Planned Love



0"I can tolerate anything else, but please do not deny our past love. There is no love from the past. Today, you and I are strangers. " Sheng Yun was really angry. His face was trembling slightly from the anger and his eyes showed an intimidating look.    


This is the real Sheng Yun!    


When we first met, Sheng Yun, who seemed patient, patient, and tolerant, made me feel a little disappointed. I always felt that it was different from what I imagined.    


However, the person in front of him right now was the real Sheng Yun. He had his bottom line, he had his temper, and he was not the type to indulge and tolerate.    


The slap he gave Pseudo Xu Shubei made me want to clap.    


Pseudo Xu Shubei was completely stunned. She covered her face as she looked at Sheng Yun and said with a shrill voice, "You … What right do you have to hit me? "    


"You deny all our past, deny all our love!" Sheng Yun said angrily, "You are trampling on my dignity in love, you are challenging my limits. I know you've changed, and I know we won't be able to go back, but please remember, anyone... No one can deny the fact that we once loved each other deeply, including you and me! "    


"What's so great about loving! You think too much! " Pseudo Xu Shubei covered her face and cried, "You actually dared to hit me!?" "Sheng Yun, don't think that you're that amazing!"    


"Alright!" Tai Ziqian stood up and slammed the table, "Do you live like this every day? It's rare to have a meal, but when Zishu just returned home, can't you retract a little? Sheng Yun, that's enough. Say less. Shubei, you sit down too! "    


Sheng Yun sat down resentfully and finished the rice wine in his cup in one go.    


Pseudo Xu Shubei also sat down angrily, and the two of them did not say a word for a long time.    


Tai Ziqian tried to smooth things over, so he said to Pseudo Xu Shubei, "Shubei, it's been so long since you've seen me. Don't put on a face. Do you remember when we fought together? When I was in America, I used to think about it. "    


Pseudo Xu Shubei smiled in embarrassment, then said perfunctorily: "How could I not remember? I'll remember it in my heart. I know that without you, Tai Ziqian, I wouldn't be where I am today. Oh, Sheng Yun, you always talk about you in my ear and say how nice you were to me. "Here, let me toast you!"    


Tai Ziqian picked up his wine cup and clinked it with Pseudo Xu Shubei.    


"Elder sister, let me toast you as well. I heard a lot about you from my brother in America, and I thought you were amazing. You were my example. " I said.    


"What role model am I? Success is just luck." Pseudo Xu Shubei seemed to despise my past, and her tone was almost inaudible.    


Still, she had a drink with me.    


Sheng Yun was sitting by the window looking at the night scene on the lake. I don't know what he was thinking, but his sad silhouette made me feel an indescribable, instinctive pain in my heart.    


He must have been thinking about the times when he and I had dinner here.    


I was glad to see how much he valued his memories of the past.    


"Cousin, let me toast you as well. I hope you won't be unhappy and feel happy, okay?" I said to him.    


He seemed to come back to his senses and smiled at me. He quickly picked up his wine cup and said, "Alright, but don't drink that much."    


"I drink at social gatherings all the time, but I've never seen you being so concerned about me." Pseudo Xu Shubei complained on the side in dissatisfaction.    


"Now that you have the limited edition bag and clothes, you'll be satisfied. Does it matter to you whether you care or not?" Sheng Yun said unhappily.    


I didn't expect them to get along in this way. It was as unexpected as it could get.    


"Yes. You spend every day with those two precious children of yours. I'm not important at all." Pseudo Xu Shubei said.    


The two of them looked like they were about to fight again. Tai Ziqian hurriedly tried to persuade them, but after a long conversation, he finally finished the meal.    


The dishes were beautiful, but everyone was no longer in the mood to continue eating. After a short while, the meal ended.    


I looked at a table of delicious dishes very regretful, Tai Ziqian saw my appetite, with his eyes to signal me, he will bring me to eat next time.    


We left the light boat and went back to the Golden Age as before.    


On the way back, Sheng Yun's face was full of worry. He sighed twice, but didn't say anything. I didn't dare to ask too many questions.    


We said goodbye to them and Tai Ziqian took me home.    


After getting into Tai Ziqian's car, I saw Sheng Yun still standing at the door of Golden Age. Pseudo Xu Shubei had already entered the building. Sheng Yun was standing there alone, looking so lonely.    


"How do you feel?" Tai Ziqian asked me.    


"Better than we thought, but harder." "No," I said.    


