Planned Love



0I could feel something holding down the box I was in. It was dark inside, but I could hear the wind blowing through the box. Following that, he suddenly heard the sound of a broken branch, and then the box began to rapidly fall down … I realized that this time I was really going to die, and my mind plunged into chaos.    


I didn't die, but I became someone else.    


I had no memory of where I came from, what I was called, what I used to do.    


My mind was blank. All my memories of the past were gone. I couldn't remember anything.    


I now live in a temple on a mountain. There are two monks in the temple, one of whom is a shaven abbot, and the other a vulgar disciple who wears the same robe as in the Ming and Qing dynasties. His name is False, and he enjoys drinking tea and playing chess.    


He was a kind man with a kind face and a pretty face. His figure was handsome and he sounded full of vigor when he spoke. He told me to call him Uncle Tett, that he knew me before.    


But I had no recollection of him. When I first saw him, he was writing on the cement floor with a large brush dipped in water.    


I was sent to the temple by a medicinal farmer who had been collecting herbs in the mountains all year round. It was the medicinal farmer who saved me.    


When I fell off the cliff, I fell into a deep pool. At that time, the carton was partially cushioned by gravity, and the pharmacists were nearby picking herbs. Being well-versed in water, he promptly dragged the carton to the shore. After he tore open the carton, he found a person lying inside.    


My body wasn't injured, but my head was concussed in the process of falling off the cliff, causing me to suffer from amnesia.    


The pharmacist carried me to their village and took care of me with his wife for several days. He fed me with Chinese medicine for several days before I finally woke up.    


When I woke up, I couldn't remember anything. I didn't know my name, and I didn't know why I was here.    


The place I was in was a small village in the mountains. There weren't many people in the village, most of them lonely old people and children.    


The pharmacist and his wife were also elderly people in their fifties. They didn't know a single word and didn't want to call the police. My sudden appearance gave the old people in the village a fright, and they all broke out into a flurry of discussion.    


Because I don't remember anything, at the suggestion of everyone, Yao Nong sent me to a temple a hundred miles away.    


Because that temple had a special courtyard for homeless people. The pharmacist hired a tricycle to take me to the Temple of Flay.    


It was here that I met Uncle Tint, and I remember the shock in his eyes when he first saw me.    


He had called me "Shubei," and I had backed away in fright, hiding behind the wife of the pharmacist.    


Then he took me in. In his own yard, he had reserved a room for me.    


He told me that I used to be called Xu Shubei, the daughter of an old friend of his. He was very surprised that I had fallen off the cliff, and for that he went down for two days. When he came back, his face was livid, but he said nothing to me.    


From that day on, he was very strict with me.    


He wouldn't let me leave the temple for a moment, so he gave me a list of books to read within the allotted time, taught me calligraphy and taiji, and took me jogging along the mountain roads every morning.    


I had an instinctive fear of him, and I did not dare disobey his words. I did not know why, but I had a subconscious feeling that he really was like my father.    


He only told me that he and I used to know each other, but he didn't tell me anything about my past. Every time I ask, he goes black.    


I followed his instructions strictly, and the knowledge that I had stored in my head was still there. I could speak Mandarin and still remember the pronunciation, even the financial knowledge that I had learned before.    


I lived in the temple for half a year. In this half year, I learned a lot of knowledge. My originally bloated body also became lighter because of the vegetarian food and sports.    


I was used to this kind of life and liked it. Although Uncle Tee was always silent, from the bottom of my heart, I admired him and subconsciously considered him my father.    


He told me that now that I had forgotten the past, I would cut off all ties from now on.    


He gave me a new name, Tai Wu-li, and made me a household register and all the relevant information.    


He didn't tell me why, or what kind of person I used to be, and there were times when I wanted to ask, but I didn't dare.    


I tried to remember, but when I tried, my head hurt.    


Half a year later, I still know nothing about my past. Until one afternoon, when he was sitting in the yard reading a book, a young man suddenly appeared.    


He was carrying a huge black suitcase as he came in from outside the temple.    


