Overriding the Heaven

C468 They Didn't Come Back

C468 They Didn't Come Back

0They did not return    


This light snort entered Chu Yan's ears, and instantly caused his heart to move.    


Because this voice was too familiar to him!    


Hurriedly turning around, he looked towards the direction where the voice came from. Chu Yan immediately saw a guy with a big beard and bronze colored skin, who was looking at him with a smile yet not a smile.    


Although it was a burly middle-aged man, his intelligent eyes betrayed his identity!    


Seeing that Chu Yan had discovered him, the middle aged man immediately turned his head and looked towards the flower carriage.    


Chu Yan muttered to himself for a moment, but did not go forward, and instead directly turned around, climbing out of the crowd.    


Waiting for a while, but did not see Chu Yan walk forward, the middle aged man could not help but turn his head again.    


However, with just a glance, he saw that Chu Yan had already crawled out of the crowd and was walking towards a distant place.    


"This guy!" The middle-aged man whispered. He clenched his teeth, stamped his foot, and quickly chased after Wang Lin.    


Maintaining a distance of about sixty meters away from Chu Yan, the middle-aged man walked for an entire two hours inside the Southern Yuan Kingdom. Then, he saw that the other party had spoken a few words to a vendor at a vendor's stall before suddenly speeding up his footsteps. With a flash, he entered a nearby alleyway.    


The middle-aged man hurriedly chased after him, and when he entered the alley, he was instantly stupefied.    


Inside the alley, Chu Yan no longer existed.    


"He must have done it on purpose!" The middle-aged man clenched his fists as an angry and embarrassed look appeared in his eyes.    


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him.    


"Princess of the Prefecture of Persia, you aren't waiting for Duke Nan Yuan's summons. What are you planning to do by dressing up and walking around the city?"    


Hearing this voice, the middle-aged man's eyes immediately flashed with a joyous light as he hurriedly turned around.    


Immediately, he saw Chu Yan hugging his arm, and leaning on the wall, looking at him with a smile that was not a smile.    


Although he had already seen it before in the Plain Silver Valley, seeing that the other party had truly returned now, Wusilanma's heart was still filled with joy.    


However, she naturally did not show it on her face.    


Immediately, this bearded middle-aged man raised his head, revealing the arrogant expression of a young girl. "None of your business."    


After saying so, she felt a bit embarrassed. She quickly pressed a few spots on her face and body and then waved her hand to wipe her face.    


Immediately, the furry beard on this middle-aged man's face disappeared, and his bronze colored skin revealed a jade-like delicateness and snow-white color.    


Like a deflated ball, his tall and burly body rapidly deflated, revealing an exquisite curve beneath his wide clothes.    


Then, he extended his hand and grabbed onto his clothes, and with a huff, his face became distinct and his skin white as snow. The beautiful and slim foreign Princess Wusilanma appeared in front of Chu Yan.    


Looking at him, Chu Yan nodded: "Not bad, if you have time, teach me?"    


"You wish!" Wusilanma unhappily waved her fist, showing the little snake on her wrist that was wriggling about as she refused.    


"It's those two snakes again." Chu Yan shrugged helplessly.    


Back then, when he was in the snowy cave, he had been bitten by these two little snakes many times. It could even be said that he remembered them vividly.    


Although these two small snakes were not big in size and were only as thick as an adult's finger, the strength of the venom was not to be underestimated.    


"Hmph, it's good that you know this." Seeing Chu Yan being scared by his, no matter if the other party was sincere or just putting on an act, at least Wusilanma felt extremely satisfied at this moment. She shot a sidelong glance at Chu Yan, "I never thought that you would really dare to come back, when I told you this news, I actually didn't hold much hope."    


"Since there is such an opportunity, of course we can't miss it." Chu Yan laughed, "However, to be able to meet you here today, I was rather surprised."    


"Be careful that I don't spread the news of your arrival." Wusilanma rolled her eyes at Chu Yan.    


Although her expression was currently the same, the truth was, Chu Yan's last sentence just now made her feel extremely happy in her heart.    


"If that's the case, then I can only temporarily run away. After all, once they are prepared, I won't be able to maximize the scene." Chu Yan laughed.    


He was not worried at all that Wusilanma would snitch on him.    


Chu Yan was too familiar with Wusilanma, if this woman said anything about it, it would mean that she did not put this matter in his heart at all.    


"Make a big scene?" Wusilanma frowned slightly, and a moment later, her expression abruptly changed. "What are you trying to do?"    


"You'll know when the time comes." However, Chu Yan did not say it out loud, "After all, you know my character, this matter will not end so easily."    


After giving Chu Yan a deep glance, Wusilanma nodded and said, "I know that you always have a backup plan and you will never take action unless you have absolute confidence. Right now, I just want you to tell me one thing.    


To Wusilanma's surprise, Chu Yan did not give her a clear answer this time.    


"Actually, I don't know either." Looking at Wusilanma's astonished expression, Chu Yan shook his head and said, "I have already prepared everything I can. The rest is up to you."    


Hearing Chu Yan's words, Wusilanma had a rough idea of what was going on.    


Just as he was about to open his mouth and speak, he suddenly heard a very soft whistling sound coming from outside the alley.    


This sound was something that only cultivators, mortals, or even martial artists could hear.    


Hearing the whistle's voice, Wusilanma's expression changed: "Oh no, they found out that I was gone."    


"Who?" Chu Yan's eyes flashed.    


"People of the Wanhai Sect." Wusilanma said quickly, "You should have noticed it in the past few days. There are some disciples of the Wanhai Sect among the citizens and the patrolling guards in your capital city. They are all here to help the Southern Yuan Kingdom maintain order in order to prevent accidents."    


As he spoke, Wusilanma quickly pressed down on his body a few times, he waved his hand again, and in the next moment, he was back to his original appearance as the big bearded man.    


She walked out of the alley, and when she brushed shoulders with Chu Yan, she quickly said: "Those who are following me are Wanhai Sect's disciples. If I don't go out now, they might catch up to you and discover your existence. We'll talk about the rest of it next time, but be careful this time, Wanhai Sect has sent a deacon over.    


After saying that last sentence, Wusilanma had already arrived at the mouth of the alley. She turned around, went around the corner, and disappeared from Chu Yan's sight.    



Chu Yan stood in place, and after a moment, he came back to his senses. His eyes revealed a deep look, and he muttered: "Chu Xing and Chu Chan'er aren't back yet? They — where did they go? "    


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