"Well, at least we can conclude that Sheng Yun is not an accomplice. If he had been an accomplice, I should be afraid that I would not be able to resist the temptation to kill him today. " Tai Ziqian said.    


"But he obviously didn't know. He told me that Pseudo Xu Shubei never shared a room with him and they were both separated. She wanted to be in power and didn't care about the two children. Sheng Yun thought that she had a change in personality and felt very guilty towards her. He didn't know that she wasn't really me." "No," I said.    


"That silly kid really has true feelings for you, but unfortunately he used it on the wrong person. "Pseudo Xu Shubei definitely doesn't want to share the same room with him because she doesn't want to expose herself." Tai Ziqian said and then said, "I also asked Pseudo Xu Shubei how the two of them became like this. Pseudo Xu Shubei said that she really liked him at the beginning, but then she found out that he stayed in the past and was dissatisfied with all kinds of things from her. That silly kid definitely doesn't know that his wife got lost. Sigh, it's quite pitiful. "    


"Don't say that about him!" I said instinctively.    


Tai Ziqian looked at me strangely: "Why are you protecting him? Have you recovered your memories? "    


"No, but I still can't stand to be told he's no good at all. I feel great about the slap he gave me today. " "No," I said.    


"But we can't tell him the truth right now. What we have to do next is to slowly understand the situation. I'm afraid he won't be able to stand it if he finds out. I'm not worried about this fake you, I'm worried about … The power behind her. It was impossible for her to do all this by herself. They must have their reasons! "It's very possible that this Pseudo Xu Shubei is just a pawn!" Tai Ziqian said.    


"Bro, is she interested in you?" I asked Tai Ziqian curiously.    


"You noticed it too?" Tai Ziqian gave a secretive smile, "I also noticed that she treated me very warmly. But it's only a facade, and we don't know what her purpose is. "    


"Sheng Yun today Tianyi said it was a headache. I am afraid she has already taken action against Sheng Yun. What if she did something to Sheng Yun? " I asked, worried.    


"Sheng Yun is not a fool himself, he should be on guard. Didn't he reject the medicine given by her today? This means that he has already been alerted in his heart. " Tai Ziqian said, "We must be careful now. Before we get close to the truth, we must not let anyone know about your identity, right? "Even to Sheng Yun, I can't say it."    


"I know." I nodded emphatically. "Do you think she will do something to the two children?" They're together every day, and I'm really worried. "    


"Right now, I don't think so. We have to believe in Sheng Yun on this point. We can tell from their quarrels, can't we? " Tai Ziqian said.    


"Yes, Sheng Yun is especially good to his children. I can feel it." "No," I said.    


"Don't worry too much. Take care of yourself first. You don't have any memory right now, so everything must be decided by my words. Don't make your own judgement, and don't come into contact with anyone easily, understand? " Tai Ziqian instructed me once again.    


I nodded, thinking back to the attractive man I'd met at the airport that day.    



I had a strong premonition that I would meet him again. In the end, this premonition came true two days later.    


The house that Tai Ziqian and I lived in was Uncle Tint's old house. The old house was similar to the retro design of the courtyard of the courtyard, which had its gate, yard, and even the east and west rooms. It was very quaint and similar to the old house that I lived in when I was in the temple, so I was very used to it.    


I live in the east wing, Tai Ziqian lives in the west wing, we are separated by a courtyard, the entire house is guarded by security guards, and there is also a gatekeeper guarding it. Logically speaking, it is extremely safe and no one can enter.    


When we got home at night, I was already very tired. After I laid in the bucket and took a bath, I was wearing my pajamas and blow-drying my hair. Suddenly, I felt something was wrong behind me.    


My gut told me there was someone behind me.    


The hair dryer was blowing, and I didn't dare look back, but suddenly a hand was on my shoulder!    


I screamed!    


But in the next second, he had already covered my mouth to prevent me from shouting out!    


He leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Little sister, it's me."    


His fingers were so cold that I really thought they were ghosts.    


My eyes widened, and I slowly turned around to find that it was the man I had met at the airport.    


He was dressed in black and even had a ponytail on his head. He made a silent gesture towards me and gently said, "Little sister, I will let you go, but you are not allowed to shout or speak, otherwise …" I'll take care of you. "    


I was scared half to death, so I nodded.    


He let go of my hand, and my bathrobe almost slipped from the tugging. I straightened it up and looked at him, blushing.    


He looked at me with interest, then he squinted his eyes and smiled. "Little girl, come, take off your clothes and let big brother have a look …"    




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