanted to get you on the spot." He leaned close to my ear and whispered teasingly.    


"There are hundreds of people outside, don't be disrespectful." When I heard him say that, I immediately grabbed his unruly hand.    


However, his teasing almost made me lose my composure. I raised my head and gave him a flirtatious look. At that moment, he could not help but hug me.    


"It feels like we're back to when we first met." It feels like we're back to when we were just getting to know each other. he said as he began to pull down my pants.    


"You finally admit that you were very enthusiastic about me. That's not what you said at the time." I pressed his unruly hand again and said smilingly, "There are so many people waiting outside, let's hurry up."    


"It doesn't matter if there are so many people waiting outside. Most importantly, it's Zaizai's home ground today. Otherwise …" His eyes were full of meaning.    


He shook out the white dress and helped me into it, but fortunately the high heels I had worn that day were also light and matched.    


Sheng Yun zipped the dress up for me from the bottom. I looked down and saw that the size and length of the dress fit perfectly with my body, as if it were tailored for me.    


"Don't move, let me see." He signaled me not to move, and then he came around behind me to stand in front of me.    


Then I saw the wonder in his eyes.    


There was a full-length mirror in the guest room, and I took a step toward it. When I saw myself in the mirror, I took a deep breath.    


So beautiful!    


I thought it was just a thin, faintly discernible dress, but when I put it on, it suddenly seemed as if it had a soul. It looked so graceful, so charming.    


I had been a strong woman just a moment ago, but now I had suddenly turned into a graceful woman, both noble and gentle, special and not overly grand. Everything was just right, and it perfectly covered up some of the flaws in my figure.    


The person who was able to design this dress, must have an understanding of my body shape, so that he could design it in such a way!    


"Ziqian's design is really good. He really understands what kind of clothes you need to wear." Sheng Yun folded his arms and looked at me as if I were a work of art.    


"Ziqian? Ziqian designed this? " I asked in surprise, not knowing that Tai Ziqian knew how to design clothes.    


"Me and him and one of his foreign friends, to be exact." Sheng Yun smiled.    


"You actually did so many things behind my back?" I was surprised.    


I didn't expect that we would spend so much time together, but they did so many things in secret that I didn't know about, and they kept me hidden from them so tightly that I didn't reveal anything in advance.    


"As long as you're happy today, then it's all worth it." Sheng Yun smiled, lightly kissed my forehead, then politely extended his hand towards me and said with a smile, "Let's go, there's still a pretty boy waiting for you next door."    


I took his hand, and we opened the door and went out. At this time, Xia Yiwa walked out of another room with Zaizai in her arms. Zaizai had changed into an extremely mini suit, the color and style of the suit was actually the same as Sheng Yun, but it was obvious that a slightly older child couldn't support a suit like this, so he looked cute and adorable.    


"The two of you have finally recovered. Everyone is waiting anxiously." Xia Yiwa said with a smile.    


The first time Wu saw Zaizai, he carried Zaizai in his arms. Like Beckham, Wu held Zaizai in one arm with the other hand and led me towards the direction of the hall.    


The hall was already filled with people. The door was already closed, and no one came to disturb our grand celebration.    


There were many people sitting around. The headlamps had already been extinguished, and the candlesticks on the long table were burning with a blazing candle light. The ceiling had already been illuminated into a vast expanse of blue starry sky.    


The waiter was carrying a tray around the long table, and there was still a scent coming from the kitchen. The moment we stepped out of the entrance, the spotlight fell on our family of three.    



At that moment, Wu was holding Zaizai with one arm, and I was holding his arm. The three of us were the center of attention, and the happiness in my heart was exploding like never before.    


Someone handed over the microphone. Sheng Yun picked up the microphone and expressed his gratitude to the guests present. He also explained the reason why we didn't welcome them at the entrance of the Hundred Day Feast because he wanted to prepare a surprise for me.    


As soon as we appeared, the scene became lively. Luckily, Sheng Yun had already arranged for the host, so everything could proceed according to the pre-arranged procedure.    


We first interacted with the guests and accepted their blessings, then cut the cake for Zaizai. After cutting the cake, Zaizai fell asleep on Sheng Yun's shoulder.    


Sheng Yun in my ear said: "I carry Zaizai to the room to sleep first."    


I nodded. After about five minutes, a melodious tune of a zither suddenly came from the stage. I looked towards the source of the sound and saw that the spotlight was focused on the person playing the piano. His slender fingers moved back and forth on the keyboard.    


I've heard this song before. It was a song by a boy from the Western Regions, "My Love."    




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