Planned Love



0Ling Yue stretched lazily and yawned, "So, you have to thank me. Not only did I save you, I also saved your son."    


I sat down and began to think about Ling Yue's words, trying to piece together all the details he mentioned. Then, I quickly understood the whole story.    


The first thing Xu Changsheng did after losing his power was to take revenge on me. As for Xiaoyun, she similarly hates me to the bone. Somehow, they hooked up and started to hire murderers in an attempt to kill me and Zaizai at the same time.    


Thus, they found the mysterious underground assassination association — the gang that dared to die. Who would have thought that the gang that dared to die was actually Ling Yue's men?    


So, after they paid a high deposit, Ling Yue knew all of their plans. However, they didn't know that the gang was related to Ling Yue, nor did they expect Ling Yue to help me.    


That night, they split up. Xiaoyun and that fierce-looking fatty planned to take advantage of my drunkenness to quickly drag me away from Qian Kun Palace and find a way to conceal the evidence. Unexpectedly, Ling Yue suddenly appeared and so did Sheng Yun.    


At the same time, another killer was preparing to enter Sheng Yun's house in the name of delivering cakes to Duoduo. Because of my strict security measures towards Zaizai and Nanny Liu, there was no way for them to stop me.    


Who would have thought that Sheng Yun would come to Qian Kun Palace at the last moment as a VIP and then send Tai Ziqian to the hospital with me due to alcohol poisoning, thus disrupting their plans.    


Later, in the middle of the night, the killer came in as a cake giver and Zaizai was fast asleep. Before the cake giver, the killer received Ling Yue's order to change the target. That was why Duo Duo had suffered.    


I had always thought that such a frightening side would never appear in a modern city like Hangcheng. What I didn't expect was that what I saw was just the tip of the iceberg of this society. There was still a lot of darkness that I couldn't see.    


"What are you daydreaming about?" Ling Yue saw that I was still in a daze, so he slapped my head and said, "How this matter is not important, the important thing is that you know me, so as to avoid death. If it wasn't for me knowing the whole plan in advance, they would have definitely succeeded. "    


"How come I've never heard of this gang before?" I couldn't help but ask.    


Ling Yue sneered: "Obediently grown men and women like you in the ivory tower, how could you know that there is such a small group of people who always lick blood on their knives and dance on the rocks. Of course you wouldn't understand. You must think that exchanging a life for a life is foolish, right? But they think it's worth it. "    


"But if they are dead, how can we make sure that the high commissions they receive go to their families?" I asked again.    


"Because they believe in me, and also because... They can only trust me. What else could they do if they reached the end of their road? Death is inevitable. They are carrying the burden of a murder case and wandering around everywhere, so even if they are caught, they will die as well. " Ling Yue said casually, as if life and death was an extremely simple matter in his eyes.    


Most of the time his face was covered with peach blossoms, but when it came to these cold things, his face was cold and cruel. It was hard to imagine what kind of heart was so riddled with holes under his beautiful face.    


I had no time to ask him any more, since I knew the truth. The first thing that followed was naturally to tell Sheng Yun the truth, so as to prevent Duoduo from dying without any reason. And he also needed an explanation.    


I brought Xu Changsheng out from Ling Yue's place. Ling Yue sent two people to help me keep an eye on Xu Changsheng. Along the way, Xu Changsheng swore and cursed. In the end, a bodyguard directly took off his stinky socks and stuffed them into Xu Changsheng's mouth. The world finally quieted down.    


I called Sheng Yun. It was already night. I knew that Ling Yue had already sent a picture of me to him. I didn't know how he would react.    


I asked him where he was, and he told me he was at Rou's.    


"Why are you at Rou's place?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"Xiaoyun wanted to kill herself, but she was stopped by Rou. I came over to advise her." Sheng Yun said calmly on the other end of the phone.    


"I have something very important to tell you. "Also, Xu Changsheng is in my car right now." I said into the phone.    


He said at once, "Where are you now? I'll be right there. "    


"No need, I'll go look for you! I'll go to Rou's place. " "No," I said.    


Since Xiaoyun is acting out a 'torture plan', then I might as well bring Xu Changsheng to meet up with them, and confront them face to face.    


"Fine, I'll wait for you." he said into the phone.    


After hanging up, I turned around to go to ON bar. Two bodyguards brought Xu Changsheng with me to Rou's residence and knocked on her door.    


