Planned Love



0However, a lot of criticism in the comments and the buzzing in my ears continued for several days, leaving me unable to calm down.    


Even Zhou Yihai started to joke around, intentionally teasing me: "Shubei, is it you? The back looks very similar, but the clothes don't look like your style at all. "    


"Zhou, when are we moving to the east side?" I asked seriously, pretending not to hear his joke.    


Zhou Yihai sat on the desk like a sly old fox, with a pen spinning in his hand: "From what I know about you, if it wasn't for the fact that you were in love, you wouldn't be accompanying people around the streets in the middle of the night. As for Sheng Yun … "That's not necessarily true."    


I could hear the hidden meaning in Zhou Yihai's words. My heart was in turmoil, but my face was calm. "Zhou, can we still talk about work? When did you become so interested in gossip? "    


"Let's see whose gossip it is. Such a heavyweight gossip, not only am I interested in it, the entire city …" "I'm interested." Zhou Yihai looked at me meaningfully with a face full of treachery, "Answer me, is it for public or private?"    


I know this guy's personality. He's the kind of person who would go all out to get to the bottom of things. If I don't get an answer, he won't let me off.    


Of course, I understood better than ever what he meant by "public" or "private". From his point of view, of course, he hoped I was a man.    


I looked at him and gave him the same deep smile. I smiled mysteriously and said, "Guess."    


He smiled even more. "I knew that my love would live up to my expectations," he said, raising his fingers and smiling sinisterly.    


At that moment, I felt a little guilty. I knew what Zhou Yihai meant by that, but I didn't want to explain. Because after the explanation, there were even more troubles.    


"Can you tell me when you moved now?" I asked, looking at him with a helpless smile.    


"In at most two weeks! Get ready, my lady! " Zhou Yihai smiled, took out a card from his pocket, and heroically threw it in front of me, "This card has thirty thousand tickets, you can go to Yintai to buy a bag or some clothes. There's no use for me to keep it, I'll give it to you! "    


I picked up the card, looked at it, and calmly pushed it back in front of him: "Zhou, don't give me any sugar-coated bullets. Now that we are so familiar with each other, I will naturally ask for your help. If your request is reasonable, I will definitely satisfy it. "Don't do anything superfluous to avoid hurting your feelings."    


My words stunned Zhou Yihai for a moment.    


I continued, "Also, work is work, my private affairs are personal, and you can't confuse my private life with my work, even if you misunderstand me. "Okay, Director Zhou?"    


Zhou Yihai knows me, and once I get serious, it means I'm serious.    


He immediately changed his words and smiled as he kept his card, "Alright, I understand. I won't ask about your private matters in the future. However … Do not let your personal affairs interfere with your business, or the consequences will be very serious. "    


"Yeah, I know." I looked at Zhou Yihai and said with a smile.    


"Shubei, although from the boss's point of view, you shouldn't ask too much about the employees' personal matters, but …" From the point of view of a friend or brother, I think I should remind you that there is no need to take things too seriously. There are no emotions on the field, and Sheng Yun is not as simple as you think. Women are all emotional creatures. No matter how rational you are, once you fall in love, the consequences will be severe. At that time, you'll be the one to get hurt. " After Zhou Yihai said that, he picked up his teacup and took a sip.    


"I understand, Zhou." I took a deep breath and looked at him.    


"Well, go. I'm going out as well, and Boss Xu is looking for me to drink tea with him. "As you've already said, 'Public is public, private is private'. I'll still consider it. I need to strengthen my strategic cooperation with the Xu family. After all, it's better to have another friend than an enemy. What do you think?" Zhou Yihai tried to test my reaction.    


I knew that in the past, he still had a little bit of presumptuous thoughts towards me, so his attitude towards the Xu family was a little more ambiguous, because he took my feelings into consideration. As a businessman, he naturally wouldn't feel any sadness or disappointment. However, his attitude towards the Xu family was much clearer than before. At the very least, he might have been a competitor before.    


However, I already knew that I couldn't rely on him in matters of revenge. I could only become stronger on my own first before thinking of a way to take care of those three people from Xu Family who I loathed the most.    


After I came out of Zhou Yihai's office, Ren Yingying invited me to the company's rooftop through the internal phone. I then went out and arrived at the rooftop of the company.    


Ren Yingying was already waiting for me on the rooftop. The wind made her long hair flutter, and I realized that she was wearing the latest Chanel spring dress.    


"What is it?" I asked coldly as I approached her.    


