Planned Love



0"There's going to be a meeting soon. I'll explain it to you after the meeting, okay?" Sheng Yun looked at me gently and said.    


"Oh, Yun, I brought my team over. They have already worked out the project proposal overnight and are now in the conference room. Since time is tight, why don't we have a meeting to discuss about it! " Xu Changsheng's face was covered in oil as he said with a smile.    


Rou was still dressed in the sexy and seductive style. Xu Changsheng couldn't help but glance at Rou.    


A shrewd person like Rou, who had come in contact with all kinds of men, naturally wouldn't like a man like Xu Changsheng.    


Ever since Huang Xiaoxiang passed away, Xu Changsheng had become more and more carefree. He had become more and more unscrupulous when he saw beautiful women, and for some reason, his whole person had become fatter and fatter. A few years ago, he had the look of an entrepreneur, but now he had the temperament of a "upstart".    


Sheng Yun returned to his desk and quickly organized his documents. He then said to Xu Changsheng, "Boss Xu, let's go. We're going to the meeting room."    


I was still standing at the same place. Sheng Yun glanced at me subconsciously, then put the two documents I gave him into the drawer. He said lightly: "If you have something to do, you can go first. If you have nothing else to do, then wait for my meeting to end."    


"If I remember correctly, I'm still a senior executive at this company. I have the right to participate in the company's decisions. I also want to participate in this meeting. " I said to Sheng Yun.    


"Wait for me at the office. You don't have to follow up on this project. I don't want your emotions to affect the progress of the project." Unexpectedly, Sheng Yun was surprisingly cold.    


He then followed Xu Changsheng to the meeting room. When I reached the door of the meeting room, two bodyguards at the door stopped me and said, "Sorry, Director Sheng has ordered that no one is allowed to enter the meeting room."    


This was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire for me, but there was nothing I could do about it.    


For now, I can only wait.    


I went back to Sheng Yun's office, and when I opened the door, Rou was eating an imported tidbit.    


When I came in, her expression was the same as ever. She looked at me with a smile and said, "Shubei, come sit down. Don't be angry. Although you are nominally his wife, it's not like he has to discuss everything with you, is it? "    


"Rou, the first time I saw you, I thought you were a very generous and straightforward woman. I didn't expect you to have so many tricks behind your back. " I looked at Rou and said coldly.    


Rou's expression immediately became serious as she said, "Maybe it's because I've been too confident in myself all these years that I've been waiting for you. I don't have any tricks up my sleeve, so I'm giving you an opportunity to take advantage of me." If I had known earlier, if I had known earlier, it might not have been your turn to say these things in front of me today. Xu Shubei, do you really think you're stronger than me? You're just lucky! "    


"Even if I gave up on Sheng Yun, he would never choose you. "Rou, I think you know your own limits."    


"Yes, I used to think the same way. I didn't think I'd be able to reach that level. Sheng Yun is so perfect, his family has great looks and strong abilities, he is the most outstanding man I have ever seen, and I … I'm just a woman who's been through a rough patch, and I'm lucky to have this day, "Rou said slowly. She took out a cigarette from her pocket, lit it, took a sip gracefully, then looked me up and down and said," But I don't think so anymore. Sheng Yun, since he can choose you, and he can choose Xiaoyun, why can't he choose me? How am I worse than you? "Moreover, I already own 20% of the Xu family's shares."    


Her last words made my heart skip a beat. I looked at her blankly and said, "What did you say?"    


She took another lazy drag on her cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, got up gracefully and walked around me in a circle. Then she leaned in close to my face and said, "I say, I already own twenty percent of the Xu family. Otherwise, why do you think Sheng Yun would cooperate with the Xu so much? Xu Shubei, this is enough to prove that my position in Sheng Yun's heart is not light, maybe... "It's not lighter than you."    


"How could you own a share of the Xu family? Where did you get so much money? " I couldn't help but ask.    


Rou had only managed ON bar over the years. For a large company like the Xu family, having 20% of the shares was a huge amount of capital. How could she get her hands on it with just her own strength?    


