Leveling System of Acquiring Skill From Books

C231 Fake Illusions

C231 Fake Illusions

0Ye Chen silently walked behind Xu Ge and cooperated with his performance.    


Chu Yuexi gave Ye Chen an apologetic look.    


They came to the factory entrance and saw two old men in luxurious clothes standing in front of a Mercedes-Benz.    


Chu Yuexi's family background was actually very good. She could take out a few million.    


"Dad, Mom, you are here!"    


Chu Yuexi had not seen her parents for a long time. She happily ran to the two elders and immediately hugged them.    


Father Chu smiled and said, "Yes. If you don't go home, we can only come to see you because you are my precious daughter."    


"Daughter! You've already lost weight. Don't be so busy at work, don't tire yourself out. " Mother Chu said worriedly.    


Chu Yuexi stuck out her tongue and said tenderly, "I am not tired at all. Furthermore, my body is very good!"    


"That is good!"    


The family was happy and harmonious.    


It seemed that Chu Yuexi's relationship with her parents was very harmonious.    


At this time, Xu Ge's voice rang out at an inappropriate time.    


"Uncle, Auntie, hello. I am Yuexi's boyfriend - Xu Ge!"    


Because he pretended to be the boss, he was more confident. Every move he made wanted to show off his magnanimity.    


But this was a little awkward!    


The two elders' eyes narrowed. This was the Xu Ge who borrowed money from their daughter to invest?    


Xu Ge was not considered handsome. He wore a pair of glasses, but his suit made him look extremely exquisite. He actually had the feeling of a successful person.    


The two elders were quite satisfied with their first meeting.    


Father Chu smiled and said, "Hello, you are much more energetic than in the photos."    


Xu Ge said frankly, "Thank you for your praise, uncle. Come, let's enter the factory first."    


They walked past the factory.    


Xu Ge looked at the neat chemical factory and said proudly, "Uncle, look. This is a new factory built by our factory. The technology used is digitalized, which greatly saves manpower costs."    


Father Chu was surprised and said, "This technology was developed by you? This requires a lot of money. "    


Xu Ge originally did not understand these professional knowledge at all.    


But Yan Zheng had introduced them to him before, so he remembered a lot.    


"That's right, this was indeed developed by me. I spent around 300 million."    


"So much money?"    


Father Chu's heart was pounding.    


He looked at Xu Ge again, wanting to re-evaluate him.    


Was he so successful?    


"Right, Uncle, let's go over there. That's the new chemical plant, specially used to remove dirt."    


Chu Yuexi saw that Xu Ge was getting more and more energetic and quickly pulled him back. She whispered, "Let's hurry back to the office. Don't flaunt anymore. Don't expose yourself."    


" No need, I want your parents to take a good look at my strength, so that I can make them feel at ease handing you over to me "    


Chu Yuexi smiled bitterly in her heart.    


She really did not know whether she should be moved or distressed.    


She was afraid that her parents would expose him.    


Yan Zheng, on the other hand, laughed softly and said, "Chairman Ye, I feel that he has been blinded by the illusion in front of him."    


Ye Chen shook his head gently. "No, he just lived in the illusion."    


If he could come up with a plan to share the phone, it meant that he was not a down-to-earth person.    


After an hour, Xu Ge finished repeating what he had heard. Satisfied, he led Father Chu and the others back to the office.    


As soon as they entered the office, Father Chu was instantly attracted by the luxurious decorations.    


Actually, this office originally did not belong to Yan Zheng. It belonged to his brother-in-law, who was also the vice president.    


But after the construction was completed, he discovered that the vice president's office was actually even more luxurious than the chairman's.    


In order to not suppress Yan Zheng, they could only exchange.    


"Uncle, Auntie, you guys go in first!"    


After the two of them sat down, Xu Ge swaggered to the chairman's seat and said lightly, "Secretary, serve tea to the guest."    


The secretary was stunned for a moment and then smiled.    


"Okay, please wait a moment."    


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound.    


The secretary's phone vibrated.    


The secretary quickly opened the phone and flipped through it.    


Because only when she received Yan Zheng's message would the phone make such a crisp sound, so she did not dare to be neglectful.    


Xu Ge saw that the secretary was playing with her phone, delaying the execution of his orders.    


He immediately reprimanded, "During work hours, who told you to play with your phone? Do you want your salary?"    


The secretary nervously said, "Sorry, Director Xu, I won't dare to do it again."    


The secretary said," By the way, Director Xu, your good tea is your personal collection. I don't know where it is, so you should take me there to get it. "    


When Xu Ge heard this, he nodded silently and looked at the secretary with a praising gaze.    


This showed how important he was to Father Chu.    


"Alright, let's go together."    


After a long time, the two of them returned and brought over a pot of tea.    


When the secretary poured tea, her performance was very outstanding. The order in which she poured the tea was clear.    


"Uncle, Auntie, please enjoy the tea. This is the best red robe."    


It was Xu Ge's first time drinking such a good tea. He almost felt like he was floating in the air.    


Father Chu smiled brightly. "Alright! Usually, I like to taste tea the most. Let me try Xu's tea."    


