Planned Love



0Her expression was cold, very much like mine. She smiled at my words, and then said in a low voice, "Oh, hello."    


I stood in front of her and looked directly at her. She looked at me, and neither of us blinked.    


I thought my presence could intimidate her, but it never occurred to me that she was calmer than I expected.    


"Hello, your name is Lin Sexi?" I asked.    


"No, my surname is Song, and my name is Song Sexi." She paused, smiled, and said.    


I suddenly remembered that when Sheng Yun had first told me, he had also said her name was Sexi Song. But I remember Ling Yue saying that her name was Lin Sexi, Lin Shaoxiong's illegitimate daughter.    


"Oh, do you know me?" I asked again.    


"I've heard of it, but I've never seen it." A lot of people said that I'm very similar to you, but now Tianyi thinks... "It doesn't seem very similar." she said, smiling.    


"I used to be thin, but now I'm fat." "No," I said.    


"Didn't Director Sheng go on a business trip? "Are you here …?" she asked doubtfully.    


"Look at you." I said bluntly.    


She was stunned. "Looking at me?"    


"Yes, come to Director Sheng's office for a while, I want to talk to you." I tapped the table with my fingers.    


"Oh, okay. However, Director Sheng's office is locked. Only he knows the password. " Lin Sexi said.    


"I know the password. You can come in." I waved the key in my hand.    


I was the first to walk in. The subordinates who were close to me a long time ago noticed that I had appeared, so they all nodded their heads in anticipation. When I entered, they all stood up to greet me.    


The green plants in front of the French window were a little withered. I picked up the kettle beside me and sprinkled some water on it. While I was squatting in front of the French window to water the flowers, Lin Sexi had already walked in and closed the door.    


"What instructions do you have for me?" she asked, standing behind me.    


After I finished watering the last plant, I stood up and turned to look at her. I pointed at the sofa and said, "Sit down."    


She sat down, without the formality of an employee meeting the boss's wife, and with a sense of propriety and naturalness.    


I walked over and sat across from her. I washed the tea set and started boiling water to make tea.    


"Let me do it." "No," she said.    


"No need. Do you know why I called you here?" I asked, waving my hand.    


"I know, you're suspecting the relationship between me and Director Sheng." She said bluntly, then smiled and said, "Actually, you are overthinking it. You should know better than me what kind of man Director Sheng is. I think it's a sign of unconfidence that you're looking for me. "    


"You are very smart, but smart and intelligent are two different things." I smiled and placed the sterilized cup on the table with the clip. I poured two small cups of tea and indicated that she should have some to drink.    


"I don't like tea. I only drink coffee." She shook her head.    


When I heard her words, I was slightly stunned before I smiled and said, "If I'm not wrong, your surname is not Song, but Lin, right?"    


"I don't know why you said that." She shook her head and smiled helplessly, "Ever since I came to the company and people say that I'm like you, I knew you would come looking for me. "But I didn't expect that you would come to find me later than I expected."    


"Indeed, I will come and find you. However, the reason why I will come and find you is definitely not the reason that you think I am looking for you." I smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of you getting close to Sheng Yun. I'm afraid of you... He had an ulterior motive. I don't care if you are Lin Sexi or Sexi Song, I just want to tell you one thing, regardless of what your goal is, you will not be able to achieve it. "    


"Hehe," she laughed disdainfully, then said, "You and Director Sheng are indeed husband and wife, each is more suspicious than the other. I've already told him that I'm honest and you can do whatever you want to me. I don't care if you do whatever you want to me. You can put me in any position, but there's only one thing. You can't fire me for no good reason, and I won't take the initiative to resign. "    


"I've seen your file and I don't think you need to be upset about being at Golden Age with your education. So I'm very curious, what makes you want to stay in Golden Age? " I asked, looking at her.    


"For such a large company like Golden Age, I, who have just graduated as a university student, would definitely wish to stay here. Even if I am the receptionist, as long as I do my job well, what's there to be afraid of? Back then, didn't you also start from an ordinary employee? " Lin Sexi laughed.    


"Looks like you've investigated me." "No," I said.    


"Yes, because of curiosity. They say I look like you, so I naturally have to know what you are like. " "No," she said.    