"You don't need to worry about that. In short, I'm the second largest shareholder in the Xu family now …" "Xu Shubei, you must be very disappointed, right?" Rou patted me on the shoulder, and revealed a weird smile, "What a pity, even a loss is useless. How could you have imagined that I would become the second largest shareholder in the Xu family? I heard that even in your dreams, you wanted to take down Xu Changsheng and replace him yourself. It's a pity that after working hard for so many years, in the end … "It's not as good as mine."    


Instinctively, my blood began to rise, but soon I calmed down. The more she tried to provoke me, the more she tried to bring me into some sort of mind. Based on my understanding of Sheng Yun, there must be another reason for him to cooperate with the Xu family. It definitely can't be because of Rou. He's never been sentimental, but I can't figure out why he did it.    


Rou saw that I didn't say anything, so she thought I was provoked by her words and said, "Xu Shubei, I think you are just too greedy. You already got the position of the Shengshi Group's CEO and even got Sheng Yun's heart, yet you're still thinking about your trivial hatred. Do you know what Sheng Yun said to me? He said that in your eyes, even if he gave you everything, your heart would only be filled with hatred, and you wouldn't be able to walk to the point where you could put down all your grudges and live with him. "    


"Do you really think that just by saying all these, you will be able to excite me?" I looked at her and gave a cold laugh. But even though she knew that what she said might not be true, she still felt heartache.    


"Xu Shubei, is your heart broken?" She looked at me with a smile that wasn't a smile, then said, "Oh, right, Sheng Yun also wanted me to help Duoduo find a closer school. He said he missed her and wanted to see her more often. Xu Shubei, you must be sad to hear that, right? He is indifferent to your child, but he cares so much about Duo Duo... Oh, by the way, and he gave Xiaoyun a job. We had dinner together the other day. "I think he must have some feelings for Xiaoyun …    


Rou purposely put on airs that made my hair stand on end. Seeing that I was silent, she constantly provoked me with various words. I knew she was trying to infuriate me. She wanted to see me out of control.    


But she underestimated me.    


I waited for her to finish, then looked up at her and said calmly, "Rou, if you think you can break me down by saying this, then you are completely wrong. You don't have to desperately prove who has a place in his heart in front of me. The only thing that makes me different from you guys is that I don't even want to fight for him. Even if I get his love, I can still easily let go of him. What I want is different from what you want. What I want is his sincere respect and acknowledgment of me, not my desperate effort to please him. So, don't try to break my heart, I won't be fooled. And what I can tell you is that, so far, I'm sure he still loves me. You don't have to argue with me, because... I don't have to fight. Even if you want to fight, you can't fight me. "    


"Xu Shubei!" Rou became agitated as she sneered, "I didn't expect you to still be so stubborn about this matter." I would like to see how long you can keep your mouth shut for. "    


Just as I was about to speak, Sheng Yun pushed the door open and entered. When he saw me and Rou standing there, he was momentarily stunned. Then, with a hoarse voice, he asked, "Why haven't you left yet?"    


Rou suddenly asked nervously, "Yun, your throat is inflamed again?"    


Inflammation? Before he … Did he catch a cold too? When I heard Rou's question, I couldn't help but give him a deep look.    


He took a long drink of water and then sat at his desk with his head propped up, his face somewhat gloomy.    


"You …?" I subconsciously wanted to care for him, but the words slipped back into my mouth.    


"It's fine. Is there anything else?" Sheng Yun frowned slightly as he raised his head to look at Rou and me.    


"I have something to do!" I said loudly. My voice startled Sheng Yun. He asked me, "What is it?"    


"Do you still love me?" I asked gravely, looking at him.    


He stared blankly for a moment, then heavily coughed a few times and said, "Why are you suddenly asking this?"    


"Answer me, do you still love me?" I stress it again.    


"Love." He was silent for a long time, and then he replied.    


"Do you love other women?" I asked again.    


He looked up at me, probably seeing my serious face, and was a little taken aback, but he shook his head and said softly, "No."    


He got up from his chair and suddenly opened his arms to me. "If you too, come to me now," he said. Let's just pretend that nothing happened. "    


I ignored him and turned to Rou. "Rou, did you hear that? Do I need to repeat myself a second time? "    


Sheng Yun's expression instantly changed. Then, he said in an extremely cold voice, "Xu Shubei, are you messing with me?"    




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