Planned Love



0"Mom, take me home, I miss dad." she said piteously, tugging at my hem.    


I looked down, and she looked up just in time to see her innocent, innocent face. Her eyes were as big as a doll's, her mouth was small, and her face was chubby and angelic. But which angel would break with his mother and call another woman "Mama" in the blink of an eye?    


Instinctively, I took a step back. For the first time in my life, I was terrified by a child.    


Xia Yiwa and Shang Yang had the same shocked expression as I did. Duo Duo stood there looking at us innocently, blinking from time to time.    


From the looks of it, this was a very sweet and naive child.    


Xia Yiwa pulled me aside and asked, "Shubei, what are you going to do?"    


"This is the first time I've met a child like this." I shook my head.    


"In the past, even the loneliest child in our orphanage did not have such an expression. "This Duo Duo gives me a very strange feeling." Xia Yiwa said.    


"Let's take him back first. I don't know if this is a performance they have already discussed, or if it is the child's nature." "No," I said.    


"That's the only way." Xia Yiwa said.    


When we turned our heads together, she was still innocently standing there. When I turned my head, she rushed over and threw herself into my arms to hug my thighs and said, "Mom, let's go home! Can I see Dad when I get home? I really miss him! "    


Embarrassed, I quickly pushed her away. "Let's go," I said.    


So we took her to the car, and all the way she kept chattering to us in a very childish voice, singing English songs to us and massaging my legs and shoulders, and constantly crying out to her mother and her aunts and her uncles, just like any other child with a sweet mouth.    


Neither Xia Yiwa nor I was used to it, only Shang Yang and her constant conversation. Shang Yang tried to get something out of the girl, but he found that her behavior was no different from that of a normal child. She didn't seem to be scheming at all.    


When she reached the front door, Shang Yang opened the car door and she jumped out.    


Xia Yiwa asked me again, "Shubei, are you sure you want to bring her back? I feel like this little girl is like a time bomb Xiaoyun set up in your house. What if my brother treats her better and better? "    


"Let's take the first step then. I don't believe that I can't beat a child." I patted Xia Yiwa's shoulder and said, "You guys can go back. I'll call you if anything happens." I'll have people keep an eye on her, don't worry. "    


"Then we'll be going back first. Shubei, you have to be careful." "Right now, this child looks pretty normal, but he has this kind of indescribable strangeness." After Shang Yang finished speaking, he looked at me with a worried expression.    


Duoduo had already skipped to the door to wait for me, Xia Yiwa and Shang Yang drove away.    


A cool breeze blew past and I walked over. Duo Duo smiled at me and asked, "Mom, is this our house? The house is so big and beautiful. Is Daddy in there? "    


"There's no one left, do we need to pretend?" I said, looking at her coldly.    


She blinked innocently at me. "What are you talking about, Mom? Why can't Duo Duo understand it? "    


"Are you sure you don't understand me? Or are you just pretending to not understand me? Duoduo, I was once as old as you, and I am also a precocious child. I understand all your psychology. So, you don't need to act naive in front of me. " I went on.    


Her eyes were still blinking. She looked at me innocently and said, "Mom, I'm hungry. I want to eat. Duo Duo hasn't eaten for a day. Mom, can you take me in to eat?"    


I looked at the child with a slight headache, my heart growing more and more hesitant. I knew that it was still too late to send her away, and I didn't know what would happen if I brought her into the house.    


Perhaps this was the real reason Xiaoyun had sent her here.    


Just as I was hesitating, the door suddenly opened. Sheng Yun walked out from the inside and smiled at me: "I saw you guys standing outside the door from the surveillance cameras. Why didn't you go in?"    




Duo Duo saw Sheng Yun and jumped up in joy. She ran to Sheng Yun's side and dived into his arms.    


Sheng Yun's face instinctively revealed a trace of a kind smile, but he immediately noticed my reaction. He then lightly said to Duo Duo, "You're here. You'll be living here from now on. But you have to listen to Aunt Shubei, okay?"    


I know, I will definitely listen to Mom and Dad. I will also help Mom and Dad take care of Little Brother. I will clean the house. After Duo Duo said that, she hugged Sheng Yun's thigh pitifully.    


I frowned at the scene, but Sheng Yun was obviously shocked by Duo Duo's words. He asked Duo Duo in surprise: "What did you just say? Mom and Dad? "    


"Duo Duo knows that from now on, Sheng Yun is my father and Xu Shubei is my mother. "Xiaoyun, she's just a woman that has nothing to do with me." Duo Duo said.    


I saw the shock in Sheng Yun's eyes, and he immediately turned to look at me. I shrugged helplessly at him, not knowing what to say.    