"What did you conclude?" I asked again.    


"Whatever you can obtain, I will obtain in the future. Because what you are trying to do, I am also trying. "She looked at me, her eyes shining," I think what we lack is age, other things … You have it, and I don't lack it either. "    


"Did you know I grew up in a orphanage when I was a kid?" My gaze sharpened as I asked, "I think you should know Xia's mother from the summer orphanage, right?"    


I could clearly see a quick flicker in her eyes.    


She smiled, shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I grew up in a healthy family. I don't know where the welfare home you mentioned is."    


"I remember when I was at the orphanage, there was a little girl who looked very similar to me, but then she suddenly disappeared and I couldn't find her for many years. "Looking back, her age is about the same as yours." As I spoke, I kept an eye on her reaction.    


Her expression was more nonchalant than I had expected. She smiled and said, "Is that so? It seems that my face is truly a common face. Wherever I go, there will be people who look like me. "Luckily, you're no longer like me now. Sometimes, Director Sheng would look at me with such a focused gaze that I would laugh at him and ask him if he thinks of me as you."    


"The strange thing is that if I were the public face, I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm not. I don't have any siblings. My parents left early on, so how could someone who looked exactly like me appear in this world? And it's such a coincidence that he appeared by my husband's side, or when I was pregnant? " I said slowly.    


"I'm afraid you'll have to ask yourself that question, because I don't know. I'm surprised, why do you always say that I'm similar to you? In the end, I actually saw it, but it doesn't look like it at all. "At the very least, their bodies are different." There was an almost imperceptible smirk on her face.    


"Little Bell." I suddenly shouted.    


Her face stiffened.    


She probably didn't expect me to shout out so suddenly, so she wasn't prepared for it. However, I had already caught the reaction on her face.    


In all likelihood, she was the "little bell" from back then.    


I stood up and looked at her. "You're the little bell, aren't you?"    


"What little bell? What are you talking about?" She also stood up and said with a smile, "Mrs. Sheng, I've heard that it's very easy to become depressed after childbirth. I suggest you go to the hospital and have a look."    


"It doesn't matter if I'm depressed or not. The important thing is if you really are Little Bell, I need you to tell me, why did you disappear all those years ago? Where have you disappeared to all these years? " I couldn't help but ask.    


"I'm not some little bell. I really suspect that you have a mental problem." "No," she said.    



I walked in, put my hand on her shoulder, and looked into her eyes. Then suddenly I saw that there was a layer of white skin on the scar on her neck.    


The skin under the scar was white and clean, without any problems! But why did she have to make a scar like this to make him look ugly?    


"Xu Shubei!" "Don't go too far!" With that, she called out my name.    


"If you dare to call out my name directly, you must have some motive! Otherwise, you wouldn't be so disrespectful to me! " "No," I said.    


"You're right! I have an intention! It was not yet time! Since you discovered it earlier! "Then I might as well tell you, yes, I'm surnamed Lin, and I'm Lin Sexi. I'm that little bell that you pushed off the mountain that year!" she said excitedly.    


Before I could react, she suddenly took a piece of red silk out of her pocket, grabbed me by the neck, and said fiercely: "You'd better not make a sound! If you make a sound! I'll strangle you to death! "    


"Are you crazy? What are you trying to do? " I asked loudly. I hadn't expected her to do such a crazy thing all of a sudden.    


"I want to replace you. I want to take away everything that belongs to you, your husband, your career, your children. Moreover, I will also push you down the mountain, and see if you are so lucky as to be able to take back everything that belongs to you! " Lin Sexi said with a smile.    


"Aren't you afraid that the surveillance will record everything you do?" She strangled my neck a few times, I said hoarsely.    


"From the moment you came to find me at the office, I've cut off all contact with the outside world! You should never have come to me alone! Furthermore, he shouldn't take advantage of Director Sheng when he was on a business trip! I've already planned everything out for Zhou Xiang! I've said it before, I'm waiting for you to come find me! " Lin Sexi said in a low voice.    


She strangled me with red silk, then stuffed a wad of toilet paper into my mouth, then bound my hands and feet together and put them in a large cardboard box. After that, I fell into darkness.    


I had a premonition that a huge plot had been laid out for me to jump into.    




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