Planned Love



0At that moment, Xia Yiwa and I looked at each other and smiled. Happiness was written all over our eyes.    


Not long after, my bakery with Sheng Yun officially opened. On the day of the opening, business was booming.    


I put on a suit for Zaizai and a princess dress for the daughter. The two of us carried the flower basket from the red carpet to the store and carefully placed it on both sides of the door.    


Sheng Yun and I hand in hand, we all stand at the gate, together with Zaizai, Qian Jin and mother Zhang Ying.    


A new life began just like that. On the first day of opening, someone took a photo of our family of four and posted it online.    


From that day on, the store was full of business.    


Hangcheng is a big city, and there are a lot of people who knew Sheng Yun before.    


We named the bakery New, representing a new beginning and a new life.    


Some of Sheng Yun's business associates also came over and rushed over. They wanted to invite Sheng Yun out again, but they were all rejected by Sheng Yun.    


We began to get used to this kind of sunrise, sundown life, with the company of family and children, every day from morning to night busy, although tired and hard work, but the harvest is a solid happiness.    


Sheng Yun and I agreed on many terms, such as, every morning before getting up, we have to kiss each other.    


Every day before we eat, we pray devoutly, and are deeply grateful to have such a peaceful and peaceful life.    


Every weekend we would close the door and take the family out to the countryside, either to pluck fruit from the farmhouses or to barbecue in the wild.    


Sheng Yun said that his biggest dream now was to buy a small farmhouse, plant vines on the fence outside the yard, grow vegetables and fruits in the yard, and then happily live there, living a life of peace.    


But now I feel that our life is already very good, we love each other, the children are bathed in complete love healthy and happy growth, we are together 24 hours a day, we can be happy to do what we like, this feeling is worth reminiscing about.    


We no longer said love easily, but I could feel that we loved each other more and more. He would steal a kiss on my lips while I slept in the rocking chair, and I would hug me from behind while he made the cake and lean my head against his shoulder.    


After a busy day, we would play waltz in the store and then hug and dance for a while.    


As time passed, Zaizai and Qian Jin became infected. After they returned home from school, they would hug each other and imitate our waltz.    


Due to the lack of time, Sheng Yun picked up his childhood hobbies. He liked to play the violin, talk about the guitar and talk about the piano.    


Every day in our house was filled with laughter and chatter, as if we were living in a fairy tale.    


One month later, as a housekeeper, I said to Sheng Yun with a smile: "Hubby, guess how much money we earned this month?"    


"Ten thousand?" Sheng Yun, who doesn't know anything about money, asked me blankly.    


He only focused on making the cake and had never cared about the entrance and exit of the store's accounts. He had no such thoughts at all.    


"Guess again." I said, smiling.    


"Did I lose money?" That can't be necessary, right? We have a lot of people this month. " he asked in surprise.    


"Aside from the rent and cost, our monthly net profit is over 50,000." I took out a stack of them from behind me and placed them in front of Sheng Yun with a smile.    


"Is this more or less? "It should be considered a lot, right?" Sheng Yun asked me blankly with a silly look on his face.    


As for him, who used to be worth trillions upon trillions of dollars, this little money was not even enough for his previous pocket money. Thus, he had no concept of what it was.    


"A lot, husband. Normally, for a cake shop of our size, it would already be pretty good to earn ten to twenty thousand dollars a month. " I said, smiling.    


"Is that so? "That's good, then let's work even harder." Sheng Yun said with a smile. He then picked me up and carried me around in a circle. He smiled and said to me, "Wifey, I didn't expect us to be victorious in the first month."    


"Yeah, are you happy?" "No," I said.    


Sheng Yun nodded and said, "I have a feeling that our business will get better this month."    


I don't know if we have the genius to do business, or if the heavens have pitied us for having suffered so much.    


Our store's business was getting better and better, more and more glorious. Very soon, we opened several branch stores, and each branch store's business was very flourishing.    


Sheng Yun's business acumen was aroused once again. He gradually returned to his old self that was full of confidence.    


I said, "Husband, if this goes on, we'll have to go back to our old lives."    


He smiled and said, "If you don't want to go back, then we'll stop in time. We'll do it this way, okay?"    


"What do you think? Do you want to continue? " I asked, smiling.    


