Planned Love



0It turned out that his living room was not simple at all. There was also a set of high precision monitoring equipment that could monitor every corner of the building at 360 degrees.    


Therefore, sitting here with Ling Yue, he knew everything that happened in the building. No wonder I could hear his voice the day I entered the building.    


I looked at Ling Yue in disbelief. I didn't expect that such a simple building would have such modern equipment, not to mention the gold that could be seen everywhere in the house.    


"What are you looking at? You'll be even more surprised later on." Ling Yue raised his eyebrows and said proudly.    


At this moment, someone knocked on the door three times, and then two men appeared in front of us, carrying Xu Changsheng.    


Xu Changsheng had obviously suffered a bit. There was still some blood at the corner of his mouth, and his clothes were dirty. His hair was slick on his head, as if he had aged a lot in just a few days.    


"Xu Shubei, it's you again." He looked up, and when he saw me, he said it fiercely.    


Ling Yue raised his hand and slapped him in the face, then said mercilessly, "Be more polite with her, otherwise, you'll suffer."    


"Ling Yue, I didn't expect you and her to …" "It's actually a group of people. I was blind to actually believe you!" Xu Changsheng looked at Ling Yue and said indignantly. There seemed to be a huge secret hidden in his tone.    


"Come on, the victor is the king and the loser is the bandit. Stop putting on such a show with me. Do you think you're the previous CEO Xu!?" Ling Yue kicked him bluntly, then coldly shot a round of bullets at Xu Changsheng's face, "Xu Changsheng, I only want to know one thing, how are you going to repay the money you owe me?"    


"I am now... What are you paying me back! " Xu Changsheng let out a heavy sigh, then looked at Ling Yue and said, "You are always taking advantage of others when they are down. You... You won't get a good result. "    


I listened attentively to their conversation. I could hear some clues from their conversation, but I was not sure what they were talking about.    


Ling Yue directly punched Xu Changsheng in the face. Who would have thought that he, who looked so feminine, would actually smack Xu Changsheng until blood splattered everywhere.    


"Since you have come to me, you should understand that your death is not far off. If you continue to speak so arrogantly, I'll have someone beat you up first. When did you learn to be a good boy, and when did you come obediently in front of me? Xu Changsheng, you have to resign yourself to your fate! Don't be poor and daydream about your own dignity. " Ling Yue glared at Xu Changsheng and said.    


Of course, Xu Changsheng was not someone who knew his limits. When he saw this situation, no matter how angry he was, he could only endure it patiently. His face turned red as he bitterly shut his mouth.    


"He brought you here. Ask whatever you want to ask." Wu said to me when he saw that Xu Changsheng had learned to be a good boy.    


"Xu Changsheng, I only have one question to ask you, you have to answer me truthfully!" I looked at him and said coldly.    


Xu Changsheng glared fiercely at me, but immediately after, he was kicked by Ling Yue once again. Xu Changsheng hurriedly kneeled on the ground and begged for forgiveness.    


"Answer her question! Whatever she asks next, you'd better answer! Otherwise, I will make you beg for death! " Ling Yue pointed at Xu Changsheng's nose and said fiercely.    


"Ask away, I'm a little tired. I'm just lying on the sofa sleeping for a while." After Ling Yue said that, he turned around and sat on the sofa behind him. He closed his eyes and dozed off.    


More or less, Xu Changsheng knew Ling Yue's temperament, and even though he was asleep, Xu Changsheng didn't dare to be too presumptuous.    


"Xu Changsheng, have you thought of harming Zaizai? What happened last night at Sheng Yun's house, did it have anything to do with you? " I pulled Xu Changsheng's collar and asked seriously.    


"Do you think I'll tell you? You crazy woman! I should have strangled you twenty years ago! " Xu Changsheng said in a low voice.    


"Xu Changsheng, if you're tired of living, I can just get someone to send you on your way." Ling Yue was originally asleep, but his voice suddenly turned cold as if he was speaking from hell.    


"Answer truthfully!" Ling Yue coldly said that and turned around to face the sofa.    


Xu Changsheng's expression became a lot more timid, probably because he was afraid of Ling Yue's power. He slowly said, "I not only want to kill that little bastard, I also want to kill you."    


"Then tell me! Why did you choose to hire someone to kill that day? " I asked nervously.    


"You really want to know, don't you?" Xu Changsheng looked at me with a faint smile and said with a ferocious expression, "I won't tell you!"    


