Planned Love



0"I'm making trouble for no reason?" I looked at Sheng Yun painfully and couldn't help but shout, "Sheng Yun! You're the one who hid it from me first! You know how much I hate Xu Changsheng! Why are you doing this? Why don't you choose among so many people you can work with? You must choose him? "    


There was a muffled thunder in the sky, and the heavy reverberations made my heart grow heavier. A few drops of rain fell on my face, and the cloudy sky was covered with dark clouds. The sun was long gone, and the wind was blowing again and again, making my hair twist, just like my heart.    


"Sheng Yun, why didn't you answer me?" I reached out and touched the water droplets on my face. I didn't know if it was rain or tears.    


He stood there unmoving, his hands naturally hanging down, his face slightly furrowed, the expression on his face frozen in ice. Under the dense dark clouds, his face was like a perfect jade sculpture, delicate yet expressionless.    


He said quietly, "I'm waiting for you to calm down, Xu Shubei."    


He didn't know that every word he said, every expression he made, was pushing me into the abyss of negative emotions. My eyes grew dimmer and dimmer, my heart ached more and more.    


For a long time, revenge had been a heavy boulder weighing down on my heart. There were many things that I could look down on, but this was the only thing that I couldn't see through. Once upon a time, the sole purpose of my life was revenge. For this reason, I did not hesitate to climb to the peak of my life. I hoped that one day, I could personally use a sharp knife to cut Xu Changsheng's heart open and let him have a taste of my pain back then.    


However, even though Sheng Yun knows that I care so much, he still signed an agreement with him!    


Does he really care about me? Did he really love me? If so, why join hands with my enemies?    


A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, less than half a meter away from me. In that instant, Sheng Yun rushed over and tried to pull me to a safe place without any explanation.    


"Don't worry about me! I don't want to see you! " I pushed him away, using all my strength.    


It was raining heavily, and the huge drops washed the withered roses from the champagne. The petals drifted along with the water, like my broken heart.    


"Xu Shubei!" Can you calm down? " Sheng Yun roared in the torrential rain, the rain rolled down his face, his white shirt was already tightly fitting to his muscles under the rain, and his triangular perfect figure could be vaguely seen.    


"Go! I don't want to see you! "You go!"    


I felt as if I had gone mad. I let the rain wash over me, and the pain in my heart spread endlessly. I didn't want to see him again, but I couldn't help looking at him again.    


My clothes were wet too, the raindrops flowing down through my wet hair. Thunder and lightning were occasionally heard, and the entire Hangcheng seemed to be covered by a huge black pot, giving off the appearance of a ferocious devil.    


Sheng Yun hugged me at all costs!    


The more I struggled, the tighter he held!    


At some point, we had fallen into the rain and were rolling on the ground. I was struggling with all my might, but he was riding on top of me without a care in the world!    


"Xu Shubei!" "You're crazy!" He grabbed my chin and kissed me, his legs clamping tightly around my waist to keep me from moving.    


"Sheng Yun!" Let go of me! " I shouted, but my voice had been drowned out by his kiss.    


He tore my shirt so roughly!    


"You're not leaving? "Then I'll take you now!" He bent down and continued to tear at me.    


"Let me go! If you dare touch me today! I will never forgive you! "    


"You are already my wife! Whenever I want! It's you. You refused a toast and refused a forfeit! "    


"Sheng Yun, is this your attitude? You think you can do whatever you want with me and have no qualms about doing what you want with me after we've gotten our certificates, don't you? "    


"I didn't!"    


"Then why did you do it!"    


"You're the one who forced me!" In the torrential rain, he tore off my pants. A big piece of my skin just like this, he recklessly forced his way in!    


"Sheng Yun!" I shouted, digging my fingernails into his flesh!    


At that moment, I hated him to the bone!    


He was like a wild horse, galloping on my body! The rain continued to wash down, and his face grew bigger and bigger in front of me!    


I tried my best to sit up! With a raise of his hand, he ruthlessly slapped me in the face!    


He covered his face and suddenly stopped moving!    


I got up from the ground in a sorry state, feeling humiliated both physically and mentally, and ran towards the stairs.    


He had caught up!    


He wrapped me in his suit!    


I turned and tried to push him away, but he stumbled and almost fell. I looked at him and said coldly, "Stay away from me!"    


It was at that moment that he seemed to realize that I had truly broken my heart.    


