Planned Love



0Below the stage, there was a wave of sighs.    


As far as I can remember, this is the first time I've ever known Sheng Yun to play the piano so well. He was sitting at the piano in his dark suit, like a prince.    


Just as everyone was praising Sheng Yun, a female voice suddenly floated out from the other end of the stage. Her voice was like the sound of nature, and her American pronunciation was extremely standard.    


The spotlight soon fell on her, and I saw a blonde standing on the stage, wearing a simple white dress. She had fair skin and a tall figure.    


Due to the cheers from the audience due to the appearance of this beauty from the West, I looked at the stage with interest. I didn't expect Tai Ziqian to bring his beauty from the West onto the stage in such a way.    


Tai Ziqian was standing beside the beauty. He was wearing casual clothes and was holding a guitar, playing and singing at the same time.    


Tai Ziqian and the beauty were perfectly matched on stage. Sheng Yun focused on playing the piano and from below the stage, he looked like a small concert of three people.    


It was a song I liked a lot in college, and it was mentioned at some point in the conversation.    


Who would have thought that tonight, she would see such a perfect deduction.    


After finishing the song, Tai Ziqian and the beauty bowed slightly before bringing her to me. I immediately stood up and welcomed her with a smile.    


Tai Ziqian introduced us to each other in English. Only then did I know that the beauty's name was Mila. She was Tai Ziqian's classmate when he was studying abroad in the United States.    


"I leave Mina to you." Tai Ziqian winked at me and said.    


"Where are you going?" I couldn't help but ask.    


He smiled mysteriously, then said, "I'll be right back."    


I was astonished. Seeing that Sheng Yun had already disappeared from the stage, but I didn't see him walk off the stage, I was even more surprised.    


Although as the host, we didn't treat every customer with great care, but Sheng Yun had obviously arranged everything from the beginning. The guests below the stage were happy and happy, and everyone was enjoying tonight's unique feast of taste and vision.    


After Tai Ziqian had disappeared, the lights on the stage suddenly went out with a "Pa" sound. Everyone exclaimed and looked towards the stage.    


I chatted with Mina in simple English, and Mina told me that there would soon be a surprise on the stage that would keep me focused.    


As soon as she finished speaking, the spotlight on the stage fell on a person. That person was dressed in a cool suit and had his hair tied up in a ponytail. Although he wore a mask, it was obviously Xia Yiwa.    


Xia Yiwa danced to the music, and I screamed when I saw her dancing in such a cool way.    


Unexpectedly, what was even more surprising was what happened afterwards.    


Xia Yiwa danced solo for a short period before three tall men with similar styles and masks stepped onto the stage. Although their faces couldn't be seen, just their impressive stature and cool steps were enough to make all the women in the audience boil.    


Minna and I were so overwhelmed by the atmosphere that we screamed and cheered for the four onstage.    


Needless to say, the three men were Sheng Yun, Tai Ziqian, and Shang Yang, but they were all dressed in the same style of clothes and danced with the same skill, so I couldn't tell who was who.    


I gaped at the stage. I hadn't expected them to prepare such a rich show so meticulously behind the scenes, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.    


When the dance reached its peak, the four of them suddenly, as if by magic, all had a rose in their mouths, and then they slid off the stage and headed straight for me.    


Mina motioned for me to stand up, and I felt flattered. I stood up, feeling apprehensive and uneasy, and seeing the four of them standing in front of me, I was at a loss as to what to say.    


"Shubei, I'm going to give you a difficult problem," Xia Yiwa said with a smile. Then she pointed at the three of them and said, "I hope you can identify Sheng Yun within five seconds and throw him into his arms. If I hug the wrong one, the consequences will be severe! "    


When Xia Yiwa started counting down, the three of them stopped dancing and stood in a line in front of me. They all took the roses out of their mouths, and I couldn't tell who was who behind the masks, and I couldn't tell them apart from their height in such a short time.    


Instinctively, I threw myself into the arms of the person on the far right. At this moment, five seconds had passed and the lights on at the scene lit up.    


The moment I neared his chest, I asked him about his familiar aura. I was sure that I was holding it right.    


All of the guests below the stage were all looking at us and whispering to each other. Everyone had a smile on their face.    


"Shubei, I'll give you one more chance. Do you need to switch people?" Xia Yiwa looked at me with interest and said with a smile, "Do not hold the wrong person, if you hold the wrong person, the consequences will be very serious."    


