Planned Love



0"Hmm, it's time to let Xu Changsheng pay the price." I finished my coffee in one gulp, and then the doorbell rang.    


Tai Ziqian and I quickly walked to the door. When we opened it, Tai Ziqian's American classmate, our longtime partner Ma Ke, appeared at the door with his team members. Tai Ziqian and I quickly welcomed them.    


That night, we talked in secret until midnight. After that, Tai Ziqian and I went home and slept soundly for the first time in history.    


By the time I woke up, it was already 9.30 a.m. the next morning.    


After I woke up and calmly brushed my teeth and washed my face, Tai Ziqian had already called. "Shubei, Ma Ke has already left for Xu's Group."    


"Alright, I understand." I smiled and hung up.    


I'm not worried about the results. Because I know that this year's hard work will not be in vain.    


Now, it was time to close the net.    


My heart was very calm. As usual, I ran for five thousand meters and then went home to play games with Zaizai for the whole morning.    


My Zaizai is too smart, at less than two weeks of age, he can already walk and talk, his flesh is gradually fading, the outline of his body is gradually showing, his appearance is more and more like Sheng Yun, I sometimes see him as if he is a smaller version of Sheng Yun.    


Nanny Liu did her best to bring Zaizai along. I knew that she had met Sheng Yun many times in the past six months, but I pretended not to know and never mentioned Sheng Yun in front of Nanny Liu.    


I stayed with Tai Ziqian for many years. Even though there was nothing between us, I could tell from Nanny Liu's subtle words that she had misunderstood my relationship with Tai Ziqian and thought that I had already changed my love, so she didn't mention Sheng Yun to me anymore. It was just that every time she brought Zaizai to meet Sheng Yun, I could hear her sighing every time I came back.    


From the number of times she sighed, I could tell that she had met Sheng Yun at least thirty times during the past six months, almost all of them on weekends. She didn't mention it again, and she still cared about me as much as ever, but I knew that she felt especially sorry for me and Sheng Yun.    


At noon that day, I finally got the time to sit down personally for lunch with Zaizai and Nanny Liu.    


We ate lunch together and talked. Nanny Liu ate while saying, "Little Bei, you're so busy..." How long are you going to be busy? The last time you went out to relax was six months ago. "Why are you so busy with this business?"    


"Mom, it'll be fine after this period. After this period, I can take a breath of air." I looked at Nanny Liu and smiled.    


"What did you just call me?" Nanny Liu put down her bowl and chopsticks and asked me with her eyes wide open.    


"In my heart, you are already my mother." I reached out to take her hand and said softly, "Thank you for taking care of Zaizai all this time, for your concern and understanding towards me. I know it's hard to bring a child. Mom, you've worked hard. "    


Nanny Liu's eyes immediately moistened. She tightly held my hand. She was so excited that she couldn't control herself. She hurriedly replied a few times.    


My eyes moistened. I looked at Nanny Liu with relief, then at the portrait of my father and mother in the living room.    


I think that their spirit in heaven would be pleased to see that I now have such a loving old man by my side.    


"Silly child, can you call me mom? In my heart, it's even more fragrant than eating delicacies." Nanny Liu said with a smile.    


"I wanted to call you that for a long time, but I'm not good at expressing my feelings, so I can't say it. Mom, I can't say anything else. I just want to tell you, in the future, I will be responsible for your and your dad's retirement. You don't have to worry about no one taking care of you in the future, and you can stop blaming your children for not being filial. " I looked at Nanny Liu and smiled.    


Nanny Liu's tears flowed down her face. I quickly wiped them away for her. Afterwards, we smiled at each other. There was an unfathomable depth to our smiles.    


We didn't say anything more and continued to talk about family matters. After we finished eating and finished our meal, I rushed to wash the dishes. When I came out of the kitchen, I saw Nanny Liu sitting on the sofa, looking at Zaizai with a loving gaze. Zaizai was sitting on the TV, attentively watching the TV.    


Once again, I received a call from Tai Ziqian. Tai Ziqian said on the phone: "Shubei, I'm already at your door. Come out!"    


"Alright, I'll change." I hung up, changed quickly, put on a light makeup, and went out.    


When I went out, Tai Ziqian was already waiting at the door in his car.    


In the past six months, he hadn't had much time to dress himself, so his beard had grown by half. However, today he had specially shaved his beard and changed his appearance to that of someone who had just left for the season. He looked much more energetic, and there was a sense of wisdom and calmness on his face.    


