Planned Love



0"Why don't you want me to touch you even if you lose your memory?" Ling Yue glared at me and said, "Today, I will make you my woman!"    


"Ling Yue, let her go. If you have any grudges, come at me." Tai Ziqian shouted with all his might, but because he was being controlled, there was nothing he could do.    


"Tai Ziqian, I know you like her to care about her. Today, I want you to personally witness the woman you love become my woman step by step. Open your eyes wide and see it clearly! " Then he began to tear at my clothes.    


He probably knew that he was at the end of his rope, but he didn't want to admit his defeat just like that.    


This room was extremely simple. It seemed to be the place where Ling Yue's subordinates used to live.    


There was only a bed and a closet in the room. There was nothing else in the room. It was completely empty. It was unknown if it was moved away or if it was as simple and crude as it was before.    


"Ling Yue, are you really going to do this to me?" I grit my teeth and try to hold on to my clothes.    


Ling Yue had a moment of absent-mindedness, that absent-mindedness let me realize that he may still have a trace of human nature. However, his long life in the dark had caused his heart to be greatly twisted.    


"Yes!" "Xu Shubei, from the first day I saw you, I knew that I would make you my woman." Ling Yue looked at me and said, then he lowered his head and tried to kiss me.    


"Good!" I promise you! But I have a condition! " I said quickly.    


"At this time, I will not agree to any of your conditions!" Ling Yue said coldly.    


"I just want to take a bath!" I hastily replied, "I know that you have been very good to me during this period of time. If you really want, I would like to take a bath first and give myself to you for no reason."    


There was a moment of doubt in his eyes.    


I saw him hesitate, so I said, "I can't get away anyway. The bathroom is in this room, and it's surrounded by your people. I hope you can agree to this little request of mine, okay?"    


He looked around the bathroom, then got up from me and said, "Shubei, if you're willing to obey me, that's for the best, and I don't want to force you to do anything. However … Don't play any tricks with me, or I'll shoot Tai Ziqian. Do you understand? "    


I nodded and immediately sat up in bed. I smiled at him and said, "Don't worry, I won't play any tricks. Because I know you're a good person, but a bad one. I know what you've been doing to me these days. "    


There was a trace of emotion in his eyes, and then he said lightly: "Go, I'll give you ten minutes. There are towels and shower gel inside, don't expect to escape. There's only one small window inside, and I'll remind you, this is the eighth floor. "    


"Don't worry, I won't overestimate myself." "No," I said.    


He searched all my pockets before I went in. Then, he was still worried.    


"Or should I help you wash it? I'll accompany you? " Ling Yue asked me.    


"At this point, do you think I can escape? Give me one last bit of space and dignity, okay? " I looked up at Ling Yue and said.    


His eyes were no longer feverish, and he began to calm down a little. "Okay, but only for ten minutes," he said.    


I went into the bathroom, closed the door, and took a deep breath.    


I looked at the bathroom. It was very small, and the shower lotion and shampoo were all hanging on the wall. There seemed to be nothing I could use as a weapon except the shower.    


However, a sprinkler was enough!    


I calmed myself down and suddenly felt an indescribable absent-mindedness. I felt that these days were like a long dream. I didn't know whether I had woken up from my dream or whether I was still in it.    


I turned on the shower and stood quietly in the bathroom for eight minutes. Then I turned off the water and twisted the nozzle off.    


At this moment, I heard Ling Yue shouting outside the door: "Ten minutes are up, is it done?"    


"Alright." "Yes," I said.    


I took a deep breath and opened the door a little.    


"Why isn't he coming out yet?" Ling Yue asked outside.    


"I... I'm shy, I'm not wearing any clothes. " I said pretentiously, hiding behind the door.    


"Then I'm coming in." Ling Yue's voice instantly became excited.    


He began to push open the door slowly, poking his head in.    


At that moment, I slammed the door! The door closed on his head! He let out a very pained roar!    


I didn't have time to think about it. I slammed the nozzle down on his head several times!    


He fell to the ground, and I opened the door and dashed out. His hand suddenly grabbed my leg!    


"Xu Shubei!" He let out a loud roar, and his voice was filled with a great hatred.    


I wrenched myself free of his grip and ran for my life, quickly opening the door and rushing out.    


When I saw Sheng Yun and the rest appear in the corridor, I shouted, "Sheng Yun, we're here!"    


I was hit on the head by the spray of Ling Yue's flying head and experienced what it means to see a bright star in the sky for the first time in my life!    


When I fell to the ground, the incoming military police had already subdued Ling Yue on the spot.    


At that moment, some unknown force forced Sheng Yun to stand up! He stumbled towards me!    


"Shubei!" Sheng Yun shouted at me.    


