Planned Love



0I didn't expect it to be Ling Yue.    


He was dressed in a sports shirt and cap, and apart from his overly gorgeous face, he was no different from any other ordinary person.    


After the wind blew his cap off, his silver hair was revealed. Although the hat pressed down his hair, it still looked crystal clear under the sunlight. It didn't look like it was scalded, but rather like it was naturally born with white hair.    


It was the first time I had ever seen a man with such a flawless face, apart from the well-dressed and heavily made-up female celebrities I had seen at the press conference.    


He stood there, his almond-shaped eyes slanting down to his temples. His lips were very thin, his nose was neat and small, his chin was pointed, and his skin was white like a baby's. He exuded a unique aura. I have never felt such an aura from a second person.    


"Young man, white hair …" Are you born that way or the day after? " Tai Feng saw Ling Yue's hair and asked.    


Ling Yue looked at me and smiled, then said to Tai Feng, "Of course it's the day after tomorrow. Young people like us who have neither career nor love can only pursue personality. "Unlike you, with your aura and your spirit, it's obvious that you're going to do something big."    


This... Was this person really Ling Yue? Was it Ling Yue who 'kidnapped' me yesterday and threatened me?    


I looked at him in surprise, and the fawning on his face seemed real, not at all fake.    


"Don't belittle yourself. As long as you have the heart, you can achieve something. As for the size of the business, I don't think there's anything to it. " Tai Feng smiled and said.    


Ling Yue acted like a lackey as he hurriedly helped Tai Feng load the fish into the bucket. I thought that people like him would definitely not touch something as smelly as the fish.    


To my surprise, he grabbed the whole fish without batting an eyelid and threw it neatly into the bucket.    


"Hand her the pole and let her learn how to fish with me." Tai Feng said to Ling Yue, Ling Yue listened to Tai Feng's words, and then handed the fishing rod in his hand to me.    


Taking advantage of Tai Feng's inattention, he quickly winked at me, his eyes were filled with endless cunning.    


I had a lot of questions, but Tai Feng was in the mood to fish, so it was inconvenient for me to discuss something with him, for fear of disturbing his mood.    


He obviously had a bellyful of things on his mind, but he could only suppress his temper and sit beside him to fish. With such a state of mind, how could he quietly wait for the fish to bite him?    


Several times I pulled the line, and every time the bait was eaten, the fish ran away.    


Tai Feng glanced at me from time to time with an enigmatic smile on his face.    


I was flustered, but I could only suppress my temper and stay by his side. Ling Yue saw that there was no longer a place for him, so he sat on a small stool to the side and played with his phone.    


This young man, who looked young and vigorous and fashionable, could not bring me back to the man I remembered from yesterday.    


I felt a burst of impatience, Tai Feng finally gave up after catching three big fish in a row.    


I heaved a sigh of relief in my heart. Tai Feng pointed at me and said meaningfully, "Shubei, there's nothing to worry about. The more anxious you are, the more fruitless you tend to be. "    


After Tai Feng said that, he directly threw his car keys to Ling Yue and said, "Brat, can I trouble you to help me put the fishing rod into the trunk of my car."    


I opened my eyes wide, and my voice rose an octave. "Uncle Te, can you give him your car keys?"    


"Mmm, there's nothing wrong with that. He's a car parking lackey here. I contracted out the farm business for the day, and he was free, so I pulled him out to fish. " Tai Feng laughed, then patted my head and said, "What's the matter, girl? Normally, I would be able to keep a straight face when I see you in such a state, but why are you so agitated and restless today? "    


Ling Yue had already picked up the keys and was walking towards the parking lot with a shake of his shoulders.    


Tai Feng intimately put his arm around my shoulders and led me to the dining room on the farm. As we walked, we chatted.    


"Uncle Te, with your status and identity, is it appropriate for you to just casually hand over the key to a car driver?" I asked tentatively, to see if he knew anything about Ling Yue and his purpose in coming close to him.    


"With my status and identity, so what? There's nothing in the car, and I don't think he'd dare turn it over. " Tai Feng smiled.    


Seeing him say that, thinking that Ling Yue might be back soon, he couldn't help but say, "Uncle Te, to tell you the truth, the reason why I came to find you today is related to that person just now. He is actually …"    


"Tieba, I've already put away your fishing gear. Follow me on this path to the dining room, it will be faster." Before I could finish, Ling Yue suddenly appeared from a bamboo forest and appeared in front of us like a ghost. He smiled and said to Tai Feng.    