I got into the car and smiled at him, both of us looking relaxed.    


"How is it?" I asked.    


"Everything is within our expectations. Xu Changsheng is already stomping his feet, we... Just sit and watch. " Tai Ziqian said.    


"He would never have thought that all the shares that belonged to him would be in our hands through layers of structure. Ma Ke's proposal of withdrawing his capital at this moment is a devastating disaster for Xu Changsheng. " I said, smiling.    


"He doesn't understand the game of capital. This year, he was so intoxicated with his own empire that he had expanded to the point where he couldn't even look like a human being anymore. How could he know that we had already hollowed out the Xu family. On the surface, the Xu family looked as prosperous as ever, but in reality, they had already been swallowed up by us. "Now that the Xu family is heavily in debt and Ma Ke has withdrawn his money, he probably won't even be able to cry." Tai Ziqian said with a smile.    


"I can't wait to see him cry," I said, looking at Tai Ziqian again, smiling, and patting him on the shoulder. "Ziqian, how can I thank you? If it weren't for you helping me plan it, I wouldn't have been able to complete such a complicated layout. "    


"Do you and I need to say a word of thanks? I was also the beneficiary of the whole thing. I invested in energy and knowledge, and of course I wanted to reap the rewards. "There's no need for you to say all these. Firstly, I was willing, and secondly, I did not give it up for nothing. Once again …" As he said this, he suddenly stopped speaking.    


"What again?" I couldn't help but ask.    


He smiled, shook his head and said, "Forget it, there are some words that are suitable for me to put in my heart. "Talking too much makes you seem sad."    


"Speak, don't keep us in suspense!" I saw him say it, so I said it.    


"Again... Seeing you happy is my greatest happiness. I hope that from now on, you will be just like you are today. " he said slowly, looking at me.    


"Oh oh, the Chinese level is not just average!" And you're still trying to reason with me! " Although my tone was teasing, my heart was moved.    


If I don't know better, how could I not know Tai Ziqian's deep affection for me?" His father was already rich beyond compare, and his mother was also an artist with a reputation and capital in the industry. With his background and strength, how could he think so much of such a reward, much less bow down to a small company like mine and serve me?    


I understand more than anyone, Tai Ziqian's feelings for me, already more than like, he quietly around me care for me, help me, sometimes like a companion, sometimes like a gentle and loving brother.    


He was a noble person in my life, but I was destined not to be a good person.    


He had seen my evasive words, my evasive feelings for him, my unforgettable love for Sheng Yun, so he had been rational and sober to restrain himself, to grasp the appropriate amount of time to be with me, but that feeling still ran out of his eyes from time to time.    


Sometimes, when I inadvertently look up, I see him staring at me in a daze. This precious feeling was something that I could not repay. I could only pass it over and over again with a joking attitude. How could I not know that this would hurt his heart.    


"Let's go!" He smiled in relief, started the car, and asked me, "Did you bring your bathing suit?"    


"Yes, we did. Otherwise, we would be stuck in the suite for so long." I said, smiling.    


The negotiation between Mark and Xu couldn't have ended that early, so Tai Ziqian and I decided to go to the swimming pool at the Kayak Inn to bathe in the sun first. I said I still couldn't swim, and Tai Ziqian was very surprised.    


After changing into my bathing suit, I walked over to the pool. The position of the light boat was very high, ordinary people couldn't afford it. Therefore, other than the service personnel, no one else came to the huge pool.    


Tai Ziqian had already started to swim happily in the water. His swimming posture was both agile and professional, causing the waiters to stare at him in the water.    



I lay in the sun chair, applying sunscreen over and over, and shook my head several times when he beckoned me down to the pool.    


He swam a few laps and then got up from the pool, showing off his muscular body while he kept beckoning to me. "You can't learn to swim in your life while you're on the shore," he said.    


"Forget it, I'm not going. I'm really afraid of the water." I shook my head and smiled.    


"Everyone has their first time." He came over to me.    


I thought he was going to lie down, but he wasn't lying down at all, and he suddenly grabbed me from the side and threw me straight into the water.    


I fell into the pool like a parabola, and soon sank into the water. I struggled desperately in the water, and Tai Ziqian jumped down as well. He used his big hands to pull me up out of the water, and I choked on a few mouthfuls of water.    


Wearing a bathing cap, sunglasses and black swimming trunks, he crossed his arms and stood by the shore like a king. His perfect figure and cold figure made it impossible to see his expression under the sunglasses, but he could feel the chilliness radiating from his entire body …    




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