Planned Love



0He fed me a pill, and I didn't know what it was, so I drank it without thinking.    


It was tasty, sweet and slightly bitter.    


He told me that the medicine was used to replenish the brain, and that my brain memory was damaged, so I had forgotten everything that had happened.    


When he was done, he took several candies from his pocket and fed them to me. The sugar was very, very sweet, and carried a faint fragrance of flowers, melting as it entered his mouth.    


I was very hungry, and after eating the sugar, he sent for a white bowl of bird's nest, which he told me was the most precious bird's nest.    


I don't know what a bird's nest is, but after tasting it and finding it delicious, I ate it all.    


When I asked about my background, he only told me that I was his woman, that we had grown up together, that we had grown up in love.    


It's just that I was hurt later on and accidentally fell off a cliff, which resulted in my head being damaged and my memory being damaged.    


I believed him because he was so good to me.    


The place we lived in was a separate building. It looked very ordinary on the outside, but there were many secrets hidden within.    


From the third level to the eighth level, every level had its own enigma.    


Ling Yue was always outside during the day. He told me that he was a businessman and was currently working on tourism development in the city.    


But I know he's not really short of money.    


I don't know if the world is as rich as he is, but he does have a lot of money.    


He opened a room and led me into it, which was all made of gold, from floor tiles to cabinets. Furthermore, the floor, walls and cabinets were all filled with red bills.    


He took my hand and said, "These are all ours. We started from scratch and accumulated wealth for many years. We will never be able to use up all this money in our lifetime. "    


I didn't feel anything when I looked at the room full of money, I didn't care, these red so-called money, in my eyes, was just a piece of scrap paper.    


I asked him, "Are you happy with all this money?"    


He shook his head. "Not happy," he said, "but at least not painful."    


I asked him what he meant.    


He smiled and said, "I'll take you to experience the taste of spending money, and you'll understand how happy you are."    


He asked if I had any wishes, and I said, "I miss home."    


I don't know why I said that, but I felt subconsciously that this wasn't my home. Everything about this place gave me an unreal feeling, including the man in front of me.    


Sometimes, when I was in a coma, a vague image of a man would appear in my mind. The man kept calling out my name, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.    


Every time I woke up, I was covered in sweat. I had a vague feeling that the man had something to do with me, but I couldn't think of anything.    


Ling Yue, also don't allow me to recall anything.    


I didn't like the fact that there were many beautiful and enchanting women going in and out of the building, so he dismissed them all for me.    


I didn't like to just stay in this building and look at the gold and money, so he took me out at night.    


He brought me to and from high-end restaurants, and brought me to where Hangcheng are the most flourishing. Accompanied me to the tower with the highest Hangcheng, he brought me to the mountain with the highest Hangcheng … There are so many things you can do with me.    


But I was not happy, and I always felt a great deal of attachment.    


I still had the same dream every night. In the dream, a man whispered my name, and every night I woke up sweating.    


Every night when I wake up, Ling Yue will be by my side.    


He didn't dare to hold me, he didn't dare to touch me, he didn't dare to get too close to me.    


Because when he touches me, I cry and I struggle. I don't believe he was the man I loved most, but I can't deny that he really was kind to me.    


I asked him why he was so good to me.    


When we were very young, he told me, we were both orphans, and we used to live in the same orphanage.    


At that time, he was extremely thin, the skinniest among his peers. Many of the boys ridiculed him for looking like a girl and often bullied him behind his back to prevent him from eating.    


At that time, only I helped him every single time. I saved him a meal, helped him drive away the boys who bullied him, and told him that if he didn't want to be beaten, he had to stand up on his own.    


He told me that he was only in the orphanage for half a year, and then he was adopted, but the family that adopted him gave birth to a boy, and he was abandoned again.    


He said that he had grown up by relying on begging, that he had suffered a lot when he was young, and then accidentally entered the underworld, and later became the leader of the gang. At that time, he was very, very poor, and in order to survive, he had done a lot of bad things.    


However, he was no longer the boy who was easily beaten up.    


Later on, although he was thin and looked like a woman, he became more and more ruthless and understood more and more about society.    