"If you don't mind, why don't you …" Let me help you. " Where did Ling Yue sleep? He had clearly been awake all this time and had been listening to our conversation. He jumped up from the sofa, walked over and pinched Xu Changsheng's chin and said, "But after I finish …" You're not that comfortable! Don't blame me for not giving you a chance! "    


Ling Yue seemed to have lost all his patience. He stood up, pointed at Xu Changsheng on the ground and said, "He participated in the hiring and killing, but he was not the only one involved. There was also a woman called Hong Xiaoyun."    


Seeing that Ling Yue was so sure, he quickly asked: "How do you know? If it was her, how could she let someone kill her daughter? "    


Wu raised his eyebrows and said, "About a week ago, a killer company received a high reward for the murder of a woman and a child, demanding that the killer take responsibility for the murder and never involve the buyer. The customer is anonymous, but the killer company quickly found the customer's information. The male is Xu Changsheng and the female is Hong Lingyun. "    


Ling Yue spoke as if he saw it with his own eyes. I couldn't help but blurt out, "A woman and a child? "Who is a woman?"    


He lightly touched my face. "Sometimes, I think you're pretty smart. Sometimes, I realize that you're still an idiot."    


After hearing what he said, I quickly reacted. I couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean …?" "Me?"    


I suddenly thought back to that night in Qian Kun Palace, that fat guy with the fierce-looking face, I thought he recognized the wrong person, but after Ling Yue said it, when I thought about it again, everything seemed very strange.    


I had too much to drink at the time, and the way the fat man addressed me sounded like he was treating his mistress. If Ling Yue hadn't suddenly appeared, I might have been dragged away by Fatty at that time. Qian Kun Palace is so big, the waiter doesn't even know who I was named, based on the fatty's tone, he will definitely think that I am just Fatty's mistress, so no one will stop me. If the situation continues like this, then everything …    


My expression suddenly changed, and my mind raced as I thought of many things. "So, that's why Xiaoyun was at Qian Kun Palace that night, right?"    


"You're not dumb, there's hope!" He tapped my forehead with his hand and said, "That Xiaoyun was there as a welcome guest. Firstly, to inform the killers in time, and secondly, to cover the fact that the killer took you away with him. If I hadn't shown up at the time, that fatty would have definitely taken you away. Xiaoyun would have taken you away with her as soon as possible, so this little life of yours …"    


"In that case, you saved me!" I suddenly understood why Ling Yue was there.    


It turned out that the coincidences from that night were all a deliberate arrangement. Thinking about this, I couldn't help but ask, "But, why are you willing to help me? How do you know about this? "    


Ling Yue smiled, then shook his head and said: "I just said you're smart, now you've become stupid again."    


I looked at him in a daze. At this moment, Xu Changsheng's face had turned pale. He used his finger to point at Ling Yue for a long time and suddenly leaped towards Ling Yue. "You!?" Give me back my money! "    


Ling Yue directly kicked him in the stomach. Xu Changsheng fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. Ling Yue wanted to step on him again, so I hurriedly shouted, "Wait! Don't really kill him! "    


"If you want to die, then die! What's there to be afraid of!" Ling Yue said indifferently.    


"No!" I still have a use for him! " I quickly said to Ling Yue, and then asked, "But what about what happened at Sheng Yun's house that night? If they bought the killers to deal with Zaizai and me, how could Duo Duo suddenly die tragically under the criminal's blade? "    


"You really want to know?" Ling Yue's expression became playful again. I know, he started to play that trick.    


"I do want to know, but you can choose not to tell me. I won't beg you anyway." I saw what he was thinking, so I said.    


Ling Yue smiled, then he reached out his hand to touch my cheek and said, "I'm hungry. Go, cook lunch to reward me."    


I knew he was obviously trying to keep me in suspense, so he started making things difficult for me. But in the Hangcheng, other than Ling Yue, I don't know anyone else that knows so many secrets.    


Furthermore, he had saved my life without anyone noticing. It was only now that I understood.    



"Alright. I'll make a meal for you as repayment for saving your life. " I agreed readily, then looked around and asked, "But what about your kitchen?"    


"Take your time, don't worry, I still have requirements," Ling Yue looked at me and leisurely said, "Not only do you want to make lunch for me, I also want to take photos of you making lunch for me and send them to your husband so he can enjoy it. Do you agree to this request? "    




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