Peerless Taoist

C7247 Not Qualified

C7247 Not Qualified

0In the sky above the Governor's Mansion, the dazzling light had already dissipated, and the Heavenly Dao no longer sent down punishment.    


Ji Chenyu had come back to life. The Three Lives Flower was a heaven-defying object, and it had actually forcefully revived the girl who had died.    


Because of the backlash from refining the Heaven-Defying Fate Changing Pill, the backlash had suddenly dissipated. The Heaven and Earth could no longer sense the aura of the Heaven-Defying Fate Changing Pill.    


Everything had been settled. Half of the Governor's Mansion had been turned into ruins because of the fierce attack just now.    


However, no one cared about this. They stared at Lu Yu with their mouths agape. No matter what, they could not figure out what kind of medicine Lu Yu was refining that could cause such a commotion.    


They watched helplessly as the sky was about to be torn apart. Endless punishment descended. In the void, there were even many miraculous illusions. There were many miraculous phenomena in the sky.    


The heavens had descended to punish the person who had defied the heavens and changed his fate. However, Lu Yu had actually withstood the punishment and survived the calamity.    


"This is simply a miracle. Did you guys record it just now? The medicinal pills he refined were definitely extraordinary!" Inside the Wonder Hand Parlor, a shopkeeper said excitedly.    


The other shopkeepers also revealed excited expressions.    


Their Wonder Hand Parlor often dealt with alchemists, so they were the most familiar with the inner details of the medicine.    


Now that they had seen the strange phenomenon that had just appeared, they immediately determined that the medicine that Lu Yu had refined was definitely extraordinary. Otherwise, he would not have created such a heaven-defying scene.    


"Not good, we didn't record it..." Suddenly, a servant cried out in alarm.    


The people beside him immediately looked over and saw that the Mirage Dragon Pearl that was used to record the scene had actually shattered.    


The Mirage Dragon Pearl was a magic tool that could record the scene and replay it. It was extremely common in the cultivation world.    


"How could it be broken? And all of them have shattered..." A shopkeeper muttered to himself. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and a look of disbelief flashed across his face.    


"Could it be that the heavens are angry and don't allow us to record it?"    


For a moment, no one spoke.    


Although every world had its own Heavenly Dao, there was an even higher will that enveloped countless worlds.    


This kind of high-level will would not usually appear. Only when some people did something extremely heaven-defying would it appear.    


Many people had only heard of it, but they had never seen this kind of high-level will appear.    


"Forget it. Did you record the medicinal herbs that he wanted? Go back and look through the medicinal records to see if there are any records." The faces of the shopkeepers revealed a look of disappointment.    


If he could find out what kind of medicine Lu Yu needed, he might be able to follow the clues and find out what kind of medicine Lu Yu was refining.    


However, perhaps they did not know that the medicine Lu Yu refined did not exist in any medicinal book.    


Moreover, the medicinal herbs that Lu Yu had asked for were only a portion of the medicinal herbs needed to refine the Heaven-defying Fate Changing Pill. Even if they racked their brains, they would not be able to think of all the ingredients needed to refine the Fate Changing Pill.    


At this moment, on the other side of Ji Yin City.    


The old man beside Zhou Qin took a deep breath, and a look of shock flashed across his eyes.    


"Did you feel the aura coming from that place just now?" The old man asked.    


Zhou Qin was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "The aura was too sharp. Even the disciple's Spiritual Sense was unable to approach it, and I was unable to sense it."    


The old man nodded his head and said, "Your cultivation level is still not enough. You did not sense the true extraordinary part of that scene just now. This Qin Emperor, Lu Yu, probably has already comprehended the concept of life and death."    


"Life and death concept? Heavenly Realm Level Nine, Life and Death Realm?" Zhou Qin's face immediately flashed with a look of shock.    


In the entire Ten Thousand Mile Alliance, being able to become a True Core Realm was already considered an elder.    


Some of the powerful forces, the various dukes, were only at the True Core Realm. The stronger ones could reach the Tribulation Crossing Realm.    


However, to be able to comprehend the Concept of Life and Death and advance to the Life and Death Realm, it was extremely rare.    


At this realm, one could already be considered to have passed through countless baptisms. His entire person was already fundamentally different from ordinary cultivators, and the strength of his improvement was quite great.    


However, this realm was also the realm with the highest probability of death. From the ancient times until now, countless geniuses had died at the realm of Life and Death.    


Life and Death, it was just a difference of a single thought, and one could fall into an endless purgatory.    


"I clearly sensed that he was also at the False Core Realm, so how could he have comprehended the Concept of Life and Death?" Zhou Qin said in disbelief.    


The old man stroked his beard and took a deep breath. "Although you and him are at the same realm, the difference in strength between the two of you is too great. His foundation is ten times or even a hundred times stronger than yours!"    


Zhou Qin frowned and was about to retort, but when he thought about the scene of Lu Yu's attack, he no longer said anything.    


Zhang Qi, who had come with him, was actually about the same strength as him, but when he faced Lu Yu, he was killed on the spot.    


Zhou Qin asked himself, if he had faced such a backlash from the heavens, he would probably have died a long time ago, and it would be impossible for him to survive.    


"I didn't expect that such a talent would actually appear in such a remote place!" The old man said in a deep voice.    


Zhou Qin suddenly said, "Master, if you have any thoughts, why don't you take him in as your disciple?"    


The old man shook his head. "If his strength is a little weaker, I would like to take him in as my disciple. However, judging from his current performance, I'm afraid that I don't have the qualifications to teach him."    


Zhou Qin was shocked. "You are the Grand Elder of my Ten Thousand Miles Alliance, a powerful warrior at the level of the Quasi King Realm. Are you not qualified to take him as your disciple?"    


"How can it be so easy?"    


The old man smiled bitterly and said, "For such a talent, he can only be considered as a friend of the same generation. I'm afraid that only a powerful warrior at the Eon King Realm can teach him."    


After saying that, the old man instructed Zhou Qin, "Go and prepare some gifts. I want to meet this genius personally."    


After Lu Yu had created such a huge commotion, the entire Ji Yin City fell into an uproar.    


Countless people started to ask around about what kind of medicine Lu Yu had refined that could create such a commotion.    


However, it was fortunate that the Ji Yin Governor, Liu Jian, had already sealed the news. Thus, many people outside were unable to find out.    



No one knew that Lu Yu had already brought Ji Chenyu back to the Jade Emperor Heaven.    


In the Central Planet, beside a beautiful lake, Lu Yu and Ji Chenyu were sitting together and talking softly.    


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