Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

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0In the next moment, countless dust and sand swirled towards Lin Long, mixed with a refreshing fragrance.    


At this time, Nangong Yi had basically unleashed his Ling Xiang Palm's potential, she thought that after this, she would definitely be able to defeat his opponent, but he didn't expect that the result would still be the same as last time.    


And following that, as time passed, Nangong Yi was extremely shocked in his heart. This was because she discovered that although her opponent's techniques looked no different from any ordinary Purple Sun Sect's martial skills, they seemed to be incomparably exquisite when connected together.    


Not only was it exquisite, but there was also an endless amount of potential hidden within it. In the beginning, her Lingxiang Palm was able to push back her opponent by a dozen steps, but in the end, she was only able to push back a few steps.    


Could it be that our Purple Sun Sect's martial skills can reach such a level after we master it? Nangong Yi couldn't help but have this thought.    


However, she felt that this was a bit impossible. Although she wasn't completely proficient in the martial skills within her sect, she was still quite familiar with them. However, she didn't think she would be able to reach that level.    


Could this person in front of him possess extraordinary talent?    


In this state of shock, her expression suddenly changed greatly, because she discovered that the opponent's palm energy had found a flaw in her Lingxiang Palm and directly attacked her chest.    


This was clearly the time when she had used all her strength before the new strength was used. In other words, she had no way of resisting this palm strike.    


Although she knew that she would be severely injured if she wasn't, there was nothing she could do. She could only watch as her opponent's palm attack closed in.    


This way, he wouldn't be injured. After all, the other party was still concerned about the feelings of being in the same sect. Nangong Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.    


In the instant that the electric stone burned with flames, the other party's palm had already patted her chest, and although he was retreating upon contact, Nangong Yi could clearly feel that the other party had stopped and kneaded him for a short period of time.    




Nangong Yi's fair face immediately flushed red. Previously, she only thought that if he was injured, he would never have thought that such a thing would happen.    


This was clearly this fellow's intention to humiliate him. From the moment he found the flaw to retract his force while on the way, and with the final kneading, how could Nangong Yi not know what the other party was thinking?    


When the other party retracted his hand, Nangong Yi also hurriedly took a few steps back.    


For a moment, she was so ashamed and angry that she said angrily, "You lecher!"    


But the other laughed without a care, "Quite flexible."    


"I … I'm going to kill you!" Nangong Yi said angrily.    


Even though she grew up in Purple Sun Sect, even though there were many male senior brothers and sisters, but from childhood till now, Nangong Yi had never been attacked in such a way by the opposite sex, and never had been taken advantage of by others. Thinking about how her innocence had been sullied by this person in front of her, how could she not be angry, the only thought in her mind was to tear this person in front of her into pieces.    


As soon as she finished speaking, her feet moved, as if she wanted to fight to the death with this man.    


"Wait." At this moment, Lin Long said this as the smile on his face also vanished at this moment, and his gaze turned incomparably sharp.    


"Why?" Nangong Yi stopped and asked with some suspicion.    


She didn't know why someone who didn't seem to be afraid of her would say such a word at this time. Furthermore, the look in his eyes seemed to have made him turn into a different person.    


"I've said it before, I hope you don't find trouble with me again. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable. Just now, it was just a small punishment. Don't tell me you still want to ignore my advice?" Lin Long said coldly.    


[What the hell is he saying? This guy is a real scoundrel. I'm the captain of the law enforcement team to capture him. Is there anything wrong with my actions?]    


However, Nangong Yi knew that he couldn't win against him, so she simply replied in a ruthless tone, "I'm looking for trouble with you, what can you do?"    


Lin Long was speechless, by doing this he had made the other party retreat in fear, who knew that the other party would be so stubborn.    


"That seems to be Junior Sister Yi. Senior Brother Haotian, I'm afraid you haven't seen her for a long time. Let's go take a look." Just as he was about to say something, these words suddenly came from the distance.    


Lin Long naturally knew that someone was coming, but he didn't think that it would be Hua Haotian and the others. He knew that if these people came together with Nangong Yi, he definitely wouldn't be able to gain anything from them, so he turned around and left.    


Of course, before leaving, he had left these words behind, "Nangong Yi, I hope that you can be magnanimous. Otherwise, it won't be so easy to be friends next time."    


What did he mean by not having a good relationship? Hearing such words, Nangong Yi was infuriated. She wanted to chase after him, but when she lifted her foot, she stopped.    


Because she was really afraid that after she caught up with them, Hua Haotian and the others would come up and ask her what was going on.    


Of course, what she was most afraid of was that the population would not obstruct her. If she were to speak of the matter that had tainted her innocence, how could she have the face to face with her fellow brothers and sisters from Purple Sun Sect?    