I glared at him. He stuck his tongue out at me when Tai Feng wasn't paying attention.    


I didn't know what this person was trying to hide, or what he looked like. His appearance interrupted my conversation with Tai Feng, so I could only look for an opportunity.    


"Shubei, what did you want to say just now?" Tai Feng saw that I was suddenly silent, so he asked me.    


"It's nothing. I just want to tell you that you have to be more careful in everything. Nothing else is important." Ling Yue is leading the way, so I can't say it clearly. I can only hint that I hope Tai Feng can understand.    


Unexpectedly, he only lightly said, "No worries."    


I didn't know if he knew everything or if he was already indifferent to everything, so I changed the subject and chatted with him about something else.    


Because of Ling Yue's presence, I avoided everything that happened at work. After talking about it for a while, the final topic of discussion landed on Zaizai.    


This farm is really big, after walking from the pond to the dining hall for about 20 minutes, when we arrived at a small courtyard surrounded by bamboo fences, Ling Yue respectfully lowered his hands and said, "This small courtyard is our private restaurant. Our farm's Lady Boss will personally cook for you. There is a huge pear tree at the entrance of the courtyard. Every year, when the pear blossoms bloom, there will be pear blossoms everywhere, so the name of this courtyard is Pear Blossom Fallen. Our boss personally chose this name. "    


"Alright, I understand. You can leave now." Tai Feng lightly nodded his head and then said to Ling Yue.    


"Alright." Ling Yue said respectfully, then suddenly tugged on my sleeve.    


With that pull, Tai Feng had already walked into the store ahead of me. I was about to follow him when I felt something sharp on my back again, and his high-pitched voice floated to my ear. "Tell him you're going to the bathroom."    


I knew that this guy could do anything if he changed his mind, so I hurriedly shouted to Tai Feng who was inside: "Uncle Ta, sit down first, I told him to take me to the washroom."    


Tai Feng's reply floated out from the yard. Ling Yue walked in front of me with a slouch and led me towards the washroom. When we reached a stretch of bluestone path, he suddenly turned around and quickly pressed me against the wall!    


This time, a blade really did appear in his hand. The patterns on the handle of the blade were extremely ancient, and it was embedded with a dark green gemstone. The tip of the blade was pointed sharply at my face, drew a few times, and then said sinisterly, "You dare to expose me? Looks like you really aren't afraid of me. "    


"Why are you here? What exactly do you want? " I asked, looking at him.    


"I originally wanted to get to know Tai Feng through you, but I didn't expect him to obediently deliver himself up to me. The moment the door opened, the distinguished guest came out. This feeling was truly not bad … "Little girl, what do you think?" He brought his face up to his face, shamelessly, and tried to take advantage of me.    


"Are you really refusing a toast and refusing a forfeit?" I glared at him and quickly slipped out from under his hand.    


"Tsk tsk, speaking of this …" He looked down at me from the top, and then sloppily said, "I'd like to ask if I'm someone you've seen before... The biggest? "    


The last three words were spoken very softly, but the tone was extremely flirtatious. My face reddened, and I knew that the more agitated I became, the more he would want to tease me. However, her crimson face betrayed me.    


"Scram!" I warn you! Don't provoke me! " I let out an exasperated growl.    



"Oh oh? Scram?" He smiled slyly, his charming face shining like the clouds. "Now? Okay, how are you going to get out? Roll horizontally, roll vertically, or just stand there … I can even accompany you. "    


"Ling Yue, I'm not in the mood to joke with you. Tell me, what exactly do you need me to do? or you tell me what you want to do. " I knew that if I kept pestering him like this, I wouldn't know when I would be able to stop, so I asked him straightforwardly.    


"Awesome!" That's right! They were already women who had given birth, what was the point in being so shy? Don't you think so? " He smiled, then smiled at me and said, "What I want is very simple. Don't poke holes in me. As for what I want to do, you can rest assured that I am not an unpardonable person. I like to make friends, especially friends with means. I just want to be friends with Tai Feng and ask for advice on how to do business. You are not his daughter, and you are not his lover. What do you care so much about? "    


"Is that really the case?" I asked, looking at him.    


He suddenly smacked my head with his hand and said, "What else do you want? What flavor do you like? "    


"Scram!" My face darkened. I couldn't think of a better word to reply to him than that.    


Who knew that after I shouted like this, he would immediately pounce towards me. Before I could react, he would directly carry me and roll towards a steep slope …    




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