Star-source Legend

C50 Infinite Chaos(2)

C50 Infinite Chaos(2)

0What he didn't know was that as time passed, he was no longer wary of Star Spirit. Instead, they had become closer.    


In Zhang Fann's opinion, since everything had already happened, he would accept it.    


At least, for now, Star Spirit didn't have any ill intentions towards him.    


"We have wasted a lot of time. Someone outside is calling for you. You should go out and take a look. If there's anything in the future, just speak directly in your heart. I can sense it immediately. "    


At this time, Star Spirit reminded Zhang Fann.    


After that, Zhang Fann's consciousness sank. When he recovered, he found that he was still in the room. Everything was so novel.    


"Fann, are you there? Fann?"    


At this moment, Lee Nian's voice came from outside Zhang Fann's room.    


"Mr. Lee? I'm here. Wait a moment!"    


Zhang Fann hurriedly stood up when he heard the voice. After which, he opened the door.    


"What are you doing in the room by yourself? I knocked on the door for a long time but there was no movement. I thought something had happened to you. If I didn't know that this door was made with the most advanced technology, I would have wanted to barge in "    


Seeing Zhang Fann, Lee Nian lightly pounded Zhang Fann's chest and said worriedly.    


"Sorry, Mr. Lee. Maybe I was too tired, so I didn't hear you clearly. Is there something wrong with you?"    


Zhang Fann smiled and explained when he saw Lee Nian's worried expression.    


"I'm fine. I told Principal Wang about you becoming a martial artist. The school specially rewarded you with 100,000 earth coin. This is for you. The password is six zeros. "    


Lee Nian said directly when he heard what Zhang Fann said. At the same time, he handed a bank card to Zhang Fann.    


"The school is so generous? I have never heard of such a high reward in the school since I was in the first year of high school."    


Zhang Fann was a little surprised when he heard that his school rewarded him with 100,000 earth coin. After all, his school was an ordinary high school that was not famous. Their resources and funds were limited in all aspects.    


This time, he had become a martial artist. The school had rewarded him with 100,000 earth coin. His parents had worked hard for a year or two, but they had not earned so much.    


Could it be that Mr. Lee had told the school about his specific situation?    


"Don't think about it. Regarding your situation, I did not say anything. It was the principal and a student from another school who participated in the test with you who inquired about it.    


The principal is very happy. If it wasn't for my advice, he would have celebrated long ago.    


After all, your test results are far better than others. But even if I didn't say it, some of your news would have already spread.    


Because of you this time, I think the reputation of our Singhua High School will increase a little, and the resources we get will increase a lot.    


Therefore, the reward of 100,000 Huaxia coin is really normal."    


Seeing Zhang Fann's expression, Lee Nian knew that Zhang Fann must have thought that he had leaked all the information, so he quickly explained.    


"I think everyone else knows about my test results.    


This is not a secret. As long as you don't leak any information about me, it will be fine. Otherwise, I might have some trouble."    


Zhang Fann laughed. He didn't care about this. He believed in Lee Nian's character.    


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