Planned Love



0"If I die, what will I gain?" What Xiaoyun said didn't change Sheng Yun's expression. On the contrary, Sheng Yun shook his head and said with extreme disappointment to Xiaoyun, "When I met you that year, I felt that you were an open-minded and intelligent woman. But now I see that you are no longer the same person. Persistence and unwillingness to swallow you, and to destroy the flowers. "    


Sheng Yun's words made Xiaoyun's whole body shudder, and also made my mind clear up.    


I suddenly understood that any woman Sheng Yun likes and appreciates must be open-minded and intelligent. Being alive or pestering him would only make him go further and further away.    


I'm glad that I was calm before I went to the hospital, and I put more emphasis on the overall situation, in Sheng Yun's heart.    


Xiaoyun looked at Sheng Yun in despair and complained, "So, even if I die, I won't be able to get even a little bit of your heart, right?"    


"Yes." Sheng Yun's answer was resolute and cold.    


Xiaoyun sat paralyzed on the ground as she looked at Sheng Yun with tears all over her face. Perhaps because she heard the decisiveness in Sheng Yun's words, she rushed over and hugged Sheng Yun's leg again and cried: "Daddy, Duo Duo knows her wrongs. Duo Duo shouldn't hit Auntie Shubei, daddy will forgive Duo, ok? Father, I will never do this again! "    


Sheng Yun slowly squatted down. He stretched out his hand and caressed Duoduo's face for a while before slowly saying, "Duo Duo, even your mother's words might not be true, so I hope that you won't be tempted by your mother's words and do something wrong. Go to school! Teacher will teach you the correct view of life! I won't just watch you get destroyed by your mother! But from now on, I won't be pampering him either! If you are really my child, I think you should understand me! At your age, my mind is already much more mature than a normal child! I'll give you one last chance. Are you still going to that school? If you go, if you want to study properly, I will keep on reading! But from now on, I want you to stay away from your mother! She was not worthy of being a mother! No mother would intentionally cause her child's heart to become twisted! "    


I don't know how much of what Sheng Yun said was heard by Duoduo, but I do know that even an eight-year-old can capture the most important information in an adult's words.    


She became obedient again, and her face became a bit calmer. She asked Sheng Yun: "Daddy, if I go to school, can I still call you Daddy? Will you come to see me often? "    


"Yes, but only a limited number of times." Sheng Yun said in a deep voice.    


Duo Duo raised her head and looked at Xiaoyun, then looked at Sheng Yun, then looked at me. My eyes were very calm. There was neither kindness nor malice in them.    


I know and understand Sheng Yun's every move, so no matter what decision he makes, I will support him.    


Xiaoyun spat out another mouthful of blood. She covered her mouth with a tissue, looked at Sheng Yun, and said with a piercing voice, "So, you completely deny me. Do you even have to deny the fact that I've nurtured Duoduo for so many years?"    


"You're not the same Xiaoyun from back then," Sheng Yun looked at Xiaoyun and said coldly, "If it weren't for the surveillance, how would I dare to imagine that you would educate Duo Duo like this? She's just an eight-year-old! "    


Xiaoyun's face became even more desperate, "Sheng Yun! I have given up all my youth for you! In the end, all that you gain is a complete negation of me? "    


At this time, Duoduo finally made up her mind and said to Sheng Yun: "Okay, dad, I'll go study. I will listen to you in the future. "    


"Duo Duo!" Xiaoyun shouted, "Even you want to betray me?"    


Duo Duo turned her head and stared blankly at Xiaoyun. Then, she whispered nervously, "But mother, I want to study, I want to go to school, I want to be with many kids, I've always been with mom since I was young. I really want to study, I really want to have a kid to play with me …"    


"Duo Duo, don't leave mother! Mommy can't do without you! Mommy can't do without you! " Xiaoyun fell into a state of panic as she grabbed onto Duo Duo's hand and hugged her tightly.    


Duo Duo looked at Sheng Yun. Sheng Yun still had a calm expression on his face. He looked at Duo Duo and said in a tone to an adult, "Duo Duo, think about it yourself. You want to be someone like me, or someone like your mother. "    


Duo Duo was stunned. Then, she suddenly got rid of Xiaoyun's hand, stood up and walked to Sheng Yun's side and held his hand.    


In the end, there was still half of Sheng Yun's blood flowing in her blood. That half of the blood contains Sheng Yun's precocious puberty, Sheng Yun's pride, Sheng Yun's intelligence, and Sheng Yun's determination.    