She turned around and slapped me, "Xu Shubei, didn't we agree to cooperate? You actually set me up on KTV!" I nearly couldn't get Xu Tianyi's forgiveness for harming him in the slightest! "    


"I said Sheng Yun's appearance was unexpected!" I covered my face and looked at her.    


"Accident? Do you think I would believe you? Do you think I didn't see what Sheng Yun did to you last night? Do you think I'm blind for reporting today? " she said angrily, looking at me.    


"What can it represent? Didn't Xu Tianyi do this to you? It was just a trick of asking questions and pretending to be charming, a trick of the rich to give alms to women. Ren Yingying, if you think my charm allows me to manipulate Sheng Yun, then I have nothing to say. " I angrily looked at Ren Yingying and angrily said, "Just treat this slap as if you owe me!" If one day you are so indiscriminate again! I will return it to you ten times! "    


Ren Yingying was a typical person who bullies the weak and fears the strong. Once I was firm, she immediately softened, "I didn't mean that. This is because I hope that since we have reached an agreement, we can focus all of our attention on it. Last night's situation was very dangerous, almost the relationship between Xu Tianyi and I couldn't be reversed."    


"Is the child all right?" I asked, glancing at her belly.    


"It's fine. It's very good." She touched her belly and said smugly, "I lied and told him that we had a relationship, but in reality, we didn't have one at all. He drank too much, so he doesn't remember anything. In a month or so I'll be able to announce to him that I'm pregnant, and then I'll see how he reacts. "    


"It's useless to see his reaction. When the time comes, you still have to think of a way to make his parents accept it. They think that this child must accept it, otherwise you'll have a chance to marry into them." I looked at Ren Yingying and said calmly, "But you must not forget what you promised me. Otherwise, I will expose you at any time! "You know Xu Tianyi's personality. If he knows the truth, you will know your fate!"    


"Don't threaten me," Ren Yingying sneered, "I know what to do, isn't it just torturing Xu Tianyi and his mother? I have all sorts of ways! "    


"Huang Xiaoxiang isn't that easy to deal with. Don't think that it's too simple." I saw how confident she was, so I said.    


"I've seen a lot of rural women since I was young. I might not be able to handle them if she was a well-educated person, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle things like this. However, the condition is that you have to let me marry into your family. When the time comes, I promise to stir up their family so that they won't be able to rest in peace! " Ren Yingying laughed, revealing two rows of teeth that looked like rats.    


She actually had quite a bit of beauty, but for some reason, her body would always exude an aura of poverty that even a Chanel suit would not be able to block.    


"It is most important that you take good care of yourself. This child, no matter what, you must protect him!" I looked at her coldly and said, "If you still remember Shi Jian a little bit better in your heart, then don't let your guard down on this matter!"    


"Xu Shubei, stop pretending. If you really care about this friend of yours, you wouldn't agree to let me do this! "    


"Do you think I want to?" I didn't even bother to look at her and said, "I know that if I don't agree, you won't even give this child a chance to live! Ren Yingying, I know you too well! "    


She smiled, touched her belly, and looked smugly at the building in the distance. Her eyes narrowed, and it seemed as if her mind was flooded with endless fantasies.    


I know she can't wait to be the young mistress over there … However, she did not know that Xu Changsheng and Huang Xiaoxiang were not as simple as she had imagined.    


However, I know that with Ren Yingying's narrow-minded and snake and scorpion personality, if she really marries into Xu Family, their lives would be turned upside down.    


The best way to make their enemies suffer was not to let them die, but to let them live in Purgatory everyday. This time, I will make them fight with each other. I hope Ren Yingying doesn't disappoint me!    


I turned and walked down the stairs, no longer staying on the roof. As soon as I went downstairs, I received a call from Xia Yiwa.    


"Shubei, where are you?" she asked me on the other end of the phone, her voice thick and nasal, as if she'd been crying.    


"What's wrong? How are you? Did you come home after last night? " I suddenly realized that I had neglected to ask Xia Yiwa if she was safe at home because I was too busy trying to close the road with Sheng Yun and me.    


At that time, I just subconsciously felt that Shang Yang was very reliable. He would definitely escort Xia Yiwa home, but I forgot that they drank too much and I drank too much myself.    


"Not good, I'm at Shang Yang's house. Come over quickly." Xia Yiwa sobbed as she spoke into the phone.    



When I heard her words, I immediately understood seventy percent of it. I hurriedly said to the phone, "Alright, I'll go over now."    


Thirty minutes later, I found Shang Yang's villa at the location she mentioned. The door opened. Shang Yang was wearing only a pair of sweatpants on his upper body, and when I opened the door and saw the mess in the room and the ripped TT bag on the floor, I immediately knew what had happened!    




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