Planned Love



0In that moment, ignoring all the filth, I crawled over to the scrap paper and pushed it aside. When I happily picked it up, it was only a shard of broken glass!    


At that moment, a heart full of anticipation turned into ashes! His heart was filled with endless regret!    


Sheng Yun also squatted down. When he saw the fragments, his eyes that were filled with hope instantly dimmed.    


"If you can't find it, then forget it, alright?" He stroked my hair and said, "I'll buy you another one, but I don't want this to be a bad night for us."    


"I know that if I don't find it, you and I will be shrouded in shadow for the rest of our lives. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in regret and mutual resentment. There is still hope, and I will not give up. "If I can't find the diamond ring, I won't leave." My desperate stubbornness was fully expressed at this moment. In any case, I would not allow anyone to ruin the happiness I was about to receive.    


"No, it's not as serious as you think. "Alright, get your emotions together and let's go. I'll take you for a walk on the streets." Sheng Yun already thought there was no hope and did not plan to waste any more time.    


"Go back first! "It's fine, I can look for it here by myself." I said stubbornly.    


"Xu Shubei, are you sure you want to destroy this beautiful night?" Sheng Yun's voice suddenly turned cold.    


"I know that even though you didn't say it, you're blaming me in your heart. Just say what you want to say." I was full of emotions, too, he said, and I couldn't help but blurt out.    


"No matter how it happened, I only know one thing. I personally wore the diamond ring on your hand. If you lose it, you will have to bear the consequences. There are no excuses or excuses." Sheng Yun said coldly.    


"I know, that's why I didn't say the reason. I chose to bear the consequences, and now I'm doing my best to make up for it. I'm also apologizing. If the diamond ring is lost, it will not only be you who will be sad, but me too! " I shouted as I searched.    


"Yes, I am indeed sad, but as I said, it's okay. Why do you never learn to put things behind you? "Why do you always have to be so stubborn?" Sheng Yun, who was always calm, couldn't hold back his emotions anymore and started to explode.    


On the one hand, we all drank. On the other hand, the loss of the diamond ring was like a heavy straw that pressed down on our hearts. Originally, we all put down all our worries and joyfully wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.    


Was this a sign from heaven? Meaning we won't be able to be together in the end?... My heart was in turmoil, and I could not bear to think any further.    


"Do you think it's just a loss of the diamond ring?" Do you understand that I have something I'm more afraid of? " "I'm afraid all our happiness will eventually disappear like a diamond ring; I'm afraid that I, Xu Shubei, will once again fall from the highest point of my life so hard that my fans won't be able to get back on their feet; I'm afraid that the heavens are hinting that we will eventually separate, that everything will disappear along with the diamond ring that we won't be able to find …"    


I didn't want to cry, but the moment I said it, my eyes filled with tears.    


He had been so happy before, but now he felt so sad. Only someone who experienced both great misfortune and great happiness would be so sensitive to loss. Because he had once lost them, he was afraid of making the same mistake again. He was afraid of starting over again, so a little bad thing could happen too often.    


He did something I didn't expect. He crouched down and hugged me, buried my head in his chest, and said slowly, "I'm afraid so, but from the moment I chose you, I was ready to do anything that would not make me cower."    


At that moment, the intense uneasiness in my heart reassured me.    


"I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say." I couldn't help but say.    


"There's no need to say anything." He hugged me and patted me on the shoulder.    


"I want to keep looking." I whispered to him.    


"Alright, I'll accompany you." He let go of me and began to search carefully.    


With his words, I knew that once again we had reached a consensus to move towards the same goal.    


We quickly divided up the work, searching from two sides, not wanting to let go of any of them, and as the minutes ticked by, we said nothing more.    


After about two hours, the hall's door was knocked again. I immediately ran over to open the door and saw that Tai Ziqian had returned.    


When Tai Ziqian came in with me, I found that Sheng Yun had fallen asleep on the sofa beside me. His hands were still stained with leftover food, and it was obvious that he had fallen asleep because he couldn't hold on any longer.    


"I'll help you look for it." Tai Ziqian said to me, then he said, "Regarding tonight's matter, I will stand on your side. Actually, Xia Yiwa might not have noticed Rou's little movements, but Mina did. I asked her about it when we got back, and she said she seemed to have seen it.    


"That's not important. If you know what she's doing, then you should be on guard against her in the future. Right now, I only have one thing on my mind, and that is to find the diamond ring quickly. " "No," I said.    


"Since you've chosen a man like him, you must be mentally prepared. This world has never lacked beautiful and ambitious women. Be careful." Tai Ziqian said, then he said lightly, "Since I was young, I've seen too many women get close to my father. I can tell with one glance."    


"Yeah, I know."    


"He has been planning for you since a month ago. At such a critical time, he still devoted part of his energy to preparing for this. Clearly, you and Zaizai have a great deal of weight in his heart, which is why I am willing to help him plan things out even though I don't like him. As long as he is sincere to you, my father and I can be at ease. " Tai Ziqian said.    


"Ziqian, you're always so considerate towards me." I could not help but say this from the bottom of my heart.    


"You're already so pitiful. No, you're good, you're good to someone." Tai Ziqian smiled, then said, "If you can't find it, don't think too much. Remember, at any time, don't be too unreasonable."    


"Yes." I replied softly.    


"He hardly had a break this month, he was busy with the company, the rehearsals, spending time with Zaizai, and keeping it a secret from you. Actually, I was quite disgusted with this guy before, but now that we've come into contact with him, I feel that he's not that hateful after all. Tai Ziqian probably was afraid I'd mind Sheng Yun sleeping, so he said.    


I stood up and walked over to Sheng Yun. I wiped the stains off his hands with a napkin and covered him with my coat.    


It had probably been a long time since he'd slept so soundly. The tiredness on his face finally eased, and when I saw that he was sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't help but gently stroke his face …    


He turned around in his sleep, and when he did, I saw a flash in the crack of the sofa.    


At that moment, I was overjoyed. I quickly took a toothpick from the side table and pulled the shiny thing out from the crack!    


The moment I saw the ring, I was so excited that all the blood in my body froze!    


This sofa is opposite to the one Rou and I made earlier. Rou threw the ring out hastily and the ring fell into the crevice of the sofa!    


If Sheng Yun hadn't been lying here exhausted, if I hadn't pitied him and brought him here to take care of him, we might have ignored this unremarkable sofa!    


It was as if everything was the will of heaven! The missing diamond ring ran back into my sight!    


I looked around at the shiny diamond ring, mixed my emotions, and made a very unreserved gesture!    


I screamed!    


"Did you find it?" Tai Ziqian quickly ran over.    


Sheng Yun was shocked by my strong voice and rolled down from the sofa to the floor. He immediately asked, "What happened? What happened? Did I fall asleep? "    


He was still in a daze, and then the next second he saw the diamond ring on my hand.    


We looked at each other in a daze for three seconds, and then we couldn't hold the bear anymore!    


"Found it?!" Sheng Yun's voice was filled with surprise.    



"Found it!" I replied with absolute certainty.    


"That's great! I knew it would! " Sheng Yun was so excited that he picked me up and twirled me around several times.    


"Calm down first!" Better put it on quickly! "I found it with great difficulty. Just in case …" Seeing this, Tai Ziqian splashed cold water on the side.    


"Don't be a jinx!" Sheng Yun and I shouted at him at the same time. He was suddenly speechless and obediently did a mouth sealing gesture.    


Sheng Yun took the diamond ring from my hand and carefully observed it for a while. His gaze was full of mixed feelings. Then, he once again slowly knelt down on one knee in front of me.    




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