He looked at me, I looked at him, and we stared at each other for a long moment. Then he came back, wrapped his suit around me, and picked me up by the waist!    


"Stop messing around! I'll carry you to the car! " he growled.    


We were already in the elevator, and I was exhausted and limp in his arms.    


The elevator was filled with employees. Every time the elevator opened, a group of employees would wait outside. When we opened the door, we were standing in the elevator, covered in filth.    


He still had that haughty look on his face, and when we reached the first floor, he carried me through the main entrance to the hall, still in shock.    


It was still raining outside. Some attentive staff quickly chased after him with umbrellas in hand. Sheng Yun pushed away his umbrellas and signaled him not to follow.    


He walked me through the rain until he reached the car, put me in my seat, tossed me a blanket, and drove me home without a word.    


When he got home, he dropped me, went straight to the bathroom, locked the door behind him, and jumped into the tub. He took a lazy bath and stared at the ceiling in despair, not moving.    


I felt a dull pain all over my body. I looked down and saw that I must have been hurt by a sharp stone on the top floor. There were several wounds all over my body.    


When I got out of the shower, he was still sitting on the couch in the living room, a cigar in his mouth.    


He smoked cigars only when he was extremely bored.    


I looked at him coldly in my bathrobe. I wanted to say something, but found I had nothing to say. Without saying anything, I turned and went into the bedroom.    



As I closed the door, I saw his eyes from the living room, and they were filled with deep concern and pain.    


But I still closed the door.    


I didn't expect that the next day we would start to separate. All happiness came to an end.    


When he got up in the morning, he was no longer there. Nanny Liu said to me with a worried expression, "Xiao Bei, Sheng Yun was sitting on the sofa last night, smoking all night long. What kind of misunderstanding did you have? Can you tell Auntie? "    


In a corner of the living room, Zaizai was happily lying on a crawling cushion. His hands and feet were kicking around and he looked very happy.    


"It's fine. Nanny Liu, take care of Zaizai. Don't worry about anything." I said lightly.    


"Yun must have been under the rain yesterday, right? He's got it all over his body, so he won't go even if I tell him to change." In the morning, I took a shower, changed into a clean set of clothes, and left. I told you to let me stew ginger soup for you, and also said that you don't need to go to the company today if you have nothing to do. " After Nanny Liu finished speaking, she reached out her hand to touch my forehead, sighed and said, "It's normal for young couples to have a quarrel, but don't let it hurt just like this. There are some misunderstandings that need to be solved in time, otherwise, it will get even worse. "    


"Got it, Auntie, don't worry." I said as before. When I saw Nanny Liu's worried expression, I couldn't help but glance at Zaizai.    


I thought we'd been through so much that we could finally live together in peace. Who would have thought that everything would change right after peace and quiet.    


Zaizai... Would you be happy if you lived alone with me from now on?    


I was startled by the thought, and then I sneezed several times, my head spinning uncomfortably.    


Probably he had a cold!    


I didn't go anywhere for the whole day. I lazily curled up on the sofa, wearing a mask as I talked to Zaizai. Nanny Liu stewed some ginger soup for me and brought me some cold medicine to drink. I lay on the sofa with a blank expression on my face, as if all my energy had been sucked out of me.    


Someone knocked on the door. It was Tai Ziqian. He came back from Shanghai and the first thing he said when he saw me was, "Shubei, I know everything. This son of a b * tch, I'll let you off! "    


"What?" What exactly happened? " Nanny Liu had already treated us as her family. Hearing Tai Ziqian's words, she suddenly became anxious.    


"Shubei, I know you must be very sad! So, I came back right away! " Tai Ziqian said anxiously, then said to Nanny Liu, "Auntie, don't worry about it anymore. I won't be able to explain anything about it to you for a while. "    


When Nanny Liu heard Tai Ziqian's words, she immediately went to accompany Zaizai in silence. I knew she would be sad, but at this moment, I didn't have the strength to comfort her.    


Tai Ziqian sat beside me. He reached out his hand to touch my forehead, and I immediately began to cough violently. Seeing me like this, he asked with concern, "You have a cold? "His forehead is very hot."    


My head felt heavier and heavier, and my whole body was chilled. The weight of my head and feet caused me to fall to the side involuntarily. Tai Ziqian hurriedly held my head and then pulled me into his arms.    


Unexpectedly, the door opened and Sheng Yun saw this scene as soon as he walked in. He said coldly behind us, "Tai Ziqian, I think you're courting death!"    




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