With this hesitation, the other party was long gone.    


"You bastard, I'll chop you into pieces the next time I see you!" This was what she thought in her heart.    


Very quickly, Hua Haotian and the other two arrived in front of her.    


"Yi, Junior Yi, who was that person? How did he leave?"    


The others also had curious expressions on their faces. Because they only saw Lin Long's back, they didn't even know that he was covered.    


"Nothing, just a junior apprentice-brother." Nangong Yi said. Her tone of voice was very cold, obviously containing unhappiness mixed within.    


However, because she was usually cold and detached, these people didn't think of anything else and only thought that she really met a junior brother here.    


"Oh, so it's like that." The person who spoke nodded his head and changed the topic. "Junior Sister Yi, Haotian intends to find some time in the next few days to go to the fourth floor. When are you free?"    


As this person spoke, Hua Haotian, who was tall and elegant, looked at her gently with a tender expression. If the female disciples of Lingxiang Peak were to see the tenderness on his face, they would be extremely excited.    


"The fourth level?" Nangong Yi frowned slightly, before, she was actually very interested in going to the fourth floor to explore, but now that she was distracted, she did not have such thoughts, so she immediately shook his head, "Forget it, something went wrong recently with the Pure Yang Art, so I plan to stay quiet for a few days."    


"The Pure Yang Art? Isn't that simple? Isn't it fine to call it the Clear Sky Sect? With Haotian's aptitude and your comprehension abilities, how could he not defeat you?" Hearing this, one of the three laughed.    


At this time, Hua Haotian also smiled and said, "Junior Sister, your Senior Brother Wu is right. Why don't we find a place tomorrow?"    


But before he could finish speaking, Nangong Yi interrupted him, "Senior Brother Haotian, I'm sorry, I've already spoken with Master. So, I still have things to do, I'll be leaving first."    


With that, Nangong Yi turned and left, leaving behind the few people who were stunned. As for Hua Haotian, his face was extremely ugly.    


To be honest, although Nangong Yi had a cold personality, he rarely rejected him so straightforwardly.    


"Haotian, what happened to Junior Sister Yi?" The person beside him could not help but ask.    


"I don't know about that. Perhaps she really did tell her master." It was only because of his own explanation that Hua Haotian's expression had slightly eased up. He had already pursued Nangong Yi for so long, so he didn't mind waiting for more.    



A few female disciples were practicing a set of palm techniques slowly in the training grounds of Lingxiang Peak, but Nangong Yi, who was in the middle of the palm technique, seemed to not be paying attention at all, as she would frequently make mistakes with her extremely simple palm technique.    


The beautiful middle-aged woman at the side could not help but frown, she walked to Nangong Yi's side and asked, "Ah, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"    


This beautiful middle-aged woman was the first Li Shiyun of Lingxiang Peak. She knew her disciple the best. Normally, this sort of situation would not occur.    


As for the other female disciples, they also looked at Nangong Yi in curiosity. This was because where did such a situation come from for the Nangong Yi who had always seemed extremely outstanding?    


"Master." Nangong Yi didn't know what to say. She was naturally distracted by the fact that Lin Long had taken advantage of her.    


But how could she have the nerve to say such a thing?    


"If you have something to say, just say it to Master. Don't keep it in your heart." Li Shiyun said. Thinking of something, she turned to the other female disciples and said, "All of you leave first."    


These female disciples originally wanted to eavesdrop on the gossip, but when they heard their master say so, they could only helplessly leave.    


Seeing that his fellow sect members had left, Nangong Yi's mood relaxed a little. After thinking for a while, she opened her mouth and asked, "Master, tell me, if you were to completely master all of our Purple Sun Sect's martial skills, would you be able to create your own type of martial skill to suppress them?"    


"Naturally, such a possibility does not exist. If it is so, the Sect Leader would have already passed down such a martial skill to him. It must be because the other party knows too much about martial skills, which is why you are restrained by him."    


"Is that so?"    


Being reminded of this by her master, Nangong Yi seemed to have woken up a little. Furthermore, she felt that it must have been because she felt that the other party had mastered the Purple Sun Sect's martial skills too well, causing her to be slightly flustered.    


After thinking this way, she didn't feel that the other party was that hard to deal with.    


As long as he seriously studied and grasped the martial skills in the sect, he would not be able to restrain himself next time. Furthermore, he was a martial artist with a cultivation of the ninth level of Martial Master Realm, and was much stronger than his opponent. Nangong Yi thought in his heart.    


"So, if you want to defeat her, you need to be more diligent. Master, I have recently comprehended the Lingxiang Palm, do you want to try it?" Li Shiyun said.    


"Yes." Nangong Yi nodded, and the expression on his face finally became a little natural.    


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