Planned Love



0Ling Yue's sudden reaction brought me back to reality. Seeing him so nervous, the doubt in my heart deepened.    


There were two possibilities for this: one was that everything was really as Sheng Yun had said; the other was that Ling Yue had provoked me again and again in order to deliberately create a conflict between Sheng Yun and me.    


Either way, I can't let my guard down.    


After calming down, I looked up and smiled at Ling Yue.    


Ling Yue was stunned: "What are you laughing for, it's scary."    


"Have you met this Lin Sexi before?" I looked at Ling Yue and asked, "Your surname is Ling, and her surname is Lin. Although the words are different, the pronunciation is very similar. "It can't be that you sent this Lin Sexi to Sheng Yun, right?"    


I raised my eyebrows and looked meaningfully at Ling Yue. I closely observed his reaction. His expression turned stiff, and he immediately started laughing as well.    


He took the opportunity to pinch my face and said smilingly, "Didn't you say you were dumb for three years? Didn't you turn stupid as well? To be able to think of such a thing. "    


"Adults only pay so much attention to their own interests that they become nosy. "Since you are so concerned about my personal matters with Sheng Yun, I think your motives and motives are impure." I slapped his hand away and smiled.    


"You're right, my motives are impure, but that was before. You are no longer attractive to me. In the past, you could still be considered attractive. But now … "Tsk tsk, I can't bear to see that happen." Ling Yue shrugged and said helplessly.    


He was trying to hit me, I understand. However, this sort of blow felt really uncomfortable in his ears.    


Perhaps men are so realistic that when you are flirtatious, they will come and go for you; once you are old, you will face the end of a life of desolation.    


It had been like this since ancient times.    


"Don't think that I will change the subject just because you intentionally hit me. Let me ask you, what does Lin Sexi have to do with you? " I asked again.    


Ling Yue leaned on the sofa and looked at me with amusement. He tapped the table with his slender fingers and teased, "What do you think? What do you think I have to do with her? "    


"Maybe you intentionally placed her by Sheng Yun's side … "Not necessarily." I said tentatively.    


"Yeah, maybe I've played with him before. I'm too bored to play with him, so I might as well give him to Sheng Yun." Ling Yue's face came over and he reached out his hand to touch me again. I knocked his hand off heavily and said, "Be more serious!"    


"Think what you want. In the future, there won't be any place to cry. Don't blame me for not reminding you." Ling Yue shook his head, sighed and said, "I don't understand you stupid women, to think so highly of love. Love, in fact, was something that did not exist in this world. Only the money that we get is real. "    


"Ling Yue, you have enough money, right? So much floor tiles are made of gold, but why do I feel that your heart has always been empty? Do you know why? " I asked.    


Ling Yue was stunned again, he looked at me with cynicism and said: "Why? Tell me about it. "    


"Because money does work for a lot of things, but it doesn't work for a soul. Body emptiness can be filled with desire, life can be filled with matter, but your heart... They could only rely on their feelings of disdain to fill in the blanks. You can despise feelings and think that you don't need them for the rest of your life, but you can't escape them. If you don't have feelings, even if you have the whole world, you won't have true happiness. " I looked him in the eye and said it word for word.    


"Tch!" He looked at me with utter disdain, and then he laughed. "Emotions are the shackles to people, and a woman like you, who can walk away from the world as gracefully as I do, but is dragged down by a man, married, and has children, and makes herself so miserable, I really don't know what you're after. Do you want money? Are you afraid of men? Why did he have to make a family and make himself so passive? Sooner or later, you will regret such a choice! "Regret this life!"    


"No, you are wrong. I will never regret this choice, will never regret this life. You may not understand it now, but you will only understand it when you meet someone like that one day. Ling Yue, I once thought like you that I don't need emotions myself, until I met Sheng Yun. " I looked at Ling Yue, and the more I said it, the more assured I became in my heart, "You must think that just these few photos alone can make me fall into disarray, but let me tell you, not only will I not, but I will choose a man who believes in me. Without trust, we would not have been able to reach today. "    


"Then just wait and cry. When the time comes, don't blame me for not reminding you." Ling Yue listened to me and shook his head dejectedly. He waved his hands at me and said, "What a pity, what a pity."    


"There must never have been a woman who loved you like this. If there was, you shouldn't be feeling sad right now, but you should be envious instead. "I'm jealous of Sheng Yun for having a woman like me by his side in his life." "No," I said.    


