Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C244 Tame

C244 Tame

0After an unknown amount of time, under the effect of the Rune Circle, the Flaming Beast gradually woke up. Only, its mind seemed to be not clear, it was because of the effects of the pellet Lin Long gave it before.    


His intention was to confuse the nature of the Flaming Beast. This way, it would be easier to subdue it.    


The Flaming Beast walked around in the small Runic Circle, looking extremely muddleheaded but fierce.    


Seeing that the time was ripe, Lin Long used his dagger to cut his right index finger, and extended his hand into the Runic Circle.    


Once it reached its hand into the Runic Circle, the smell of blood immediately attracted the attention of the Flaming Beast. It turned its head around and bit towards Lin Long's index finger without caring about anything else.    


Looking at its face, it naturally wanted to bite off Lin Long's forefinger, but with the Runic Circle, it was unable to do so, and could only barely absorb the blood on Lin Long's finger.    


This was exactly the effect that Lin Long wanted.    


After an unknown amount of time, the terms of the Beast Tactic that was recited quietly in Lin Long's mouth changed when he saw the effects of the technique. This change immediately caused a change in the Runic Circle.    


The glyph array that was originally still started to flicker again. In this flashing, the Flaming Beast in the glyph array seemed to have received a powerful electric shock. Not only was its body trembling, even its hair was standing on end.    


During this process, the fierceness on its body slowly disappeared. In the end, it became as docile as a cat.    


Lin Long knew that this was the Flaming Beast's reaction when it recognized it as its master, because this Runic Circle was filled with the smell of his blood essence, it had already treated him as its master. It felt like it was at home, which also meant that he had already successfully used this Runic Circle to remove the Elder Lianhe's branding of the Flaming Beast on its body, and had tamed it.    


Lin Long nodded in satisfaction. Then, he started to mutter the words to himself, removing the spirit energy from the Rune Circle. The Rune Circle immediately disappeared, and the Rune Circle returned to a normal pattern.    


After that, the originally ferocious Flaming Beast directly pounced towards Lin Long. However, it did not want to bite Lin Long, but rather lick the skin of his bare hands.    


"Little fellow, you must be tired from being tormented like this. Go and rest in the rune space ring." With that said, Lin Long placed the Flaming Beast s inside. Other than that, he also put some precious materials together with the Flaming Beast in order to let it replenish its energy.    


Along the way, Lin Long used countless of medicinal pellets to exchange for countless of rare and precious materials. With such extravagant wealth, he was not even worried about such consumption of resources, but if it was the Elder Lianhe s, how could they use such rare materials?    


After doing all of this, Lin Long did not rest, but followed the Spirit Monkey's Qi and went forward.    


In his guess, if the Flaming Beast were to be lost, then there was a high chance the Elder Lianhe would report to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and ask for their help. If the Ten Thousand Beast Sect came over, then it would be troublesome, after all, it would be easy to deal with one or two Martial Lord Realm experts, but dealing with a large number of them would be difficult.    


Moreover, he wanted to fabricate the identity of a Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciple to participate in the Groom Search Competition. If someone from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect rushed over to take revenge, then this method would be very difficult to succeed.    


As expected, the Spirit Monkey left behind a message, the Elder Lianhe had indeed sent two disciples to rush back to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to report for help, the two of them mounted two fast horses.    


These two were difficult to deal with, not to mention that they clearly had other tricks up their sleeves.    


Thus, after determining the direction, he immediately gave chase.    


Even though the two of them had left for an unknown period of time, it was not difficult for Lin Long who had green wings to do so. In a short period of time, he had already caught up to the two Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciples, and one of the people who went to report was actually the person who let out the black faced man who had killed him earlier.    


Presumably, half of his [Killing Bees] had already been exhausted, so he would not get any good results during the competition. Therefore, Elder Lianhe sent him to inform everyone directly.    


"Damn it, where did that brat come from? He's actually so powerful. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have let Lu Qiang go and provoke him."    


"From what I see, this brat definitely has a grudge with our Ten Thousand Beast Sect. Otherwise, he wouldn't use such a method to snatch the Spirit Beast from the Elder Lianhe."    


"Forget about him. Anyway, when we return and report this to the school head, the school head will personally take action. When that happens, the brat will undoubtedly die."    


At this moment, these two people who seemed to be tired from running were resting under a large tree, their mouths were muttering to themselves.    


All of a sudden, one of them opened his eyes wide and looked forward, not far away, with a frightened expression on his face.    


"What's wrong with you? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" The eldest senior brother standing opposite him had a strange expression. As he spoke these words, he immediately turned his head to look behind him. When he did, his face immediately turned deathly pale.    


This was because the brat that they were talking about just now was currently standing not far behind them. Furthermore, he was slowly walking towards them. Even though he looked very ordinary, he gave them a sense of death.    


The disciple in front of him immediately turned around and ran. The eldest senior brother did not run because he knew that he would not be able to outrun the elder disciple no matter how fast he ran.    


He quickly stood up, turned around and kneeled on the ground. With a trembling voice, he said, "Sir, I, Hao Fei, have eyes but not sockets. I hope you can let me go! Hao Fei swears to be a slave in the future!"    