In that moment, we saw the same light in each other's eyes.    


Although we like the peace and tranquility now, but after a long time, the aggressive nature in our bones will still be aroused.    


For a warrior, what he liked the most was the feeling of fighting in the battlefield. Even if he was covered in blood, even if he lost a thousand miles in a row, the hot blood in his bones would not change.    


"I have an immature little idea now …" Sheng Yun whispered in my ear, "Now I suddenly want to build our cake kingdom, in the name of the two of us, the most famous cake brand in the country. "Let me tell you, my wife. My heart has already begun to take shape. Let me analyze it for you …"    


"I knew it. Hubby, you're still too eager to fight. You don't want to retire so early and enter your old age so early." I said, smiling.    


"Aren't you the same? I see that your computer already has a complete version of the branding program. "Since we heroes share the same view, how about we slaughter our way back to the mall and create a new world for ourselves?" Sheng Yun said to me with lofty aspirations.    


"What about your farmyard dream?" I teased him with a smile.    


"The pastoral garden is always in the poet's heart, but that does not mean that the poet will live in the pastoral garden. Our hearts are destined to belong to the shopping mall. Actually, I had already thought a lot about it from the moment I started doing it. At that time, I had already thought about the long-term future. It's just that I was particularly worried that I might not succeed, detached from the wings of Golden Age. I didn't know if I could fly by myself, so I didn't tell you at first. I just want to take ten thousand steps back. Even if I don't succeed, at least I can still let you and your two children live a peaceful life. " Sheng Yun said with a smile.    


"Actually, from the moment you proposed the idea of making a cake, I knew that you had already thought of a way out. Husband, actually, we are still the same person, or we were that year. Hubby, we've already earned the first million, so go ahead and do it. Whether it's a success or a failure, I like the process of us working together, don't you think? " I said, smiling.    


"As expected of my woman …" Sheng Yun pressed me down on the bed, muttered something and then kissed me passionately...    


Very soon, the Spring Festival arrived. Tai Ziqian told us very early that he would come back to spend the New Year with us.    


But to my surprise, not only did he come back, but he also brought back a beautiful girl.    


The girl was Chinese and spoke several languages, and the first time I saw her, I thought I saw myself as an ambitious person.    



The girl's name was Shen Fan, a hybrid of four countries. Her father was Chinese and was very beautiful, just like a couple when he was standing with Tai Ziqian.    


The first time I saw Shen Fan, I was relieved for the rest of Tai Ziqian's life.    


He had once said that he might end up alone, but in the end, he had found his true love.    


Tai Ziqian was already over 30 years old and the girl was only 25 years old. He had just graduated from university and was filled with curiosity towards this world.    


Tai Ziqian told us that they met at a party and fell in love that night.    


The girl is currently intern at one of the top 50 companies in the world. After finishing her internship, she will work with Tai Ziqian on a project. Like us, the two of them are full of ambition.    


I invited Xia Yiwa and Shang Yang to my house for New Year's Eve. On the night of New Year's Eve, Sheng Yun and I personally made a sumptuous dinner for everyone.    


The three of us raised our glasses together and chatted until we reached the middle age, where we all, without exception, reaped the bliss of perfection.    


No one was surprised when Sheng Yun said he was going to make a cake brand out of "new".    


Xia Yiwa said, "Brother, I knew you guys wouldn't be willing to be ordinary. Your natures are the same as mine; they both like to fight, to keep going upwards. A peaceful life is good, but for people like us it's just a little bit less. "    


"Then what are we still talking about? Let's roll up our sleeves and work hard!" Shang Yang said with a smile.    


"Unknowingly, we are already middle-aged. "In the future, who knows how many more trials and tribulations will await us …" I said.    


"No matter how much suffering we suffer, we will not be afraid. How much suffering do we dare to endure? We dare to ask how many lives the heavens want us to live! " Sheng Yun shouted.    


That's a nice thing to say, and I like it. How many hardships do we dare to endure? How many lives do we dare to ask?    


At that moment, I firmly looked at Sheng Yun, gratifyingly looked at the table full of people, and suddenly felt that this was our era, the best golden age …    


The road ahead is still long, but we are always walking with our heads held high and our chests held high. Success or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is how we move forward.    


(End of play)    




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