Sheng Yun obviously didn't expect such a reaction from Duo Duo. He pushed her away again and held her hand as he lightly said, "Let's go in to eat."    


I walked over. Sheng Yun naturally put his arm around my waist. Nanny Liu was playing with Zaizai in the living room. When Duo Duo saw Zaizai, she immediately ran over.    


"Nanny Liu, be careful!" I shouted in panic.    


Upon hearing my shout, Nanny Liu immediately carried Zaizai out of the cart and hugged him tightly. She yelled at Duo Duo, "Stay away from Zaizai!"    


"I... I just want to shake hands with my brother... Little brother is so cute... I'm his sister. " Duo Duo stood there, crying miserably.    


When Nanny Liu heard her tone, she was also stunned. She looked at us hesitantly. "This …"    


"Dad, can I shake hands with my brother? In the future, we will love each other. " Duo Duo turned around and asked Sheng Yun in fluent English.    


Sheng Yun was surprised again. He looked at Duoduo, then turned to me and tentatively asked, "Shubei, why don't you... Let Duo Duo and Zaizai shake hands? "    


"Let's talk in the room. Auntie, don't let her touch Zaizai. " I said to Nanny Liu, then called Sheng Yun into the room.    


Sheng Yun closed the door and asked me with a frown: "Shubei, what's wrong?"    


"Didn't you sense that something was wrong?" I asked.    


"I sensed it. Before, I was very hostile to you, but now, I suddenly became very friendly. Why is that?" Sheng Yun asked me in disbelief.    


I told him about what happened today at the hospital. I also told him about the package Xiaoyun gave me last time. When Sheng Yun heard what I had to say, he had an expression of disbelief on his face.    


"Is there really such a thing? "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Sheng Yun asked me in surprise.    


"You've been so busy these past few days, I don't want to distract you. Ziqian took out that wooden box and got someone to open it. It is indeed filled with corrosive gas, and there is also a picture of you and her. " "No," I said.    


After Sheng Yun heard this, he fell into a long silence.    


I said, "I don't know if she was in cahoots with Xiaoyun beforehand, or if she was a complicated child in her own right. If it's the former, it's easy to do. But if it's the latter, it's destined to be a problem to bring her home. "    



"I took a sample of her DNA and tested it. It's true... It's my child, or I wouldn't have... "Sigh!" At this point, Sheng Yun sighed heavily, "It's all because I was too young back then!"    


"She's so much like you that I don't even need to test her to know that she's your child." I had expected this, and I was not at all surprised.    


"I'll send her away. I know that if she stays here, it will affect our relationship. I'll contact a boarding school for her and send her to school. " Sheng Yun said.    


"That's not something that can be done in a short period of time either." I heard him say that, so I said.    


"I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it." Hearing my words, Sheng Yun patted my shoulder, then opened the door and walked out.    


When we opened the door, we saw something that stunned us.    


Duo Duo was dancing in the living room in her princess dress. Her weird dancing moves made Zaizai giggle. Zaizai danced along with her excitedly, babbling happily.    


Seeing us come out, Duo Duo stopped, stared at Sheng Yun with her cute big eyes and said: "Daddy, little brother really likes watching me dance. From now on, I'll dance every day for little brother to see, okay?"    


"Duo Duo, come here." Sheng Yun said to Duo Duo with a serious expression.    


"What's wrong with Dad? Has Dodo done something wrong? " Duo Duo stood on the spot like she was sitting on pins and needles, and said while looking at Sheng Yun with a wronged expression.    


"Come over, I have something to talk to you about." Sheng Yun waved to her again and she slowly walked over.    


Sheng Yun squatted down, looked at Duoduo and said, "You are already old enough to go to school, I will contact a boarding school for you. When the school starts, I will send you there, okay?"    


"Dad, I don't want to go to boarding school. I want to see dad and my brother every day." Duoduo burst into tears and said, "I really like my brother. Daddy, I will listen to him. Let me stay here, okay? I'll be a good boy, and I won't cause any trouble, okay? "    


"Duoduo, every child has to go to school, and so do you. If you want to be a good kid, just listen to me, okay? " Sheng Yun's tone was hard and stiff. Obviously, he couldn't completely change his father's role.    


"Fine." Duo Duo replied with a wronged expression, then rubbed her belly and said, "Daddy, Duo Duo is hungry, can you eat now?"    


No one can do anything with a lovely child, and we all do the same, even though we know that her loveliness is faked, but we all naturally think that she is only a child.    


Sheng Yun led the way to the dining table. I saw that there were already four exquisite steak sets on the table, each of them matched with an accident, broccoli, and even carrot carvings. I asked Sheng Yun in surprise, "Did you make this yourself, or did you buy it?"    




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