Leveling System of Acquiring Skill From Books

C61 Failed

C61 Failed

0Gao Da's heart was filled with anger, but he could only suppress it. He didn't understand Ye Chen, so he didn't dare to act recklessly.    


Gao Da said, "Brother, which gang do you belong to?"    


Ye Chen sat at the main seat of the office with a smile and said condescendingly, "I am a student of the Orthodox Dao."    


Zheng Tianjun was stunned. He did not expect that the Douyin Company belonged to Ye Chen.    


He smiled bitterly in his heart. He really did not want to provoke Ye Chen, this evil star.    


He secretly recalled if he had done anything out of line just now. He was afraid that Ye Chen would take revenge on him.    




Were the students with the Wei family Supreme Card an ordinary student?    


With Ye Chen as his backing, Zheng Tianjun was even more fearless. He suddenly felt that his investment target was the right one.    


He had left the Zheng family a while ago because he felt that the Zheng family had limited his stage. He could use his own ability to make a name for himself.    


The Douyin was the first project he had taken a fancy to since he started his business.    




Students can set up a company?    


Gao Da was puzzled. Ye Chen must be a rich second generation or a second generation official.    


"Who is your father? Is he a rich businessman or a chief?"    


"My father is just an ordinary person. He has grown strong!" Ye Chen replied.    


Gu Qiqi could not help but laugh. Ye Chen was obviously playing with Gao Da.    


Gao Da gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "You will pay the price for your actions!"    


After saying that, he snorted coldly and turned around to leave the company.    


They were all stunned. Gao Da actually didn't take revenge on Ye Chen?    


It obviously didn't suit Gao Da's character.    


"I don't care about him anymore. He won't be able to cause any trouble."    


Ye Chen looked at Zheng Tianjun again. "You are also here to invest? Aren't you from the Zheng family? "    


Zheng Tianjun scratched his head. "I want to start my own business and make full use of my abilities."    


Ye Chen nodded. He was Dai Xiaojing's lover, and Ye Chen knew him a little.    


Zheng Tianjun was indeed talented in business.    


"I saw your investment plan. Fifty million at most will give you three percent of the shares."    


Zheng Tianjun looked troubled. Three percent of the shares was too little.    


"I think you should know that the Zhang family has also invested."    


Zheng Tianjun did not know what Ye Chen wanted to say, so he nodded silently.    


"Do you know how many shares Yue Qianyun took?"    


Zheng Tianjun thought for a while and said, "According to the market value, Douyin Company registered 100 million, but Douyin's project prospects are good. After a few rounds of financing, they should be able to get 2 billion, which means Zhang family took at least 50% of the shares."    


"Your analysis is not bad."    


Zheng Tianjun got Ye Chen's approval, and he straightened his back. This was his change of career. Of course he would not make a mistake.    


"But you miscalculated. Yue Qianyun actually only has 20% of the Douyin Company's shares."    


"How is that possible?"    


"Nothing is impossible. The development of the small videos of the Douyin is the trend. said Wang Yao. Douyin will definitely sweep the market. If you agree, this will be the most correct decision in your life. "    


After Ye Chen's persuasion, Zheng Tianjun only got 3% of the shares, and he was extremely grateful.    


"Mr. Ye, you are too amazing."    


After Zheng Tianjun left, Gu Qiqi sincerely praised him. Ye Chen only said a few words, but he really saved a huge amount of profit for the company.    


Ye Chen shook his head. "If it wasn't for him protecting you just now, I would have chased him away long ago. 50 million is too little. Does he think the company's shares are like cabbages? "    


Gu Qiqi stuck out her tongue.    


Ye Chen was very rich, but at least for now, she did not have the courage to regard fifty million as nothing.    


"Mr. Ye, the company has been established for so long, but no one has seen you, the real boss. Why don't we use today's internal test to meet everyone?" Gu Qiqi suggested.    




The two of them went to a spacious meeting room. In the middle was a conference table with people sitting on both sides.    


These people were the directors of various departments in the company, including the Operations Department, Technology Department, and Market Department.    


Everyone was waiting patiently, waiting for the internal testing of the Douyin's app.    


Gu Qiqi walked to Zheng Zhong's room in the meeting room and placed Ye Chen at the front.    


This scene shocked all the employees.    


Who was he?    



He could actually make Gu Qiqi stand behind him.    


Gu Qiqi waved her hand to signal for everyone to be quiet and slowly said, "Today, other than the Douyin's internal test, I have another important person to introduce to everyone."    


"He is the founder of the Chenqi Douyin Media, and he is also the real boss. His name is Ye Chen. "    


The name of this company was too unpleasant to hear.    


Ye Chen was speechless.    


"Everyone, welcome!"    


In an instant, thunderous applause sounded. Everyone looked at Ye Chen curiously.    


When the applause came to an end, Ye Chen opened his mouth and said, "Hello everyone, I am Ye Chen! Welcome to the Douyin Company. I hope that we can develop our company better and better together. As long as you have the ability, the Douyin Company will not treat anyone unfairly. "    


The applause sounded again. Ye Chen waved his hand to stop them and let them sit down.    


"President Ye, shall the internal test begin now?"    


Gu Qiqi asked.    


"Let's begin."    


One. The big screen lit up and a phone page was displayed on it.    


There was no problem with downloading the Douyin.    


There was no problem with the activation of the Douyin.    


There was no problem with the setting up of the Douyin interface.    


After a series of operations were completed, the functions of the Douyin were all normal.    


In other words, the Douyin's app had been completed, and it was just waiting to be released.    


"How is it? President Ye."    


"That's right, it's almost as I expected."    


Ye Chen continued," The completion of the Douyin's app is only the first step. What are you guys going to do next? "    


Gu Qiqi took out a plan and handed it to Ye Chen. Ye Chen glanced at it and said, "This is not qualified. Redo it."    


Everyone discussed.    


They had stayed up all night to come up with this plan. However, Ye Chen rejected it in a few seconds.    


"President Ye, may I ask what is lacking in this proposal?"    


The person who spoke was called Chang Kui. He was the vice president of the company.    


If he humbly asked for guidance, Ye Chen would not be stingy with his guidance. However, his words were clearly hostile, and they were even filled with contempt. This was something Ye Chen could not accept.    


This was what Chang Kui thought. He thought that Ye Chen was just a wealthy young master who didn't know how to run a business.    


Chang Kui felt that the company needed the guidance of professionals, and not a young master like Ye Chen.    


"If you want me to do it, what do I need you to do? Redo it!" Ye Chen said firmly.    


" Why? "    


Chang Kui said sternly, "This is the result that our directors have thought of day and night. You looked at it for two seconds and rejected it. Based on what? Did you look at it seriously? Moreover, even if you look at it seriously, I'm afraid you won't have any real suggestions."    


" Chang Kui, how dare you! " Gu Qiqi said angrily.    


Chang Kui had offended his superior, and now he had insulted Ye Chen.    


She would never allow anyone to insult Ye Chen.    


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