Planned Love



0I hadn't seen him for three months. I didn't expect to meet him on the street so late at night.    


He was thinner now, stripped of his formal suit, a white parent-child uniform with dark blue jeans, and casual white shoes.    


The little girl next to him was dressed exactly like him. She was also dressed in a white parentage outfit with dark tight jeans and a pair of identical white shoes.    


The English word "dad" was reflected on the front of his clothes, and the English word "baby" was reflected on the front of the little girl's clothes.    


Is a high-end sports brand of the private customization, good intentions can be seen from the point of view.    


The little girl bounced around him, and as he walked he took her hand and gazed down at her lovingly, the girl's laughter and their conversation ringing clearly in my ears through the air.    


"How can I be as greedy as you? I want to eat fried chicken legs in the middle of the night!"    


"Hee hee …" Daddy, I just want to eat... I want to walk along the road with you, and when it's finally time to go on holiday, I want to be with Dad every second of every minute. "    


"We're almost there. Watch your feet, pay attention …"    


At this moment, Sheng Yun's words came to an abrupt stop. It was obvious that he had his head lowered as he looked at the figure of Tai Ziqian and I on the ground.    


He slowly raised his head, and when he saw that it was me, his eyes widened.    


Tai Ziqian's clothes were still on me. Tai Ziqian was wearing a thin black casual shirt. He was standing beside me with one hand in his pocket.    


Sheng Yun also stopped, Duo Duo was still jumping, and only when she was about to hit me did Sheng Yun immediately pull her back.    


Clearly, Duo Duo was too happy. She was so happy that she forgot that there might be other pedestrians on this road.    


Only after Sheng Yun pulled did she raise her head. When she saw me, she was stunned for a moment before softly calling out to me: "Aunt Shubei."    


I nodded slightly, a forced smile on my face.    


After three months of not seeing each other, Duo Duo seemed to be living quite well in school. She had grown a little flesh, and her face looked more fleshy than before, making her seem more adorable. Her skin was abnormally white.    


Her legs were long and slender, just like Sheng Yun's. Father and daughter stood together, it was true … It was very harmonious.    


Sheng Yun saw that she took the initiative to call me, so he touched her head, and then slowly looked at me, with a bottomless sadness in his eyes.    


"Long time no see." After a moment of stalemate, he finally spoke.    


"Mm. Long time no see." I said softly. My voice was inexplicably hoarse, perhaps because I hadn't spoken for a long time.    


"I'll take her to the front to buy fried chicken legs. Duo Duo wants to eat one now." Sheng Yun said lightly.    


"Oh, okay." My tone was also so faint that I almost thought I didn't miss it. But his heart throbbed inexplicably.    


"Take good care of yourself." he added, looking at me.    


Then, he gave Tai Ziqian a meaningful look. Tai Ziqian saw the situation, silently took a few steps to the side, as if deliberately avoiding, as if to give us the space to speak.    


"You too." I looked him in the eye and said softly.    


"I will. The weather is very cold, let's go home early. " he said again.    


"You too, go home early." "No," I said.    


There were too many things that he wanted to ask but couldn't. There were too many things that he wanted to ask but couldn't. We looked at each other in tacit understanding, nodded to each other in tacit understanding, walked past each other in tacit understanding, and … They were strangers.    


I walked and walked along the street without looking back, my heart throbbing, and many times I wondered if, if I looked back, he would still be standing there, still looking at me.    


However, my stubbornness would not allow me to look back. It would not allow me to lower my head.    


What if he was already long gone?    


His relationship with Duo Duo had clearly improved by leaps and bounds. Clearly they had established a harmonious father-daughter relationship, so... What about him and Xiaoyun? Did they also walk together?    


I've already said to let go, so don't be unwilling!    


I gave a sad smile and looked at the full moon in the deep blue sky.    


Tai Ziqian caught up to me and whispered in my ear, "I missed you very much, but why did you pretend to be so unfamiliar? You don't explain between us? Aren't you afraid that if the two of you stay in a stalemate like this, you will slowly get further and further away? "    


"Ziqian, you really talk a lot at night." I gave him a soft nudge with my hand.    


"Well, I won't say anything more. In any case, you are a person who has his own ideas, so you have your own reasons for everything you do. " Tai Ziqian saw my attitude and said.    


"Are they gone?" I couldn't help but ask, though I didn't look back.    


"He's still here. Do you want to go back?" Tai Ziqian asked me softly.    


