Planned Love



0So dangerous!    


Tai Ziqian had only walked for less than a minute when Ling Yue opened the door and walked in!    


I pretended to be asleep in my bed. I knew that he had turned on the light, but I still didn't raise my eyes!    


"Stop pretending, I know you're awake!" "No," he said.    


I shivered, thinking he knew everything, and opened my eyes. "It's not even dawn yet," I said, feigning anger. "What are you doing in here?"    


"Where did you go?" he asked me warily, in his dressing gown.    


"It's in my room. Where can I go?" I said snappily.    


"Nonsense!" He snapped at me, then said, "I heard the door open in your room!"    


"Did you hear wrongly?" I don't know if he knows, or if he doesn't.    


Now, the more he looked at Ling Yue's charming face, the more he felt terrified. Thinking about what Tai Ziqian said, it was even more difficult to accept.    


No wonder the building was so well decorated, and he was always trying to be suave." In the end, he still felt too guilty! Because he knew he was just a puppet, because he knew he was just a pawn, he deceived himself and disguised himself as a tyrant.    


"Hurry up and tell the truth! "Otherwise …" He came closer and closer to my face, and then he said, "If I didn't, I wouldn't have been able to wait a month. Today, I will … "    


"I'll say it, I'll say it!" I told him to shut up.    


"I was hungry and hadn't eaten my fill. I wanted to open the door to find something to eat, but when I opened the door and saw the darkness, I was scared and came back to continue lying down." I lied, keeping a close watch on his face.    


His expression seemed to relax. It seemed that he really did not notice Tai Ziqian sneaking into the room.    


"Hungry again? Gluttonous cat, get up, I'll take you to eat. " Ling Yue said.    


"Sure, I want to eat Li's fried bun." I fumbled for a chance to slip out.    


"Li Shisheng fried bun? "Where is that?" he asked me blankly.    


"It's near the Star Glory Market. Let's go wash up first and then go there. We'll open the door at 6 o'clock." "No," I said.    


"You remember the place pretty well." He laughed, then said, "Alright, I'll satisfy you. As long as you don't make any noise, I'll give you anything you want."    


"Then you go out first. I'll get up and change my clothes." "No," I said.    


"Alright." Ling Yue reached out his hand to pinch my face, then said, "I will only give you one month, don't make me wait too long."    


I gave him a punch, but he grabbed my hand and kissed me lightly on the lips. He said, "Do you know how much urge I had to bathe you every day while you were in a coma? I just want to wait for you to wake up so that you'll be willing to fall in love with me. "    


"Zeze, Ling Yue, I remember that you weren't like that in the past." I looked at him and said helplessly.    


"The previous me, is in front of others. The current me is the real me. Shubei, I really want to be nice to you. I want to be together with you, to be together with you in my kingdom. We have unlimited money in our lifetime. "No," he said.    


"Alright, alright. Get out, get out!" His words gave me goosebumps and made me impatient.    


He seemed used to my reaction, and even as I spoke to him, he smiled and went out.    


I washed my face, changed my clothes, grabbed some money from Ling Yue's drawer, and told him the address Tai Ziqian gave me.    


Ling Yue took me to the Li's fried buns for breakfast. After Ling Yue bought the fried buns, I looked at the steamed buns in front of me and said, "Ling Yue, I suddenly miss my mom. I want to see her."    


"Your mother?" Ling Yue was stunned, "Who is it?"    


"I know where she lives. Can you take me there? I miss her. " I begged Ling Yue.    


Ling Yue was stunned for a moment. He looked a bit disgruntled, but he still said in a good tone, "Wait a while longer. Your memory is still unstable. Maybe you're hallucinating."    


"Impossible, I even know where her home address is. If you don't believe me, bring me to it." I said to Ling Yue.    


Ling Yue looked at me doubtfully. His expression was very strange. He said to me: "Wait a moment, I'll go make a phone call first."    


After saying that, he walked towards the bathroom. So I secretly followed him and took the opportunity to sneak into the washroom next to his. I happened to hear him ask, "Her memory is very strange. She can't remember Sheng Yun, but she remembered Tai Ziqian and now she suddenly remembered her godmother. What's going on?"    