Father Chu said, "This is a red robe? Why does it taste wrong?"    


Chu Yuexi was shocked.    


Her father liked to taste tea the most.    


Although he could not afford ten thousand taels of good tea, he had drunk quite a bit.    


Could it be that he had tasted it?    


Xu Ge was nervous and forced a smile. "Uncle, this is the authentic Great Red Robe of Mount Wuyi. One tael is worth tens of thousands. You might not have drunk it before. "    


Father Chu narrowed his eyes and nodded.    


"It's possible! I want to have a good taste."    


Seeing Father Chu drink one cup after another, Xu Ge's heart ached.    


It would be great if he could take back a few catties of such good tea.    


Xu Ge forcefully suppressed the desire in his heart and said, "Secretary, bring the contract over. I'll take a look again."    


The secretary hesitated a little.    


The contract was the company's top secret. She could not let outsiders see it.    


She looked at Yan Zheng and saw him nod.    


The secretary smiled and said, "Okay, Director Xu, wait a moment!"    


Xu Ge flipped open the contract and read it carefully. He picked up the pen and drew a few strokes.    


He showed the manner of a president.    


But in fact, the pen he used did not even have the tip of the pen.    


"It's only five million. Next time, don't bring up this kind of contract. I'm talking about the 300 million contract from before, do you know? "    


" I know, Director Xu! " The secretary nodded and cooperated.    


One. The contract is worth 300 million?    


Father Chu was surprised and asked curiously, "Xu, I want to know how the profits of the chemical industry are. How much profit is there in the 300 million contract?"    


Xu Ge smiled and said, "The profit is still considered objective. More than 50%."    


"So high?"    


Father Chu frowned.    


He was also a businessman.    


Under normal circumstances, he needed to ensure 50% or even 55% of the profits before he could get any returns.    


However, wholesale and retail were different.    


Especially in the chemical industry.    


In this industry, 10% profit was considered very high.    


Could it be that Xu Ge's industry was special?    


Just as Father Chu was about to ask, Chu Yuexi stopped him.    


"Let's not talk about work for now. Let's go eat first."    


Father Chu shook his head. "We still need to understand the situation."    


Mother Chu said, "That's right. Yuexi, he is the person who will accompany you for the rest of your life. We need to understand him well."    


Seeing that her parents were very stubborn, Chu Yuexi anxiously waited by the side to let Xu Ge play freely.    



"Let's talk about proper business!"    


Father Chu said, "If you marry Yuexi, how many betrothal gifts can you take out? We can prepare dowry for her."    


Xu Ge frowned.    


He had no money.    


It was impossible for him to take out the betrothal gifts.    


"I can give Yuexi three hundred thousand cash."    


Hearing this, Father Chu instantly activated his Thunderbolt and slammed the table.    


Father Chu was so angry that he laughed instead.    


"You are a boss with a net worth of billions, and you only give 300,000? You look down on the Chu family. "    


"Uncle, listen to me!"    


Only now did Xu Ge realize that he was exaggerating.    


Theoretically speaking, three hundred thousand was not a small amount.    


But compared to his net worth, it was too little.    


It was true that he was looking down on the Chu family by only giving him three hundred thousand.    


"What do you want to say? Let me say it!"    


Father Chu said coldly, "Although I don't have much money, don't think I'm stupid. Your position as the general manager of the company is fake, right? "    


"How do you know?" Xu Ge was a little embarrassed.    


"You have been showing off your ability since we came in. I've seen a few entrepreneurs, but none of them are as high-profile as you. Besides, you can't differentiate between different teas.    


The tea just now was obviously Tie Guanyin, but you said it was Da Hong Pao.    


And the profit rate you mentioned, 50%? Do you want to rob me?    


I think you are just an ordinary liar.    


Billions of billionaires need to borrow money from my daughter? And only a few hundred thousand?    


Do you think we're idiots?"    


Xu Ge slapped his thigh.    


It turned out that he had borrowed too little. If he had known earlier, he would have borrowed more.    


"Let's go. Don't interact with this kind of swindler in the future." Father Chu pulled Chu Yuexi and walked out.    


Chu Yuexi struggled free from her body and said sadly:    


"Dad, mom, these are actually my plans. I don't blame Xu Ge for this."    


"How can you help outsiders lie to your parents?" Father Chu scolded.    


"Actually, I don't want to lie to you. It's just that you look down on Xu Ge. I can only do this." Chu Yuexi lowered her head like a child who had made a mistake.    


"We did not look down on him at all. We only hope to motivate him."    


"If his character is upright and wholeheartedly treats you well, even if he is a pauper, we will fulfill your wish."    


The two elders voiced their thoughts, which touched Chu Yuexi.    


This was the love from her parents!    


Chu Yuexi wiped away her tears and nodded heavily. "Dad, Mom, don't worry! Xu Ge is a good man. He listens to me very much. He is very loyal and he is very motivated. He will definitely achieve something in the future."    


Father Chu and Mother Chu were just about to nod when a cold voice sounded.    


"Not necessarily, Mrs. Chu!"    


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