Overriding the Heaven

C513 Old Deacon

C513 Old Deacon

0Right now, Chu Yan was not only by himself, he also wanted to raise two Goblin Beasts — — Handsome and Xiao Tangtang.    


Xiao Tangtang didn't need to say anything, the little tiger was growing bigger now, it had a lot of food.    


But compared to being handsome, the little thing Xiao Tangtang had eaten was not even worth mentioning.    


Chu Yan couldn't understand how this fat pig's stomach could fit so many things.    


However, being handsome didn't mean that you had to eat all the time. Under normal circumstances, a meal every three to five days would be more or less enough.    


Otherwise, Chu Yan would have the urge to kick him flying.    


It was fine to say that the two Spirit Beasts were handsome, but they were discovered by him accidentally while he was training outside. Xiao Tangtang's words, because Mirage White Tiger s could easily make connections, were not convenient to be exposed to outsiders for the time being.    


At a time like this, a single residence was especially important.    


Although Chu Yan previously lived alone in the courtyard, that was only because no other disciples lived there.    


If the Shattered Star Pavilion had made the arrangements, he wouldn't have been able to refuse.    


However, if one became an outer disciple, it would be different. They would truly have their own residence and would not be disturbed by others.    


It was for this reason that the first thing Chu Yan did after returning to the Shattered Star Pavilion was to head over to the Starlight Palace to verify the cultivation realm of his outer sect disciples.    


The so-called authentication was checked by the deacon of the sect, to ensure that the promoted disciple did not practice any kind of demonic technique, or be possessed by some evil demon.    


The last time Chu Yan came to the Starlight Palace, it was Su Yuqing who brought him here.    


His purpose for coming here this time was different than last time. After entering the Starlight Palace at random, the hall he went to was also different.    


The deacon that was in charge of the promotion of apprentice disciples to outer sect disciples was an old man who was sitting cross-legged with his beard hanging down to his lower abdomen. The wrinkles on his face formed deep trenches, and only the light that flashed in his eyes from time to time showed that he was not an ordinary person.    


After hearing the reason for Chu Yan's visit, the old deacon quietly muttered: "There have been a lot of disciple promotions lately."    


"Hmm?" When Chu Yan heard this, he was slightly taken aback.    


There were more than fifteen thousand apprentices in Shattered Star Pavilion, but there were only four thousand outer disciples. The path to promotion was extremely difficult, where did the words come from?    


This question had just emerged in Chu Yan's mind but in the next moment, as if he had predicted something, an excited expression suddenly emerged in his eyes.    


Yes, it must have been like that!    


Just as Chu Yan was slightly moved, the old deacon spoke again: "Hand over your identity jade tablet."    


Chu Yan calmed himself down and took out his identity jade tablet. With both hands, he handed it over to the old deacon and said: "Apprentice disciple Chu Yan, sorry to trouble you."    


Hearing Chu Yan's name, the old deacon's outstretched hand suddenly trembled. At this moment, Chu Yan saw the old deacon's originally squinting eyes, which instantly opened and widened, and stared at him without blinking. His fingertips were less than an inch away from the identity jade tablet in his hand, but he was completely still.    


When Chu Yan saw the various expressions of excitement, reminiscence, bewilderment and confusion in the other party's eyes, he was exceptionally baffled.    


He had never interacted with this old deacon before, right? Why did he suddenly lose his composure like this?    


"Senior, what are you doing?" After waiting for a while, Chu Yan asked softly.    


The old deacon finally regained his senses, sighed, and when he looked at Chu Yan again, his mouth revealed a smile.    


He received Chu Yan's identity jade tablet, and after a thorough examination, he softly whispered. "Close your eyes."    


Chu Yan closed his eyes. A moment later, he felt a cool sensation enter the space between his eyebrows, and then, it started to flow through the twenty-four tendons in his body.    


Chu Yan was on guard by instinct, but at this time, the old deacon's gentle voice sounded in his ears: "Relax, it's just a routine check."    


There was a calming power in his words.    


As a result, Chu Yan relaxed his body, but he was still a little nervous inside.    


After all, his body was different from the other disciple of the Shattered Star Pavilion s. Not only had he fused with the blood essence of the Canghai Cloud Cracking Beast and the White Tiger, he also possessed the constitution of a Pre-Sky Realm practitioner!    


Up till now, no one else knew about these secrets, and Chu Yan didn't want others to know either.    


However, it was clear that the old deacon did not detect any of this.    


The cool feeling circulated through Chu Yan's meridians for a week and then disappeared.    


Chu Yan opened his eyes and saw the old deacon handing over his identity jade tablet to him. "Congratulations."    


Chu Yan thanked him and received the identity jade tablet. He discovered that there was a slight difference when he obtained the identity jade tablet the first time.    


On the upper right side of the jade token, there was a light golden bar.    


Chu Yan pondered for a moment, and then understood.    


Every disciple of every level in Shattered Star Pavilion must have different identity plates that had different marks on them, in order to differentiate them.    


What he needed to do next was to choose his own residence.    


The so called private residence was slightly different from what Chu Yan had seen before.    


What Su Yuqing enjoyed was the treatment of being an inner disciple, possessing a large courtyard as well as an estate of her own.    


The outer sect disciples only had a large mansion, but compared to the apprentices, it was clearly different.    


The place Chu Yan wanted to choose at the moment was the location of the house he owned.    


The rules of the Shattered Star Pavilion were strict. The residences of the outer sect disciples were naturally not something where you could go wherever you wanted, but rather, it was the sect that had set up a perimeter. Within this range, you could choose a location, and the sect would send out the lowest level of service disciples and the Giant Spirit Gods to help you build your mansion as quickly as possible.    


The old deacon took out a painting and opened it in front of Chu Yan.    


In an instant, a three-dimensional design appeared on the scroll. These patterns could be stretched and shrunk to make it easier to see.    


Seeing that Chu Yan was hesitating, the old deacon asked with his old voice: "Do you need any suggestions?"    



"Senior, if you do, then that's what you want." Chu Yan bowed.    


Seeing this, the old deacon knew that he must have worked here for the new outer sect disciples for many years and was familiar with the location on the map. With his suggestion, he could naturally save a lot of trouble.    


The old deacon circled the map a few times and then pointed at the unremarkable area at the foot of the mountain: "It's here."    


Chu Yan looked over with rapt attention, he saw that at the foot of the mountain where the old deacon was pointing at, there was a very ordinary looking mountain, and around it, there were no other outer sect disciples' residences.    


If there was anything special about this place, it was that not far away, there was a protruding rock about two stories high.    


Looking left and right, Chu Yan couldn't see anything special about this place, so he asked curiously: "Senior, may I ask, is there anything special about this place?"    


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