I don't know what the other party said, but I heard Ling Yue say: "I don't care, although her personality has returned to normal, but she is more difficult to control than before. Is there any other way to stabilize her? What I want is for her to fall in love with me, to fall in love with me, understand? "    


A minute later, Ling Yue yelled into the phone, "Don't promise me anything if you can't do it! Now he had stirred up such a mess! I don't want her to be a fool. I want her to keep her personality from the beginning and to fall in love with me! It doesn't matter if she doesn't remember anyone. She can just love me! "    


"That's it! Think of another way! I'll give you a week's time! " Ling Yue shouted into the phone.    


I listened until my hair stood on end. It wasn't pleasant to know that I was a test subject, and that I was a semi-finished product.    


Ling Yue made the call and went out. I took a deep breath in the washroom. I understood that there wasn't much time left for me.    


He only gave the doctor a week, which meant that in a week's time, I would be "remodelled" again, and I wouldn't even know what I would become.    


I broke out in a cold sweat. Thinking about how I had been through amnesia after amnesia, my entire body trembled. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.    


My top priority right now is to find Nanny Liu as soon as possible and pass the information to Sheng Yun. Even though I don't know what Sheng Yun's relationship with me is. But from what Tai Ziqian said, it seemed like I was very important to them.    


I pretended that I also went to the bathroom. After washing my hands, I went back and frowned as I said to Ling Yue, "This raw frying bag doesn't taste like it used to. It doesn't taste good at all."    


"Then what do you want to eat?" he asked me.    


"I want to eat my godmother's noodles. I want to go find her." I grabbed his car keys from the table and ran out.    


Ling Yue quickly caught up, but I was already in the driver's seat. He was probably afraid that I would rush out the door like last time, so he quickly opened the door and got in as well.    


"Let's go!" I shouted to Ling Yue.    


"Do you know where her house is?" Ling Yue asked in shock.    


I nodded and drove to Nanny Liu's house. Unexpectedly, I was especially familiar with the location of the city. I didn't know if it was due to my past memories or the function of some kind of drug.    


I found Nanny Liu's house by instinct and knocked on the door. When I saw an old lady with white hair open the door for me, my whole body shook. Something seemed to be aroused from the bottom of my heart.    



I knew at a glance that she was Nanny Liu.    


Nanny Liu had mixed feelings when she saw me, but when she saw Ling Yue behind me, her expression changed.    


Just as she was about to close the door, I hastily pushed it open and shouted, "Mother, it's Shubei."    


She shuddered and looked at me again, tears in her eyes. She was clearly agitated, but she said to me, "I'm sorry, I don't know you."    


"They said they don't know you, Shubei. "I'll say it, you must have remembered wrongly, what godmother do you have?" Ling Yue came over and pulled my hand.    


I flung his hand away and rushed into Nanny Liu's house, pretending to be in deep love. At the same time, I shouted, "Mother, I really miss you! How could you not know me? "    


At the same time, I shut Nanny Liu's courtyard door heavily and whispered into her ear at an incredible speed, "Tell Sheng Yun as soon as possible, that I'm awake, please!"    


Nanny Liu shuddered again. She was about to ask me something when I made a "hush" gesture and quickly opened the door.    


Ling Yue stood outside the door looking anxious. I smiled and said, "It was the wind that blew the door shut."    


Nanny Liu was an extremely shrewd old lady. With a darkened face, she said, "I really don't know you. I don't welcome you to my house either. Please leave immediately, or I'll call the police!"    


"Mother, do you really not know me?" I burst into tears.    


"Let's go, let's go. I'm saying that you must have remembered wrongly. You still won't believe me? Let's see how I'll punish you when I get back." Ling Yue said and pushed me out.    


Before I left, Nanny Liu gave me a heavy nod. The moment Nanny Liu nodded, my heart dropped.    


I know that Nanny Liu understood my words, and I also know that Tai Ziqian was right in asking me to find this old lady.    


"It's really impossible for me to remember wrongly. She's my godmother, how could I remember wrongly?" "No," I said.    


"Xu Shubei, you are an orphan. Where did you get this godmother? "Remember, from today onwards, you will have me as your only family, do you understand?" Ling Yue held my shoulder and whispered to me.    


At the same time, I saw a middle-aged woman walking past us, holding a small and a large child in tow. Out of curiosity, I turned to look at them and saw that they too had stopped and were staring at me with wide eyes …    




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