Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1966 Someone else

C1966 Someone else

0What made Lin Long sigh in relief was that after placing the restriction, Guo Ming's words were the same as before. Very clearly, this Elder Zhu did not know about this matter, so Lin Long did not need to worry about Elder Zhu telling anyone else about it.    


After that, Lin Long took out a Listening Pill and threw it at Guo Ming.    


"What is this?" Receiving the Life Listening Pill, Guo Ming Feng's face could not help but change.    


He could naturally tell that this wasn't some pill used for cultivation.    


"This is Obedience Pill..." Lin Long immediately explained the effects of the Listening Pill.    


"This ?" Hearing Lin Long's words, Guo Ming's face twitched, but he had no other choice, he could only swallow his words.    


After Guo Ming consumed this Listening Heart Pill, Lin Long called the other Vice Hall Masters over and gave them the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill.    


was naturally still worried after consuming the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill, he even told Guo Ming to let the rest of them stay in the hall, so that they would not leak the news.    


As for that Elder Zhu, after calling him over, Lin Long also gave him a Life Listening Pill, since Elder Zhu had seen them before, and he could not be like the other Vice Hall Masters who were placed under house arrest, so he could naturally take the insurance from this Life Listening Pill.    


Hearing the usage of the Listening Pill, this Elder Zhu naturally did not want to swallow it. However, he also had no other choice at this time, and could only swallow it obediently.    


Once consumed, it would naturally follow Lin Long's orders like Guo Ming Feng.    


"Pavilion Master Guo, Elder Guo Ying has something to talk to you about!" Just as Elder Zhu was about to consume the Listening Pill, such a voice sounded from outside.    


Evidently, Guo Ming's underlings had brought Elder Guo Ying over.    


"Elder Guo Ying, please wait a moment!" Guo Ming shouted quickly.    


"Who's Guo Ying?" Lin Long said softly.    


"Guo Ying is an elder of our Guo Family." Guo Ming said.    


"You're the one who asked him to come here. Is he the same as Elder Zhu?" Lin Long asked.    


"No, I don't know why he came either." Guo Ming shook his head.    


At this moment, an impatient voice sounded out from outside. "Hall Master Guo, what are you doing? If you don't say anything, I'll be going in!"    


It was obvious that this was Guo Ying's voice.    


With that, Guo Ying walked to the front of the house.    


"Elder Guo Ying is coming." Guo Ming quickly replied.    


"Let's hide first." Lin Long said.    


With that, he brought Shao Yong, Xiang Rong, and Lu Jing into the house.    


After waiting for a few more people to enter, Guo Ming Feng finally got his men to open the door, and following that, a tall and skinny middle-aged man walked in.    


As soon as he entered, he saw that Elder Zhu didn't have a surprised expression on his face, as if he already knew Elder Zhu was inside.    


When he walked in, he looked around as if he was looking for something.    


"Elder Guo Ying, what are you doing?" Guo Ming asked doubtfully.    


"I just heard from someone that the Lu family's Elder Lu Jing brought people into the branch hall. Isn't he here?" Guo Ying asked.    


It seemed that Guo Ying had seen them come in? Lin Long frowned.    


Outside, Guo Ming Feng replied, "Elder Guo Ying, you must have seen wrongly, I didn't see anything about Lu Jing."    


"Is that so?" Guo Ying obviously didn't believe him when he asked this question. He continued to look around, and very quickly, he asked in confusion, "Did you guys have any traces of a fight just now?"    


When they were fighting in here, it was normal for them to leave a mark.    


"Elder Guo Ying, the Vice Hall Masters and I are sparring inside, so we ended up in this state." Guo Ming could not help but laugh.    


"Indeed, if there's nothing else, we can just spar with Hall Master Guo inside." The other Vice Pavilion Masters followed suit.    


"Even if I come in, they're still sparring." Elder Zhu said in the same manner.    


Who would have thought that Guo Ying would still not believe him and added, "Can I take a look at a few rooms?"    


After that, without waiting for Guo Ming Feng's reply, he headed inside.    


It seems that this man did not believe Guo Ming and the others' words at all! Lin Long thought in his heart.    


Immediately, he walked out of the room.    


Why did the Lin Gongzi come out? Seeing Lin Long just come out like that, Guo Ming Feng, Elder Zhu and the others were naturally shocked.    


"Hmm?" Seeing Lin Long, Guo Ying was first shocked, then said, "That's right, you came in with Lu Jing just now. Since that's the case, Lu Jing should also be inside!"    


Lin Long was wearing a conical bamboo hat at this time. Although Guo Ying didn't see his true face, she remembered that it was this kind of people who followed Lu Jing in.    


At this point, Guo Ying looked towards Guo Ming and Elder Zhu and said, "Elder Zhu, Hall Master Guo Ming, our Guo and Lu Family's relationship is average, yet you guys are actually meeting Lu Jing in private in this branch hall. Could it be that you're plotting something?"    