Lin Long slowly raised his palm.    


Lin Long was too lazy to bother with his nonsense. With his strength, he did not need such a subordinate at all. Even if he needed subordinates, he would not accept someone with such a devious strength.    


Seeing that Lin Long did not have the intention to let go, the Da Shixiong's face changed as he said hatefully, "You think killing us would prevent the information from reaching the Ten Thousand Beast Sect? You are wrong, the Ten Thousand Beast Sect does not only have this method."    


"Are you talking about those two spirit sculptures?" Lin Long suddenly laughed.    


Soon after, an incomparably intelligent monkey walked out from the forest. Under the monkey's claws, he was holding two lifeless Spirit Eagles.    


"How is this possible?" Looking at the two Spirit Eagles, the Eldest Senior Brother involuntarily cried out, because these two Spirit Eagles were the ones Elder Lianhe released previously. Somehow, they were caught by this monkey.    


At this time, the Eldest Senior Brother also noticed that this monkey was not ordinary. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to kill these two Spirit Eagles so easily.    


With the spirit monkey's strength, killing these two ordinary Spirit Eagles was an easy task.    


Of course, if these two Spirit Eagles continued to fly in the sky, then the Spirit Monkey couldn't do anything about them. However, the problem was that the Northern Yue City was not close to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, so how could these two Spirit Eagles not rest?    


After being shocked, how could this senior brother allow himself to be captured? Just that, how could he be a match for Lin Long.    


Lin Long waved his hand, and a wave of strong energy that carried a auriferous fire immediately struck towards him. Even though he was prepared, due to the great disparity in strength, he was simply unable to resist, and was directly knocked down and lost consciousness.    


After that, Lin Long was the one who chased after the previous person who ran. Although that person had already ran a long distance, how could he run out of the range of Lin Long's attacks?    


The people of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were evil beings in his previous life, and they also had deep grudges against him. So, killing the two of them didn't make Lin Long feel any guilt.    


After exterminating the two people as well as the two spirit eagles, which temporarily stopped Elder Lianhe from saving Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Lin Long flew back in the direction of North Yue City.    


When he returned to North Yue City, the sky had already darkened. Due to the special clothing these Ten Thousand Beast Sect people wore, it was very easy for Lin Long to find their resting place.    


What surprised him was that the Ten Thousand Beast Sect did not live in a remote place like they usually did. Instead, they lived in a bustling location in the Northern Yue City.    


When he thought about it, Lin Long understood. It was likely that Lian He and his men were afraid that he would come back to cause trouble, so they decided to stay in a heavily guarded place in the city in order to make use of Ling Xiao Palace's power to make Lin Long feel afraid.    


But how could Lin Long give up just because of the Ling Xiao Palace people around?    


After exposing that strange smile on his face, Lin Long then snuck into the inn where Elder Lianhe and the rest were waiting.    



During this process, he released the Flaming Beast that he had just tamed.    


As the Flaming Beast had been with these Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciples for a long time, it was very easy for it to find these disciples by relying on its smell.    


With the strength of the Flaming Beast and her own strength as a Martial Lord Realm Ranker, Lin Long had actually managed to kill a group of Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciples without anyone noticing.    


Nearly all these disciples were killed by Lin Long in their dreams.    


This was also because of them relaxing their vigilance. After all, who would have thought that Lin Long would dare to fight within the boundaries of the Ling Xiao Palace.    


By the time the Elder Lianhe was on guard, it was already too late.    


"Who dares to kill a disciple of my Ten Thousand Beast Sect?" When Elder Lianhe realized that none of his disciples were still alive, he rushed out of his room and shouted angrily in the inn.    


At this moment, he realized that something was wrong. The other guests in the inn also ran out of their rooms.    


Although they were all martial artists, most of them had never seen such a scene before.    


Originally, Lin Long could have escaped with his life, but his objective had not been achieved, so he naturally could not leave.    


Immediately, he revealed a slight flaw, allowing Elder Lianhe to see that little bit of shadow as he immediately fled from the inn.    


The shocked and furious Elder Lianhe didn't think too much about it, and directly chased after his.    


The process took only a short time. Despite the alertness of the people from Soaring Cloud Palace, no one was able to catch up to the two of them.    


When Lin Long brought Elder Lianhe to the wilderness outside the city and stopped, the Elder Lianhe was already on alert, but it was already too late.    


"It's you!" Seeing that it was actually Lin Long who had killed so many of his disciples without making a sound, Elder Lianhe's face changed, he never expected that Lin Long's strength was actually this strong.    


It had to be known that all of these disciples had strength above the Martial Master Realm. Even an expert at the late stage of Martial Lord Realm would not be able to kill them all without making a sound.    


However, when he saw his spirit beast obediently licking Lin Long's leg, he immediately understood why.    


"This brat actually has a way to tame his spirit beast, and for such a short period of time!" Elder Lianhe's expression changed greatly. One had to know, even if it was the leader of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, it wouldn't take more than a year to accomplish it.    


After his expression changed greatly, he turned around and ran. He knew that he was no match for his opponent who already had his own spirit beast.    


However, it was already too late. Just as he turned around, the spirit beast had also leaped towards him.    


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