He slowly opened up a path of his own. He was naturally intelligent and well-off. If he didn't, he would spend a lot of money to learn until he learned it.    


In this way, he slowly began to own his own empire of money. Then one day he met me again, and he knew at once that I was her.    


As he said this, his eyes moistened and he reached out to stroke my long hair. He said, "Do you know? The thing that I can't forget about you is your eyes. Every time I can't bear it anymore, I see those ambitious eyes and what you just said. If you don't want to be beaten up, you have to stand up. "    


I didn't feel much about what he was saying. It was like listening to a long story. Because I don't have a memory, I can't judge if what he said is true or not, but seeing how true he is, I think it must be true!    


I was still unable to be happy. My heart seemed to be filled with many things, and every morning when I woke up, my heart was filled with an indescribable anxiety.    


I grew thinner and thinner, and I could eat nothing but the nest. If they ate it, they would vomit.    


As I grew thinner, I felt a great pain in my heart, a sorrow that never ceased to haunt me.    


Ling Yue often looked at me, then deeply sighed, then looked at me, then deeply sighed.    


One day, I finally couldn't help but ask him, "Ling Yue, you aren't the man I love so much, are you? You're lying to me, aren't you? "    



His entire body shook violently.    


He looked at me, took a deep breath, and finally admitted, "I'm not."    


"I know I'm thinking about someone, but I know it's definitely not you. If it were you, I wouldn't be in so much pain. " I looked at him and murmured.    


"But you have already lost your memory. Why do you still have such stubborn memories in your head?" he asked me.    


"Because I can feel that person constantly sending me signals. I could feel that he needed me. He needed me to be with him. "Ling Yue, if you know who he is, please tell me." I asked him.    


"Stop asking!" Ling Yue interrupted me. He didn't intend to tell me who that person was.    


Then he brought me a lot of presents, all kinds of beautiful clothes, all kinds of jewelry, all kinds of strange things.    


But I didn't even look at them. I just let him take them.    


"Even if I give you my whole world, you still can't forget that man, can you?" Ling Yue looked at me who was getting thinner and thinner, and asked me with a frown.    


"Who the hell is he? Where is he? Who am I? " I looked at Ling Yue, the desire to know more and more intense.    


He finally gave in. I saw the frustration in his beautiful eyes and he said, "I'll take you to see him. But if he's with another woman, you're going to give up, okay? "    


"Alright." I agreed.    


About three days later, Ling Yue brought me to the entrance of a villa. There was a beautiful garden surrounded by black iron bars.    


There was a man sitting in the doorway, holding a newspaper in his hand and sitting very still.    


I can only see his back. I can't see his face.    


But in my heart there was an indescribable feeling, and I felt that I knew that person very well.    


That familiarity was like someone that he had known for a very, very long time in the depths of his soul.    


Instinctively, I tried to push open the door. A name hovered in my mind, and I almost blurted it out, but I couldn't remember who it was.    


My head ached again, as if something were tugging at it.    


I wanted to get out of the car, but Ling Yue grabbed onto me and said, "You see, he already has a woman and his family."    


Then I saw a woman in a royal blue dress push open the door and walk out, followed by a boy and a girl.    


The children came running out of the house in high spirits, the boy with the ball in his hand, the girl with the doll in her arms, the two children with smiles on their faces.    


The man put the paper down and began to move in the direction of the two children. When he reached my line of sight, I was surprised to see that the man was sitting in a wheelchair!    


His legs were all right, but he couldn't seem to walk. He pushed the wheelchair over to the two children.    


The two children sang merrily around him, and the woman in the royal blue dress was on the phone, smiling.    


A grey-haired old man came out of the house with two small coats in his hands, calling the names of the two children as if he wanted to put them on.    


The man glanced in our direction with a blank expression. His face was extraordinarily handsome, but it was devoid of life. There was a dense gloom between his brows.    


What a happy family!    


My heart instantly hurts. Something is rolling in my mind and my head feels like it's about to explode. I hold my head, which has a splitting headache, and finally, I slant my head and fall into Ling Yue's embrace …    




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