As he finished speaking, his voice suddenly became stern.    


"Elder Guo Ying, you must be joking. This isn't some scheme. We're just talking about some private matters with Elder Lu Jing." Guo Ming laughed bitterly.    


Unexpectedly, just as he finished his sentence, Lin Long suddenly shouted, "Seize that person!"    


Hearing Lin Long's words, Guo Ying could not help but be shocked, "Who are you?"    


At this time, he was naturally shocked at Lin Long's status. He actually said such a command to the surrounding people;    


The moment Lin Long said this, Guo Ming, Elder Zhu, and the others surrounded Guo Ying.    


Seeing this, Guo Ying quickly took out a piece of Ice Talisman Paper.    


"Elder Zhu, your attainments in the Ice Talisman paper are weaker than mine. Don't tell me you want to try the power of my rank 2 Ice Talisman paper!" Guo Ying sneered.    


Just as he finished speaking, his expression changed again, because a person walked out from behind Lin Long. It was Lu Jing.    


Lu Jing and Elder Zhu, no matter how powerful he was, he wasn't a match for them.    


"Lu Jing, you're really here. It seems like you're really plotting something!" Guo Ying said coldly.    


"You don't need to know what we're plotting, Elder Guo Ying." Guo Ming said indifferently.    


"Elder Zhu, Guo Ming Feng, aren't you afraid of the Patriarch's punishments for doing this?" Guo Ying sneered.    


"Elder Zhu, there's no need to speak any further nonsense with him. Let's attack!" Lu Jing replied.    


The next moment, having already taken out his cold talisman paper, he started to silently recite the words of the talisman.    


Elder Zhu on the other side was the same, causing Guo Ying to hurriedly activate the Ice Magic Talisman paper in his hand.    


The next moment, waves of cold air started to envelop the entire hall, causing Xiang Rong and Shao Yong, who had already followed them, to hurriedly run out.    


Guo Ying had only activated the second rank Ice Talisman Paper, so how could he be a match for Elder Zhu and Lu Jing? However, Guo Ying had held on for a while and finally lost.    


It was obvious that his attainments in rank 2 Ice Talisman Paper were even greater than Lu Jing's.    


The moment he lost, Lin Long immediately walked forward and asked, "Did you tell anyone else that you saw us entering this branch hall?"    


"How can I tell you this ? "In short, our Guo Family won't let you off if you dare to do such a thing behind your back!" Guo Ying said coldly.    


Lin Long was too lazy to waste his breath on him, he directly placed a restriction on his body.    


Once the restrictions were activated, he quickly begged for mercy, and Lin Long removed the restrictions.    


"I didn't tell anyone else. Originally, I wanted to tell someone else about this, but since there's no one else by my side, I just entered. " Guo Ying said.    


Hearing his words, Lin Long and the others naturally heaved a sigh of relief.    


Lin Long immediately took out a Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill and introduced it's effects. Guo Ying's face naturally became extremely ugly, and like the others, he could only swallow the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill.    


Just who was this person? From the looks of it, the surrounding people were all forced to consume these Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill? After consuming it, many questions naturally arose in his heart.    


However, he didn't dare to voice his doubts in his heart.    


What he did not know was that if it was not for the fact that he had seen the true appearance of Lin Long and the others, Lin Long would definitely have let him consume a Suicide Pills.    


There were no further accidents after he subdued Guo Ying.    


After that, Lin Long decided to just stay in the branch hall, and have Elder Zhu, Lu Jing, and the others teach him, Xiang Rong, Shao Yong, and the two deep cold runes and the ice talisman paper.    


Naturally, the two of them could not stay here forever. Thus, each of them would come here for a period of time every day.    


Unexpectedly, Lu Jing, who had come to see him a day later, had an ugly expression on his face.    


"What, what's the matter?" Lin Long asked.    


"Lin Gongzi, someone is looking for trouble with me." Lu Jing said.    


"Oh, who is it?"    


"That person is our Lu Family's Patriarch Four. Previously, when I brought you into Dingxi City, as well as me, you were noticed by him when you came to this branch hall." Lu Jing said.    


"Oh, so what does he want?" Lin Long asked.    


Obviously, there were others who noticed them besides Guo Ying.    


Lin Long was not surprised by this matter. After all, it was too obvious for them to be wearing bamboo hats inside the city. If they had any intentions to deal with Lu Jing, they would definitely notice it.    


"He wanted to know what was going on, then he wanted to use this matter to coerce me, coerce me to obey him ? If I do not obey, he will tell the family head that I have colluded with the Guo Family and tried to harm the Lu Family. " Lu Jing said.    


"Is that so? Then find a chance to meet with him and take him down!" Lin Long said directly.    


