Planned Love



0It had been a long time since there had been such a shy and tense atmosphere between us.    


He lowered his head and carefully gazed at my skin. Luckily, Tai Feng had changed my body before. Although I had experienced many hardships in these three years, my skin was still very white and shiny. Under the light's illumination, my skin looked like white porcelain.    


His eyes swept over me from top to bottom, then he slowly reached his hand down from my shoulder.    


I shyly closed my eyes and heard him whisper, "It's still as beautiful as ever. It's still a familiar feeling."    


He tickled me a little, and I couldn't help but call out.    


He leaned over and kissed my lips, then my eyes, then my nose, then my ears, then every inch of skin on my face. His kiss slowly moved down, and his hand was gently moving as well.    


I opened my eyes and hugged him.    


The moment I held him, he could no longer control himself and pushed me back into the boat.    


I reached out to undress him one by one, and as we kissed, we undressed each other.    


After three years, they were finally able to have a full possession of each other. They were completely at a "negative distance" between each other. They had spent the whole night together.    


He was still as brave and fierce as he was yesterday. The only difference was that he was much more gentle and considerate than before.    


Sometimes I close my eyes, sometimes I open them and look at him, and our eyes are intertwined with love.    


"I love you so much." I whispered to him.    


"Me too." He responded to me affectionately.    


"From now on, we won't be separated for more than three hours, okay?" I became greedy for love.    


"Alright, I agree." He sat up with me in his arms, but our bodies never parted.    


"Wife, you are still so tight, just like a young girl." His eyes blazed, and his body trembled.    


"You too. You're still that domineering and gentle you from back then." I said, smiling.    


That night, we did not sleep, too many intimate words to say, too many words to tell, too many memories to each other.    


Sheng Yun said, "Wife, you've actually changed a lot. You used to be such an ambitious woman. The first time I saw you, I could feel the ambition in you. But now you have changed, you have become tender, you have become less belligerent. "    


"Aren't you the same? You used to be so domineering, so powerful, so superior. But now he can lower himself to the dust for me. If we had gone back a few years, we probably wouldn't have thought of it. If we had known this would happen years ago, why would we struggle then, why should we doubt our hearts and go forward bravely? " I said softly, lying in his arms.    


"At that time, we could not see our own hearts clearly, and did not know what we really wanted. Now that we have washed up, we understand what we really need. We are all born and lonely people, meeting each other is like meeting the other half of the circle, we together, can become a whole circle. And Zaizai and Qian Jin, make our circle more complete and smooth. To have a single wife, one son and one daughter, living in such a big house, we should be satisfied, don't you think? " Sheng Yun said with a sigh.    


"But then we do something. We have to earn money to sustain our lives, and we still have to raise Zaizai and our daughter. " "No," I said.    


"Zaizai and Qian Jin, when they were born, I bought an education fund for each of them. These two funds are enough to cover the cost of them going from primary school to university and even going abroad." Sheng Yun said.    


"Ah?" When did you buy it? " I was surprised. I had never thought that he would have thought about it so carefully for his two children.    


"We are all business people. It's a common thing in life to go through a lot of ups and downs. Only the funds and insurance go with the individual and won't be used to pay off debts or anything else. "At that time, I was thinking about the unforeseen events that might happen to us in this life, so I had already arranged everything." Sheng Yun said.    


"Husband, you've thought long and hard. But how are we going to sustain our next lives? " "No," I said.    


Life seemed to have never been as relaxed as it was now. All the pressure had disappeared, and all the struggles from before had been for naught. Only this love was like an evergreen tree, flourishing from spring to winter and growing deep within the heart.    


I know that not everyone in this world is blessed, but I, am able to have him by my side.    


"I've decided. I like making Western pastries. I've been with you in the United States for more than a year." In order to relieve the pressure, I often went to a cake shop with a master to make pastries. After a year of learning, I can make a lot of western style pastries. This is what I plan to do. Next, the two of us will rent two stores near our home and open a western style pastry shop. I'll be the pastry chef, you'll be the boss, and the two children will be studying at the school nearby. Sheng Yun asked me.    


It turned out that he had already thought of a way out. I didn't need to think about it too much.    