Perhaps it was Sheng Yun who told Rou that I was coming over, but she opened the door with a face full of smiles: "Shubei, you came. Come in and have a seat." Yo, isn't this Boss Xu? "What's going on?"    


Xu Changsheng looked to be in a miserable state with wounds all over his face. As if seeing his savior, he shouted loudly when he saw Rou, "Rou, quickly, help me call the police! They kidnapped me! They kidnapped me illegally! Quick, send her to jail! "    


Seeing this, Rou smiled lightly, then smiled and said: "Boss Xu, I really can't help with this matter. "Oh, please don't blame me!"    


Xu Changsheng still wanted to say something, but the security guard beside him had already punched him in the chest. He spat out a mouthful of blood and immediately fell obediently into the corner.    


"Don't hit him too hard. I need him alive." Seeing the two guards attack Xu Changsheng so viciously, he was really afraid that Xu Changsheng would get into trouble, so he quickly replied.    


Xiaoyun was sitting on the sofa, and Sheng Yun was sitting next to her. There was some distance between the two of them. When I brought Xu Changsheng in, Xiaoyun gave Xu Changsheng a quick glance and the two of us exchanged looks.    


I clearly saw that Xiaoyun's pair of red tears gave Xu Changsheng an alert look.    


She quickly turned her gaze towards me and said indifferently, "Xu Shubei, how come you still have the face to come? I do not wish for you to interfere in Duo Duo's matters. "    


Sheng Yun stood up, walked to my side, and then gave Xu Changsheng a deep look of disgust: "I know, it's you. Right? "    


"Let him explain it to us personally!" I said to Sheng Yun and sat on the sofa.    


Xiaoyun still had that lifeless look on her face, as if the whole matter that she was trying to express had nothing to do with her. But her shaking fingers betrayed her.    


I sat down and gave her a knowing look. She looked at me, too, and neither of us spoke.    


After being beaten up so many times, Xu Changsheng didn't dare to lie anymore. Under the urging of the bodyguards, he curled up in a corner and slowly pointed at Xiaoyun: "It's all because of this woman's idea! Instead of asking me, why don't you ask her? "    


The moment his finger pointed towards Xiaoyun, I stared at Sheng Yun's expression. I saw that he was extremely shocked. After that, he looked at Xiaoyun and asked, "What happened?"    


"CEO Xu, you better not speak carelessly. Don't talk nonsense without proof!" Seeing this, Rou hurriedly said.    


Unexpectedly, Xiaoyun didn't panic. She was still very calm as she listened to Xu Changsheng's story. When Xu Changsheng finished, she smiled faintly.    


This skill of feigning calmness, I am very convinced of it.    


After Sheng Yun heard about this, he asked Xiaoyun, "Xiaoyun, do you have anything to explain?"    


Xiaoyun smiled lightly, then pointed at Xu Changsheng and said, "Firstly, I don't know him. I don't know who he is. Other than me and Rou, no one else will be able to contact me after I return to our country. Someone like him, who used to be the boss of Xu's Group, is even more impossible to have any connections with me.    


Saying this, she gave a cold laugh, "I really hope it is so. This way, at least, my Duo Duo is still alive. And the one crying right now with swollen eyes is probably you, Xu Shubei! "    


Then she looked at me and said, "Xu Shubei, I know that Duo Duo's death makes you feel guilty. You want to get rid of the truth and throw dirt on me. But what sort of mother in this world would be so cruel as to kill her own daughter with her own hands? What can I get? What good would it do me? I don't know where you found this old CEO Xu, nor do I know what you promised him, that's why he came to frame me! But Xu Shubei, let me tell you, my heart is in pain right now. If you insist on provoking me at this moment, then I can only use my death to force you! "    


At that moment, she took the fruit knife on the table and threw herself at me. She grabbed my hair like a madman and tried to stab me with the knife!    


This scene happened too suddenly! So much so that I was caught unawares! I dodged desperately, Sheng Yun also quickly got up from behind and hugged her tightly, then shouted loudly: "Be more rational! People cannot be revived! "    



Suddenly, she quieted down, and the fruit knife in her hand fell to the ground. She suddenly let out a loud and sorrowful cry, which seemed to come from the bottom of her heart after enduring for a long time.    


"My Duo! "My beloved child!" She cried and shouted. Then, she turned around and threw herself into Sheng Yun's embrace, crying as miserably as she could …    




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