Ling Yue was shocked.    


I stood up and smiled. "I'll pay for it today. Next time you provide me with information, please don't use photos anymore. "I was born in public relations to begin with. This kind of deceptive trick is too beginner!"    


I turned around and went to the bar. After swiping my card, I calmly left the Thai restaurant.    


When I said those words, all the confusion, all the contradictions, all the anxiety disappeared from my mind. I hated myself the most for becoming a suspicious woman. The more I did that, the more I needed to calm down.    


No matter what Ling Yue's intention was to sow discord, my words today was enough to defeat his complacent confidence. I made him understand that even if I lost my beauty and figure, I still had a powerful and indestructible heart. I wouldn't allow him to pour dirty water on me, disrupt my control, and cause me to lose my basic trust in Sheng Yun.    


But I'm not going to sit back and wait for death, because there's a good chance the rumors are true. At least everything in the picture is true.    


Sheng Yun didn't tell me the truth, so there must be something behind this.    


I wouldn't be stupid enough to trust my husband, but I wouldn't easily suspect him either. I need to know the truth.    


When I got out of the restaurant, I got in the car and the driver asked me if I wanted to go home. I shook my head and said, "No, to Golden Age."    


"Director Sheng called several times to tell you to go home early. He said he was worried about your health and that you should go home to rest early." the driver said.    


"I'm fine. I'm going to Golden Age." I said firmly to the driver.    


The driver turned around and drove me to the Sheng Shi building. I got off the car but was stopped by the security guard at the entrance.    


"You don't know me?" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I looked at him.    


"Excuse me, but you are?" He looked at me blankly.    


"I am Sheng Yun's wife, call your captain over." I looked at him and said.    


"You are Director Sheng's wife? No... "Impossible, I've seen Director Sheng's wife before, stop teasing me." His face was full of mockery.    


Unexpectedly, I have become so fat that no one would dare to believe me even if I said I was Sheng Yun's wife.    


"Have your captain come." I said helplessly.    


The security guard skeptically ran over and called their captain over. The captain was an old employee of Golden Age, and he looked me up and down for a long time before finally confirming with a salute: "Boss Xu, long time no see, everyone …" I almost didn't recognize you. "    


It was an embarrassing situation, and I smiled warmly and finally managed to walk into the building.    


It had only been a little more than a year, but it felt like a lifetime had passed. The elevator is the same elevator, the skyscraper is the same skyscraper, but I... Completely changed.    


I have begun to accept that I am now fat, bloated, and full of features, from ugly to beautiful, and from beautiful to ugly, is a long process.    


Sheng Yunyuan was overseas. When I arrived at the headquarters' office, he sent me a message as if he had come to a mutual understanding.    


"Wife, I have already left the United States and am preparing to go to Germany. I miss you." The message still carried on his usual style, concise and deep in love.    


"Alright, I have a safe trip." I replied to him.    


"Thinking of you, thinking of Qian Jin and Zaizai. Send me a photo, I love you." He sent it again.    



I looked at the text message and smiled knowingly. I sent him the photos of Qian Jin and Zaizai that I took before heading out of the office. Then, with a calm expression, I walked into the headquarters.    


I immediately saw the girl at the front desk and was able to tell that she was the Lin Sexi Ling Yue had mentioned.    


When I saw her, I was even more shocked than when I saw the picture. Because this Lin Sexi is indeed too similar to me.    


She was dressed much the same as I had five years ago, dressed in the same style, with the same posture and even the same smile.    


Didn't Sheng Yun say that her ability was outstanding? Why is it arranged at the front desk? He clearly promised to dismiss her, but why would she still appear at the company headquarters?    


She was sitting at the front desk with a standard smile on her face. When I came in, she greeted me in both Chinese and English, then asked me politely who I was and who I was.    


Her face was covered with collagen, and her skin was so tender that it looked like it could be pinch water. Her face and the corners of her lips were astonishingly similar to mine, the only difference being that there was a palm-sized scar on her right neck, which looked like it had been scalded.    


Apart from that, she was no different from me. Suddenly seeing someone who was almost the same as him in this world made him feel horrified. Even I couldn't resist my curiosity and an urge to understand, let alone Sheng Yun.    


"I'm Xu Shubei, Sheng Yun's wife." I looked at her for a moment, then said bluntly.    




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