"But that would be hard for you, and you used to be the president of a company as big as Golden Age, and now you have to make your own pastries. Husband, I'm afraid you won't be able to adapt to this kind of transformation. " "No," I said.    


"No, I used to be so high and mighty, but every day I lived under pressure, and I didn't have much happiness to speak of. But as I immersed myself in making the pastries, I found that my heart had completely calmed down, especially when I first made the cake. I was filled with an unprecedented sense of accomplishment, a feeling that I had never felt before in my successful business career. Wife, I plan to personally make you a cake tomorrow so that you can see a completely new me, a completely different me. " Sheng Yun said.    


"Really?" I was surprised, and I couldn't help but be excited. "Are you really going to be happy? Or are you just trying to comfort me? "    


"Whether I'm really happy or not, when you see me making the cake tomorrow, you will understand." Sheng Yun said.    


I stared at him, my heart filled with guilt. It was because of me that he gave his all to treat my illness.    


I thought he was used to a life of wealth, and it was hard for him to find happiness in a normal life. But I didn't expect him to find the meaning of a new life so soon.    


"Then I have to work hard too, find another self, find another meaning in my life." I looked at him, my eyes steady.    


"You want to compete with your husband again?" He laughed, kissed me on the cheek, and said, "I knew you were being a little grumpy. You must have felt that your husband had found another meaning in his life, so you're anxious, aren't you?"    


He's still the man who knows me.    


I nodded and couldn't help but smile. "I can't let my husband think that the woman he's looking for isn't worthy of him," I said. Whatever he does, I will follow him. Whether he was high or low, I would walk beside him. No matter what industry he chooses to start again, I will always follow in his footsteps, so I don't want to be left behind by him. "    


"You, no matter what the situation is, are a little woman who is unwilling to wash her hands and make the broth. I know, but your husband needs you to cooperate with your husband to fulfill his dream. Opening a shop is an attempt I've never had before, it makes me even more nervous than before when we started a company. We only have 100 thousand on hand right now, I don't want to borrow money, I just want us to rely on our own hands to slowly work hard. "So, my wife …" he asked softly, looking at me inquiringly.    


"We only have 100 thousand left? "So little …" I looked disgusted, and then we both laughed.    


We used to earn a lot of money, but sometimes 100 thousand isn't even enough to buy a bag. Unexpectedly, our only remaining family property, other than our house, is 100 thousand.    


Life is so cruel. In an instant, two of the top executives of this shopping mall were turned into commoners.    


"100 thousand, 9000. That 9000, I left behind for you to buy clothes." You used to have outdated clothes, so I want my wife to wear the most beautiful clothes, be beautiful and become my little boss, the sun is setting, okay? " Sheng Yun asked me with a smile.    


"Alright, husband. Then from today onwards, I, Xu Shubei, declare that I am willing to give my all to the past and only work hard for your dream, willing to be the little girl behind you. "Not only will I have to be the little girl behind you, but from tomorrow onwards, I'll have to learn how to cook and fulfill my responsibilities as a wife and mother." "No," I said.    


"Well, there is also the responsibility of being a housewife. I know you like money. Although we don't earn much in the future, I will give all the money we earn to you. Whatever you want to give us, you can spend it on yourself. Sheng Yun said with a smile.    


He stroked my hair gratefully, his eyes unable to stop the smile. "As a dignified president in the past, it was hard for you to willingly submit to me and become a little woman behind me. I don't have a halo right now. I'm just an ordinary man, but you're willing to do this for me. They all say that women love money. Before, I thought that only when I reached the peak could I have love and everything. But now, I realized that there was only love in ordinary life. "    


"We used to have so many thoughts in our hearts that we didn't dare to crave too much love because it was too impractical for us at the time. Now we only have love in our hearts, but we also like to love each other like this. Husband, I am giving 100% sincerity to you now, not because of your money, but because of your character and the sincerity you gave me. "From now on, no matter what you become, even if you become a sloppy uncle in the future, or a grey-haired old man, I will always love you as I once did." I lay in his arms and said to him affectionately.    


His heart skipped a beat, and he held me tight. Then he gave me a gentle tug from behind and slid in like a loach.    





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