I noticed that his features were very similar to Uncle Tett's, but he was younger and more delicate. He was wearing a black T-shirt, black pants, and a pair of sneakers. He looked at me with shock and a playful expression on his face.    


I put down my book and looked at him quietly. He gave me a familiar feeling, but I couldn't remember a thing about him.    


He put down his suitcase and walked toward me, and before I could say anything, he took me in his arms.    


My head was resting on his stomach, and I could smell a nice, faint scent on him.    


"I heard about it. I know you forgot about me. But it doesn't matter. From now on, I'm your brother. I will take responsibility for your matters. " His voice floated over his head.    


Then he released me and called out, "Dad."    


I looked around and saw Uncle Tett coming in from the back room. He looked at the young man and smiled. Then, he said lightly, "Coming."    


"Yes, dad, I'm back." "No," he said.    


"From now on, her name is Tet Zishu. Tell others that she's your sister." Then he pointed at the young man and said to me, "This is Tai Ziqian, my son, and also your brother."    


I looked at him curiously and found him staring at me.    


Being stared at by such a handsome man made me blush. I immediately lowered my head and pretended to read the book.    


He went into the back room with Uncle Tee, and the two of them seemed to be discussing something. The two of them talked for a long time, and as I sat outside reading a book, I suddenly became absent-minded.    


I looked up at the four corners of the sky above the temple. Although the air here was clear and quiet, I was still curious about the life outside, wondering what kind of life I had lived and what kind of encounters I had had.    


Sometimes at night I would suddenly dream of beautiful children with big and small eyes crying at me. Their faces were very blurry, but occasionally when I dreamed, I would silently cry. He often woke up in the middle of the night with tears on his face.    


They chatted for a long time before Tai Ziqian walked out. He came and sat down beside me, and I unconsciously moved away from him.    


He said sadly, "I was hopeful on the way here that you might not forget me. I never thought that I would be wrong in the end. "    


When I saw him so sad, instinctively sad, I could only say, "I'm sorry, I don't want to, but I really can't remember anything."    


"Your voice …" He looked at me in disbelief.    



"What happened to my voice?" I asked when I saw him so surprised.    


Uncle Tint only told me that my appearance now looked a little different from before, and he didn't say that my voice had also changed.    


"Your voice is very different from before. It sounds a bit younger now." Tai Ziqian said, then he patted my head and sighed with emotion, "Shubei, why is your life so bitter?"    


"Call me Zishu. Uncle Te said that the previous name no longer suits me." "No," I said.    


"Okay, I'll call you Little Shu from now on, okay?" he asked, smiling gently at me.    


"Mm. Alright." I nodded.    


"During this time, I will teach you some American culture and communicate with you in English. Then I'll take you to America for three months. After three months, I'll bring you back home. "From now on, you will tell everyone that you grew up in the United States, and at the age of 25, you are my sister from abroad. Do you understand?" Tai Ziqian said.    


"Why do you say that? Who was I? "Why did Uncle Te never tell me about my past?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"Just remember, from now on, you have an enemy called Sheng Yun. You used to be a big entrepreneur, but he took everything away from you. What you and I need to do now is to take back everything we lost and make him pay the price. " Tai Ziqian said somewhat indignantly, then suddenly held my hand and said, "Remember, don't believe anything he says. Because he not only deceived your feelings, but he also betrayed you. He is not worth your nostalgia. Regardless of whether or not you recover your memories in the future, you must remember that he is your enemy, and also my enemy! "    


"He lied to my feelings? You betrayed me? Who is Sheng Yun? " I asked blankly. Compared to Tai Ziqian's excitement, I knew nothing about the past.    


"I will tell you slowly in the future. It's a good thing you didn't lose anything you learned in the past. Father said that you still have a high level of understanding towards investing. There are many things that he can easily do. I'm going to teach you American culture and then take you to America so that you won't get involved when people ask you about your background. " "I think maybe I'll take you to Korea and do a little microsurgery to change your appearance a little bit..."    




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