I shook my head. "No, I still want to go forward," I said.    


"Then let's move forward!" Tai Ziqian's voice suddenly became confident.    


He walked me to the door and watched me enter the house before he decided to leave. Since it was too late for him to drive and he drank, I told him not to go back and stay in my guest room, which he readily agreed to.    


I did not sleep that night. After some time, I seemed to hear a melodious sound coming from the direction of the window. I turned my head in a daze and saw a person sitting on the windowsill. He was sitting on the windowsill with his legs crossed.    


I thought it was a dream. I gripped the sheet tightly, afraid to wake up, afraid to sit up and see what was going on.    


Later on, I actually fell asleep in a daze. While I was still hazy, I felt a cool and soft kiss suddenly appearing on my forehead. I tried to hook my arm around his neck in my dream, but when I did, I just missed it …    


I woke up from my dream and turned on the bedside lamp. I looked around the empty room. There was no sign of anyone there, even the windows were closed … It seemed like it was only my dream, but the tune was so real.    


I sat on the bed for a while with my legs crossed. Then I shook my head and said to myself, "Xu Shubei, when did you become so dreamy?"    


I lay down again and slowly let myself fall asleep. In the midst of my drowsiness, I heard a faint sigh.    


When he woke up the next morning, Tai Ziqian was already sitting at the dining table eating breakfast. Nanny Liu herself fried the fried dough sticks, squeezed the soy milk, and cooked two servings of rice porridge and boiled eggs.    


"Ziqian, did you hear the sound of the zither last night?" I asked.    



"No, I slept very soundly last night, what's the sound of the zither?" Tai Ziqian asked as he ate.    


"Nothing. Auntie, you are always awake. Did you hear that? " I couldn't help but ask Nanny Liu.    


Nanny Liu was trying to coax Zaizai. She shook Zaizai as she said, "No." Shubei, are you dreaming? "    


That should really be a dream! Maybe it's because I ran into him in the middle of the night! That was why he had such a dream!    


But the dream was so real that I reached out to touch my forehead and absentmindedly finished my breakfast.    


A few days later, I read on the local news that Sheng Yun, in the name of his daughter, Sheng Xiao, had donated hundreds of thousands of yuan to ten primary schools in the affected areas.    


It seemed like he had formally acknowledged that Duo Duo was his daughter and also changed her name to Shengxiao, similar to Zaizai's famous name. Not only were the words similar, their meanings were bamboo.    


Did this mean that he loved them equally?    


When I saw this news, there was no longer any anger in me. Some... It was just a deep silence, like the sound of a gale passing through a valley.    


The turning point of a person's life usually happens in an instant, and maturity occurs in an instant. I worked even harder, day and night, trying to concentrate on my work.    


Tai Ziqian became a partner that fought alongside me. We signed an agreement that he would take 30% of Noah's shares without any pay. If he succeeds, he will be the second largest shareholder; if he fails, we will share the burden.    


I know that he is not short on money, nor on jobs. A talented student like him, coupled with Tai Feng's illustrious background, will shine brightly no matter where he goes.    


But he chose to fight with me, rich rich family to raise children, the mind is different from ordinary people.    


He didn't care about gains and losses, he didn't care about status and money, he viewed life from many angles, he didn't care about being stuck in a difficult life, he naturally had enough energy to do what he liked … In addition to helping my company manage its accounts and sparring occasionally with me, he was like his father, obsessed with art collections, looking for antiques and works of art, often pulling out various treasures for me to appraise, indirectly building on my feelings and increasing my knowledge of multiple aspects.    


Half a year passed just like that. Half a year had passed, and my Noah had become full of life and vitality. I listened to Tai Ziqian's suggestion, I became the chairman behind the scenes and found a professional agent to become the general manager. I didn't want to show my face easily, so I handed over the task to the professional agent to do.    


I've grown too much in this half year. It was probably because I had been with Tai Feng and Tai Ziqian for a long time that my speech and work had become quiet, no longer boisterous like before.    


The wealth that I have accumulated in this half a year is something that I cannot achieve no matter how hard I try in the first half of my life. But now, looking at the series of numbers, I was very indifferent. I knew that this was still far from my goal, and I knew that I needed to spare no effort.    


On the day of my arrival, I suddenly received a call from Sheng Yun. When I saw his name on the screen, I fell into a trance. My hands shook as I picked it up.    


He was on the other end of the phone. He asked me quietly, "Do you have time tonight? I think we should talk. "    




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