My head was spinning and Sheng Yun's face appeared on seven or eight screens at the same time. I smiled at him and then said tiredly, "I'm so tired. Take me home."    


"Shubei, Shubei …" I heard someone shouting my name in my ear, but I was too tired to open my eyes.    


Everything was like a long and complicated dream.    


When I woke up again, I was in a hospital in the United States, surrounded by countless foreign doctors.    


In front of my bed sat Sheng Yun, he looked at me with such a gentle gaze, and beside him stood my adorable children, they were no longer the young and adorable appearance, they had all grown up.    


I remembered everything, including the past, including the memory loss, including Ling Yue and Tai Ziqian.    


Thinking about Tai Ziqian … My heart tightened. The first thing I said when I woke up was: "Hubby, where's Tai Ziqian?"    



"I'm here." Tai Ziqian was wearing a white sweater as he stood in front of the window. His skin color was still fair and handsome, and his appearance was still as handsome as before.    


He looked at me and smiled, and I returned his smile.    


"The doctors said you would wake up today. You are a miracle they have broken." Sheng Yun tightly held my hand and whispered to me.    


"Isn't that a dream? "Did I really experience it myself?" I touched the heads of my children with my other hand and asked Sheng Yun.    


"It's a dream. It's just that you've been dreaming this dream for too long. But now, I have finally awoken. " Sheng Yun said with a smile, his eyes filled with boundless love.    


"Your legs …" I asked.    


He slowly stood up in front of me, walked around in a circle, looked at me and smiled, and said, "Is your husband old? With this, three years have passed. "    


"Three years …" "So I've been lying here for a year and a half?"    


"Hmm, in order to treat your illness, I searched for famous doctors all over the world and paid for them to form an expert team to help you treat it." Sheng Yun held my hand and smiled bitterly. His eyes were filled with endless vicissitudes of life.    


I felt a pang in my heart. It could be imagined how many changes in his heart during these three years!    


"Am I close to dying?" I asked softly, looking at him.    


"With me here, how could I let you die?" Sheng Yun looked at me and smiled. The fish tail marks at the corner of his eyes had the marks of age and age. It had become more manly than before.    


"Hubby, Zaizai, Qian Jin, sorry for making you suffer for me." I looked at them, and two streams of tears rolled down my cheeks.    


There was still too much to ask him, too many mysteries to unravel. But it doesn't matter. We still have time, and we're not in a hurry to finish it all at once.    


The two children sensibly dried my tears. They obediently laid in my arms. Zaizai timidly said, "Mom, hug dad when you wake up. During the years when you were sick, Father Tianwu Gang hid and cried. He thought we didn't know, but in fact, we all knew. "    


"Mom, dad is so tired. He has to carry you around to seek medical help, and he even has to take care of us. "Mom, you're awake. You must treat daddy well." Qian Jin's soft voice also sounded.    


As I listened to the two children, my heart throbbed, and tears began to roll down my cheeks.    


Tai Ziqian walked over and chatted with the doctors in English for a while. Then, he walked over to Qian Jin and Zaizai and said, "Zaizai, Qian Jin, can Uncle take you guys to play? Let Dad and Mom have a good talk, Mom and Dad must have a lot of things to say. "    


"Alright!" The two of them said at the same time, then Zaizai said, "When dad is done, it's our turn to tell mom. We also have a lot of things we want to say to mom."    


The childish voices of the two children made me cry like the rain. When I looked up, I saw that Sheng Yun's eyes were also filled with tears.    


He rubbed his eyes hard for a few seconds, and then his eyes reddened. He held my hand tight for a long time without saying a word.    


I knew he was full of mixed feelings.    


Me too.    


The room fell silent, leaving only the two of us and the whiteness.    


I said, "Hubby, help me up."    


"What's wrong?" he asked me.    


I sat up in bed, got out of bed, and asked him to let me go. He looked at me blankly.    


After a few steps, I slowly turned around and bowed deeply to him. Then, choking, I said, "I know this is all a dream for me, a nightmare for you and this family. I'll give you three bows, one thanks for not letting go of your responsibilities to me, two thanks for giving up everything for my family, three thanks for not abandoning me and not giving up. Millions of words in my heart, husband, I just want to tell you, I'm not only your person in this life! In the future, I will be your woman for the rest of my life! What virtue or ability do I have to meet a man who treats me like a treasure and never leaves me! "I …"    


As I spoke, I broke down. Countless scenes played like a movie in my mind. Looking at his middle-aged white hair, I knew how much he had endured for me over the past three years!    


In the past, he was the unyielding and domineering CEO!    


Two streams of tears flowed out of his eyes, and his chest rose and fell violently. Then, he also bowed to me and said, "No matter how much suffering you have endured, as long as you can come back, even if I, Sheng Yun, have to sacrifice my life, so what!"    




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