Xiaoyun lay paralyzed on the ground like a rapidly withering flower, dying and lifeless.    


At that moment, I felt a kind of heartfelt pity for Xiaoyun. Fate is sometimes like a knife, cold and cruel, tearing apart all your fantasies, knocking away all your hopes, and if you continue to persist, it will take away all that you have left, and leave nothing for you.    


"People never have no way out, unless you force yourself into a dead end." I looked Xiaoyun in the eye and said slowly.    


I wanted to stay and talk to her, to tell her what was wrong, but I knew that I would never be friends with her, and I would never be the one to talk to her. There were some principles that could only be comprehended by her, and only then could she stop them in time.    


The next day, Sheng Yun sent Duoduo to that private school. When he sent her, I didn't go with her, and I didn't ask about the situation.    


When Sheng Yun returned to the company, he was holding a bunch of fresh flowers. He walked into the office and put them on my desk as if nothing had happened. Then he said awkwardly, "Someone gave them to you."    


"Who gave it to me?" I asked, glancing at him slyly.    


"Someone." Sheng Yun left me a "shy" view of the back, then sat down at the desk, as if he was very busy.    


I took the bouquet and sniffed it. A sweet smell wafted over me and I saw a card on it.    


I took out the card and looked at it. On it were familiar words: "Thank you for everything you've done for me."    


"These words are so familiar." I joked.    


He looked up at me, then changed the subject again and said, "What did the morning meeting say? Tell me about it. "    


"Who actually gave this flower to you?" I'm getting more and more curious. " I put the flowers aside, took the meeting minutes to Sheng Yun's side and said with a smile.    


He reached out and scooped me up in his arms. Then he looked at me and said rather helplessly, "It's me, okay? You have to embarrass me, don't you? "    


"Gifting flowers to your own wife, how would that embarrass you?" I joked as I looked at the expression on his face.    


He sat on his lap, holding me in his arms, and hooked my nose with his hand. "Thank you for your tolerance and magnanimity in this matter," he said. I don't want to say too much, but I remember it all in my heart, Shubei. "    


"I had Xiaoyun arranged an interview in private. Her spoken English was good, so I wanted to help her get on the right track. I couldn't bear to see her like that yesterday. However, that's all I can do to help. As for what happens in the future, that can only depend on herself. " I said lightly.    


Sheng Yun looked at me in surprise. Then, he couldn't help but hug me and kiss me for a long time before saying, "Shubei, you really surprise me."    


I smiled and fell into his arms. The familiar sound of my heart beating reverberated in my ears. I finally felt slightly relieved in my heart.    


Sometimes, love seemed to be firm, but it was always faced with a test. When danger came, how to fill in the answers to the questions that needed to be answered in order to get the perfect score was a thorny problem for every woman.    


"Love me, be good to me." I drew circles on his chest with my fingertips, then said.    


"Alright, notify them to go on vacation in the afternoon." Sheng Yun suddenly said.    


"What?" I instantly opened his arms and asked with wide eyes, "Why? It's not like today, why are you suddenly having a vacation? "    


Sheng Yun pulled me into his arms again. He smiled mysteriously and said: "Because the afternoon is a special day."    


"What day?" I couldn't help but ask.    


He smiled faintly, kissed me lightly on the forehead, then took my hand and said, "I'll take you to the top floor."    


"What are you doing on the top floor?" I was even more surprised.    


"If you go, you'll know." He smiled, then stood up with me.    



He dragged me outside, and for the first time we walked hand in hand in front of all the employees. Everyone looked at us and we walked to the elevator and took the elevator to the top floor of the Golden Age Building.    


This was the first time I'd been on the top floor, which I'd thought was just like the other buildings, a desolate concrete floor or some random equipment.    


Unexpectedly, when we reached the top floor, we saw a large green heart-shaped grass, and in the middle of the grass, there was a bunch of champagne roses.    


I thought that Tai Ziqian would never see me again, but never thought that he, Shang Yang, Xia Yiwa and I would work together to plan all this. When we came up, he lightly glanced at me, then said softly, "Shubei, I hope your choice can make you happy."    


"Of course, I won't let her down." Sheng Yun heavily punched Tai Ziqian in the chest, then said, "Since young, you have always fought with me for everything. I can share everything with you, but this woman, definitely cannot!"    


I looked at Tai Ziqian. Tai Ziqian also looked at me. We looked at each other and smiled. Our eyes were filled with relief.    


"What day is this afternoon?" I asked, confused.    


At this moment, Xia Yiwa looked at me with a smile and asked, "Shubei, can you still find your account book?"    




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