"I'm sure we won't." I said, and held him tighter.    


"Alright!" Xia Yiwa laughed, then said to the three masked men, "I'll count to three. Take off your masks together."    


Unexpectedly, before Xia Yiwa could count to three, the man in front of me had already lifted his mask, held my face and kissed my lips without a care!    


My eyes widened as I felt this sudden sweetness, and my whole body shuddered in a way I had never felt before!    


Time suddenly came to a standstill! The lights went out again! The spotlights are gathering all the light on us!    


He kissed me affectionately for close to a minute before letting me go. Then he smiled at me and teased, "Is there a mistake? It's too late to regret hugging the wrong person. "    


At this moment, even if I didn't see his face, I knew that it couldn't be wrong, it was him, Sheng Yun.    


I shook my head and smiled stupidly, as if I had fallen into a sweet whirlpool. The air was filled with the sweetness of the air.    


"That's good, because I'm also sure that I didn't kiss wrong." Sheng Yun said slowly.    


All the guests exclaimed again, for from a corner of the hall two little flower boys in princess dresses were pushing a big bouquet of roses towards us, and two very adorable looking children were pushing a bouquet of roses in a white cart, which they pushed in front of us.    


Sheng Yun kissed each of the two little flower boys on the forehead, then he took out a bunch of roses from the cart. Then he took a deep breath and slowly kneeled on one knee.    


In that instant, my mind went blank! At the end of a thousand words, the only thing that came to my lips was a silly, inappropriate sentence: "What are you doing?"    


Xia Yiwa looked at me and smiled happily.    


Shang Yang and Tai Ziqian had already ripped off each other's masks. Seeing this, Shang Yang involuntarily embraced Xia Yiwa. This time, Xia Yiwa didn't refuse.    


The whole place was silent. Everyone was looking at us attentively. Sheng Yun was holding a big bouquet of flowers. I could barely see his face, but I could see his pair of loving eyes.    


"Xu Shubei, if you don't agree to marry me today, then you won't have a chance to do so in the future. I'll give you 10 seconds to decide whether or not you want to accept this bouquet of flowers. " Sheng Yun said.    


I'm dizzy! Even the tone of the confession was so domineering!    


"I don't even have to think about it. Since the child has already been given to you, who else can I marry?" I took the bouquet from him and threw it to Xia Yiwa, smiling. "Keep it safe for me, I have something to ask him."    



Sheng Yun didn't expect me to be so generous. He still knelt on one knee and was a bit confused.    


I crossed my arms and assumed the posture of a queen. It was rare to see him so low, and I had to seize this opportunity to interrogate him.    


"Sheng Yun, let me ask you, why did you only propose to me after my child was born for so long?"    


"Because I'm busy."    


"Why did you propose to me today?"    


"Because I'm busy."    


The entire audience burst into laughter.    


"Do you love me?"    


"I'll leave this question for the rest of the night."    


The entire audience once again burst into laughter.    


He was kneeling there in his suit, and even though I was acting like a queen, I didn't take advantage of him. This guy was truly clever.    


"Then let me ask you, since you asked for a marriage, did you prepare a diamond ring for me?" If you don't have a diamond ring, what's your proposal? "    




When he took the little box out of his pocket and opened it, I saw that the diamond ring in the box was shining, and for a moment I was at a loss. The momentum I had managed to recover was gone, and I was once again a bewildered little woman in front of the diamond ring.    


"I called everyone here today to witness the moment I proposed to you. I don't know if you're satisfied with the schedule for the evening, but I think it's the best surprise I can give you. If you don't stick your hand out, Xu Shubei, after tonight, you may go from the happiest woman in the world to the most regretful woman in the world. Hurry, give me your hand! " His tone was still extremely overbearing.    


Then, as if he was even more nervous than me, he directly pulled my hand over, put on the big diamond ring for me without any explanation, and then affectionately kissed my hand!    


The applause from the crowd was deafening, and my eyes started to tear up. Actually, I wasn't an unreasonable woman, but at that moment, I really couldn't hold back my tears from brimming in my eyes.    


I never expected love, did not expect to get such a good love;    


I have never had a desire for romance, but I did not expect to get such extreme romance;    


I had never expected a man, and I had never expected that God would give me the best man.    


Sheng Yun hugged me tightly again, and everyone stood up to applaud us.    


At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed, "Why is TA here?"    




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