Lin Long was worried that the Fourth Elder would investigate the matter at the Ice Proclamation City and find out about the matter regarding the Valley Stone Village. That would be bad, so he decided to not do anything and take care of the other party first.    


"The Fourth Elder is not weak at all. Her attainments in the second rank Ice Talisman paper are much stronger than mine." Lu Jing immediately said.    


"Is that so? Then we need to call Elder Zhu and Guo Ying." Lin Long said.    


Thinking for a moment, Lu Jing replied, "Then I'll call him to meet us at a slightly more remote teahouse. When the time comes, we'll call in Elder Zhu and Elder Guo Ying."    


After communicating with the Fourth Elder, Lu Jing confirmed that they would meet tomorrow night at the teahouse.    


The fourth elder didn't seem to be worried that Lu Jing would play any tricks, so he gladly made the appointment.    


The next night, Lin Long and the others arrived at the teahouse first, then Lu Jing came over. After Lu Jing came over, he waited for a while before Fourth Elder brought those few people into Lu Jingjing's private room.    


After entering the private room and sitting down, the fourth elder asked casually, "Lu Jing, are you done with your considerations?"    


Lin Long who was hiding in the shadows saw that the Fourth Elder was clearly over fifty years old, but because of his bald head, he looked a little young.    


Lu Jing immediately said, "Fourth Elder, I've already made my decision."    


The moment he finished speaking, Elder Zhu and Guo Ying, who were hiding at the side, came out.    


Seeing the two of them walk out together, the Fourth Elder's expression couldn't help becoming unsightly. He hadn't thought that Lu Jing would actually be able to call the two Guo Family elders over.    


If it was just one person, he would have the confidence to deal with them. However, if these three people attacked at the same time, it would be difficult.    


"Lu Jing, what are you doing?" The fourth master frowned and said coldly.    


"Of course I want to take down you, Fourth Elder." Lu Jing smiled calmly.    



"Lu Jing, you're an elder of the Lu family. You actually want to work with an outsider to deal with my Lu family's fourth elder. Aren't you afraid that once the Patriarch finds out about this, he'll lock you in the dungeon forever?" The fourth elder sneered.    


"If I was afraid, I wouldn't have let them come here." Lu Jing said.    


"I really don't know what you guys are plotting, to actually want to deal with me!" The fourth elder's face had already turned dark.    


To be honest, he never expected Lu Jing to be so bold.    


How would he have known that there was a Lin Long behind Lu Jingbe?    


At this moment, Lu Jing, Elder Zhu, and Guo Ying had already activated the Ice Magic Talisman in their hands. Seeing this situation, even though they knew that they were no match, the Fourth Elder could only muster his courage and activate the Ice Magic Talisman.    


The moment they activated their Ice Magic Talisman, the entire room was filled with bursts of cold energy. Soon after, the entire teahouse was filled with this kind of cold energy.    


It was a good thing that this place was a bit remote, and Lu Jing had already bribed all the people in the teahouse. Thus, he didn't let anyone in the surroundings notice this place.    


Soon, the result was that the Fourth Elder was indeed not a match for Lu Jing and the others.    


Although he had the highest attainments in rank 2 Ice Talisman Paper, he was still unable to match four hands with two fists.    


Seeing him lose, the person following him naturally wanted to escape. It was just that Lin Long, Xiang Rong and Shao Yong couldn't give them a chance.    


They hadn't even run a few steps before they were knocked to the ground.    


The Fourth Elder and the others were controlled by them just like that.    


"Lu Jing, you actually dared to do this. The Patriarch won't forgive you!" Unwilling to give up, the fourth elder said fiercely.    


However, his expression changed very quickly because he discovered that after someone wearing a large bamboo hat did something to him, he was soon in so much pain that he wished he were dead and was rolling on the ground.    


Unable to endure it any longer, he immediately began to beg for mercy.    


The other experts, such as the Fourth Elder, had no choice but to beg for mercy. They didn't dare to utter a single word.    


"Other than you, who else did you tell?" Lin Long asked.    


"No, just me and them." The fourth elder said honestly.    


Hearing his words, Lin Long heaved a sigh of relief, and then took out the Listening Pill and fed it to the Fourth Elder.    


Even though there were only a few Life Listening Pill, in order to not leak any information, he could only let the Fourth Elder take one.    


As for the others, Lin Long had naturally given them the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill.    


And just like that, another problem was solved.    


Although he had lost a few Listening Pill, a few people who could activate the second grade Ice Talisman Paper were working hard for him. Naturally, this made him very satisfied.    


Go to Dingxi City's marketplace and see if there were any ingredients needed to concoct the Listening Life Pill. If there were, he could use the Listening Life Pill at will.    


Previously, due to the lack of materials, he did not have many Listening Pill, but since he was born into this world, he might not necessarily have that kind of material.    


An hour later, Lin Long had Lu Jing bring him to Dingxi City's marketplace.    


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